2013 Photographic Goals



  • Swame_spSwame_sp Posts: 58Member
    Here are my goals for 2013:

    - More night photography
    - Low light with flash - photography
    - water drop/smoke photos
    - Light painting...etc
    - Construct a website

    To do the above, i need:
    - Tripod/ball head...etc
    - nikon flash
    - more creativity on the website development.
    - quality time for the above

    I hope to achieve all the above in this year.

    Happy shooting... Oops, I was referring to shoot with camera....  :)>-
  • macsavageg4macsavageg4 Posts: 75Member
    edited January 2013
    My goals are many and hopefully I'll be able to accomplish a decent amount of them.

    1)  Finally get my solar filter out and put it on my brothers Mead 125XT and get some frame filling D800 shots with it.
    2)  Some fisheye star trail shots.
    3)  Some macro work with my bellows and the enlarger lenses... Really want to do some insect pictures this year
    4) Long exposure nebula/planetary pictures with whatever scope I have at hand.  Would prefer the Mead 125XT for this job.
    5)  Some random wildlife photos just because I haven't really done to much of that.
    6)  Some awesome lightning shots and if I can get storm spotter trained and talk to some people I know who take storm shots for a living see about tagging with them to see how they do it.  Oh yeah get the proper sensors for my Camera Axe to have that help with the lightning pictures.  Manual is all well and good but the D800 and just my reaction times aren't as awesome as the Camera Axe.  That will do it with a higher hit rate provided I have the proper sensors.
    7)  Actually get decent with my portrait pictures.  I have been told I do good work but I know I can improve a lot on what I have done so far.
    8)  Finally get out my 35mm f/2.8 PC and try some architectural pictures with it.
    9)  If I can acquire the goodies try some micro photography.
    10)  Learn more of the abilities of the cameras I have.  I know they can do a lot more than I have been doing with them.

    Its a list of 10 that hopefully I can get a decent amount done on if all goes well.  This year is gonna be great I think.

    11) Forgot to add this one.  Figure out how to repair some Nikon flash units and some of the AF-S lenses.
    Post edited by macsavageg4 on
  • SkintBritSkintBrit Posts: 79Member
    To earn enough from my existing equipment to replace my cameras with three shiny new D4"s"s! I'll let you know how I get on %%-
    D3s's D700 F100 / Trinity 2.8 Zooms & 1.4 Primes / 105 micro. SB900s with Pocket Wizard Flex TT5 / Mini TT1s. Camranger remote control system.
  • I've decided that I must stop visiting Ren Kockwells site just to laugh at the rubbish he spurts out every day.

    It used to be amusing - until I realised that there are actually people out there who believe him... :-t

  • ChromiumPrimeChromiumPrime Posts: 84Member
    You know what I just thought?

    It would be really nice if we bring this thread back to life by the end of 2013 to see and compare how much of our goals we got accomplished. :-?
    Way too much gear & way too few photos :-O
  • spraynprayspraynpray Posts: 6,545Moderator
    macsavage will be under pressure now X_X
    Always learning.
  • macsavageg4macsavageg4 Posts: 75Member
    macsavage will be under pressure now X_X
    Yeah.. The reason I mostly wasn't able to get a lot of that done this year was lousy weather and location to skies that aren't light polluted like mad. So yeah some pressure now but at least it should all be lots of fun.
  • lora12fanlora12fan Posts: 15Member
    I know that is exactly what i need to do... and my goal is to take the time this year to do that!!! thanks so much for the quick lesson!!!
  • chevypowerchevypower Posts: 2Member
    My new years resolution is 24 mp, full-frame. Sorry, couldn't resist. :)
  • MsmotoMsmoto Posts: 5,398Moderator
    OK, a real goal is to get some nice landscapes. And, go ahead with some nice model shots, high and low key....
    Msmoto, mod
  • chrisjakeschrisjakes Posts: 43Member

    I've decided that I must stop visiting Ren Kockwells site just to laugh at the rubbish he spurts out every day.

    It used to be amusing - until I realised that there are actually people out there who believe him... :-t
    what does he talk about? does he have a blog or something?

  • chrisjakeschrisjakes Posts: 43Member
    I'd also like to enter a photo in the County Fair haha
  • He does indeed have a site here - full of somewhat dubious opinions and 'facts', hence my comments. This guy thinks he invented everything - Internet, photography, electricity etc. - quite amusing sometimes...

  • proudgeekproudgeek Posts: 1,422Member
    For my birthday in December, a friend of mine who used to work as an art buyer and as an instructor at a fairly well known photography program is going to help me organize my work to put on my first show, something I've dreamed of doing since I picked up my first camera in 1976.
  • crizmancrizman Posts: 27Member
    Hoping for more Time to go out & shoot
  • blandbland Posts: 812Member
    My goal is to get more serious when shooting and shoot quality instead of quantity.
  • tcole1983tcole1983 Posts: 981Member
    Gosh so far it is to take pictures at all! Although this is always a slow time of year for me. Everything is dead and ugly here in the winter...that and the weather has been less then great to get out.

    Not sure I have any goals though...started a new job and so far it has been a bit hectic with the new schedule and all...I might get to travel some though which could lead to some photo opportunities.
    D5200, D5000, S31, 18-55 VR, 17-55 F2.8, 35 F1.8G, 105 F2.8 VR, 300 F4 AF-S (Previously owned 18-200 VRI, Tokina 12-24 F4 II)
  • For my birthday in December, a friend of mine ... is going to help me organize my work to put on my first show, something I've dreamed of doing since I picked up my first camera in 1976.
    Congratulations and good luck!

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited January 2013
    Last year 2012, as everybody know now, the world ended, a big apocalyps, everybody wrote about it daily, there is even a film made.

    It was the best opportunity in a long long time, I leave the world as it ended, go for a brand new start and I don't make the same mistrakes, sorry mistakes, as I made in the old world .... ok, maybe a couple of small ones.

    The best start: As an upgrade for my good old Nikon D300, I bought myself a Nikon D600 yesterday, Jippie.
    Post edited by [Deleted User] on
    Those who say it can't be done, should not interrupt those doing it!
  • rschnaiblerschnaible Posts: 308Member
    For my birthday in December, a friend of mine who used to work as an art buyer and as an instructor at a fairly well known photography program is going to help me organize my work to put on my first show, something I've dreamed of doing since I picked up my first camera in 1976.
    Sounds like fun... let us know how it turns out!
  • adamzadamz Posts: 842Moderator
    get more $$$ from shooting this what I don't like so I could go to places where I can shoot what I like :)
  • rschnaiblerschnaible Posts: 308Member
    I'd also like to enter a photo in the County Fair haha
    Do it! And let us know what happens....
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