I have the Sigma 50mm, f/1.4, and thus far haven't really had the time to play with it. Yesterday I took some pictures and I noticed some focus issues on the pics. I tested it out this morning, and these are the results:
Test using LiveView:

Test using ViewFinder:

I think I see a problem. Does anyone agree, not agree? And, if there is a problem, how do I proceed? I tested my Nikon 14-24mm, Nikon 24-70mm, Nikon 80-400mm, and Nikon 105mm lenses as well, and though I do see some differences when magnifying to say 400%, it is nowhere as obvious as with the Sigma 50mm. Hence I think it is just the Sigma lens / Nikn D800 combination. Should I talk to Nikon or to Sigma?
I choose the Sigma because of the good reviews I read on the web. I guess if/when I go for a 85mm, I'll stick to Nikon.
Looks like you may have to send the lens in to be re-calibrated. Sigma is notorious for being out of focus on the 50mm.
And, what is the coloration called; it is practically redish compared to a black LV shoot...
You can use the downloadable Focus Test Chart, it does the job perfectly. For many of my photographer friends, the first thing to do when they get a new lens is adjusting AF fine tune – for me too meanwhile.
BTW: When you're adjusting the AF fine tune, mind the focus shift! Most lenses shift focus quite a bit when stopped down. Never used the Sigma, but it would be very strange if it was an exception. As a compromise, you can calibrate at an aperture of 2.8 or so.
You can find a logic for arguing for one way or the other. The thing is, at f/1.4, even the Sigma won't be tack sharp even if calibrated, while at f/8 it will. In my experience, f/2.8 is a good compromise.
BTW, you only need the last page of that PDF, and do read the brief instructions. Getting the (easy) setup right does make a difference for a stress-free calibration.
I can appreciate that wide open even the Sigma won't be tack-sharp, but at least it will be better than right now (see my pics above). I think I will try to calibrate first at f/1.4, or perhaps f/1.8. After all, it was because of this capability I got the lens in the first place.
If you really want to be messing with focus shift and fine tune - I would suggest picking up Lens Align. That is what I use to fine tune lenses and it makes sure everything is lined up correctly. At 1.4 it is really easy to miss-tune it if you have stuff off just ever so slightly and make things worse.
I looked it up, looks like the conciseness was at f/5.6 - f/7.
http://www.dpreview.com/lensreviews/sigma_50_1p4_c16/5 gives the easiest view to see it.
Of Sigma's lenses, only the 35mm 1.4 hit it's sharpest at f/4. Diffraction entered in by f/8 which is lower than most.
Take that Focus Test Chart, fine-tune at f/1.4, and then stop down to f/5.6 or so and see where the focus is. To check the practical downside, just leave your camera on the tripod and shoot a non-moving subject at f/5.6 or something at a typical distance that you want to use the lens for, one time use the AF (that you fine tuned to f/1.4) and one time use Live View. Compare the images and see how much sharpness you miss at 5.6 and if it matters to you.
You can repeat the same thing with calibrating at 2.8 and comparing the results at 1.4 and 5.6 and 8.
It's a little flddling around, but no calibration system will get rid of the focus shift on your lens – you will have to compromise and just have to decide where.