Adobe quitting development of their non-Cloud versions: What do you think?

FlowtographyBerlinFlowtographyBerlin Posts: 477Member
edited May 2013 in General Discussions
Just read this:

The essence: They're not releasing a version 7 of the Creative Suite, but they're gonna make everyone go to the "Cloud" version at a monthly fee of something between 24 and 100 bucks, depending on discounts and version of course.

I hate it when as a customer, you're forced to do something you don't want, and I don't want all this cloud stuff. Financially, I'm not sure if it's that much worse, haven't gone through the plans yet. But while this subscription model is of course great from an Adobe standpoint, I just hate to be that much "connected" to them. Dunno, I guess it's just an emotional thing...

I guess I'm just gonna get the latest version 6 (still on 5.5) and then stay with it as long as possible.

What are your opinions on this?


  • jpeezayjpeezay Posts: 7Member
    I personally have had to use the Cloud version of CS6, simply because they wouldn't give me a student discount (seemed to get tougher on dishing those out) through anyone, and I wasn't ready to cough up something like 1000 USD on the software. In terms of functionality, nothing changed from the previous version I had on CD.

    Having said that, I also hate the whole "cloud" computing thing, and just bought a home NAS to avoid going the cloud direction. Sadly, I think this is the new norm, rather than the exception. I think more and more companies will go this route, so that they can maintain control over their software better. If you read the small print on a lot of the software you may own on CD/DVD, it actually usually says that you are not the owner, but rather just the "user".

    I guess, sooner or later, we will all just be "renting" our lives from various corporateions in various forms. What's next?!?! Pay-as-you-shoot Nikon cams????? ;-)

    Still love Photoshop as a software tool though!

  • jpeezayjpeezay Posts: 7Member
    ... just to add to my post... I am not sure how long Adope supoorts upgrates, but I would guess that sooner or later, they will simply not give you the option of upgrading to a newer verion and you will be forced to go cloud. Having just read your post, I am now tempted to buy the "hard copy" as well.

  • haroldpharoldp Posts: 984Member
    The marketplace is littered with the dead, wounded, and highly reduced remains (IBM, Zerox, AT & T spinoffs etc.) of once dominant companies who believed that their customers had no choices, and they could afford to act entirely in their own interest and really annoy them.
    If customers really hate this new Adobe business model, (I certainly do), competitors will emerge, and business history is remarkably consistent that declines triggered by alienating ones customer base are usually irreversible.

    On a long term basis, all markets are controlled by the buy side unless government action enforces a monopoly.

    We should view this as a shorting opportunity, timing might be tricky.

    ..... H
    D810, D3x, 14-24/2.8, 50/1.4D, 24-70/2.8, 24-120/4 VR, 70-200/2.8 VR1, 80-400 G, 200-400/4 VR1, 400/2.8 ED VR G, 105/2 DC, 17-55/2.8.
    Nikon N90s, F100, F, lots of Leica M digital and film stuff.

  • shawninoshawnino Posts: 453Member
    I'm actually more interested/concerned about the future of LR than PS for my workflow. That said...

    At the risk of coming off like a tinfoil-hat wearing lunatic, I'm not quite sure I trust security in The Cloud. I can put my 50,000 images of my cats there (taken with a D800E, 800mm f/5.6, natch) but I would never store real IP there.

    I understand this isn't exactly storage, but even accessing The Cloud for software makes me uncomfortable. Getting hacked is, in my opinion, a genuine concern.
  • adsads Posts: 93Member
    I'll be sticking with CS6 for a long time it seems.

    The subscription rates are double the current cost of upgrades and we lose perpetuity - Adobe can forget it.
  • dissentdissent Posts: 1,356Member
    Aren't we discussing the same topic on this thread?
    - Ian . . . [D7000, D7100; Nikon glass: 35 f1.8, 85 f1.8, 70-300 VR, 105 f2.8 VR, 12-24 f4; 16-85 VR, 300 f4D, 14E-II TC, SB-400, SB-700 . . . and still plenty of ignorance]
  • FlowtographyBerlinFlowtographyBerlin Posts: 477Member
    So, where to post?
  • FlowtographyBerlinFlowtographyBerlin Posts: 477Member
    I'll be sticking with CS6 for a long time it seems.

    The subscription rates are double the current cost of upgrades and we lose perpetuity - Adobe can forget it.
    Which assumptions are you basing this on (applications/bundle, version, discounts etc.)? I just (thought I) found out that it's actually not more expensive, or even cheaper, and now I have this feeling I miscalculated something...
  • adsads Posts: 93Member
    Upgrades to standard CS are every 18-24 months the last cost $199 - full subscription is gonna be $20 a month or $240 per year

    That's $360-480 over the upgrade cycle, and you have no choice but to pay for the upgrade. With the old licence you could put off the upgrade for a few months or even skip a cycle if cash was a bit tight (which I assume is the reason Adobe is doing it).

    The other issue of course is that there is now zero pressure on Adobe to add sufficient features to make upgrades compelling - they can turn out any old thing knowing their upgrade revenue is guaranteed.
  • haroldpharoldp Posts: 984Member
    Upgrades to standard CS are every 18-24 months the last cost $199 - full subscription is gonna be $20 a month or $240 per year

    That's $360-480 over the upgrade cycle, and you have no choice but to pay for the upgrade. With the old licence you could put off the upgrade for a few months or even skip a cycle if cash was a bit tight (which I assume is the reason Adobe is doing it).

    The other issue of course is that there is now zero pressure on Adobe to add sufficient features to make upgrades compelling - they can turn out any old thing knowing their upgrade revenue is guaranteed.
    good analysis
    D810, D3x, 14-24/2.8, 50/1.4D, 24-70/2.8, 24-120/4 VR, 70-200/2.8 VR1, 80-400 G, 200-400/4 VR1, 400/2.8 ED VR G, 105/2 DC, 17-55/2.8.
    Nikon N90s, F100, F, lots of Leica M digital and film stuff.

  • FlowtographyBerlinFlowtographyBerlin Posts: 477Member
    @ads: That's a good point.

    Money-wise, a full-version step upgrade for the combo I always use (CS Design & Web Premium) is 1000 € here, at no discounts. Right now, the subscription price for Germany is 37 €, which includes an introductory discount for CS5 owners. So, that's less (€888) than buying an upgrade every two years (€999).

    Same goes for the teacher version, which I until now have always been able to get, it's 390€ for the Deisgn & Web Premium bundle. The monthly subscription rate at student conditions is 19€, so that's just a *little* more expensive (456 €) than buying a full version every other year (~€390). Which is ok, since you're always up to date.

    Only this issue with not being able to continue using the software should you want to stop to give Adobe money, that really bugs me. Thinking about getting the non-cloud version one last time... Hm.
  • MsmotoMsmoto Posts: 5,398Moderator
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