So, I've been shooting with a D200 for about 5 years now. I started with an 18-200 and eventually sold it, I've found I'm a prime person

and shoot with mostly my 35mm f/1.8 now but also my 50mm f/1.8. I'm considering a 10-24 as well down the line. I'm not pro, but I am what I would consider a "serious hobbyist" I guess? I do portrait photography sessions, mostly newborn sessions but also sometimes babies and children.

Anyway... the D200 is outdated. Very. I've been frustrated with it's low-light performance since pretty much the beginning and when shooting natural light newborn sessions in someone's house where you can't much control how much light is available, it's a big issue. Nikon has increased the performance of their cameras, specifically in low-light, SO MUCH since the D200 came out and I think it's time to jump ship. I'm seriously looking at the D7100 and I think it's everything I need, but I'm feeling a bit weird about what feels like taking a step back - of course the D7100 is far superior to the D200, but it is more of a regular consumer class camera rather than the D200's "prosumer" class camera. I think I'm getting the impression that I would have less control with a D7100 than I do currently with my D200? Incorrect or correct hypothesis? I could look at the D600 also, but that's a MUCH bigger investment, not just for the body but also to upgrade all my glass from DX to FX. I'm not doing paid shoots NEARLY enough to put that much into my gear, I think? (I've moved twice in the last 18 months and haven't done a shoot in that time and have no current client base at all.)
So... step "down" to the 7100 or not? (And os it really a step down?)
There are many topics that cover the D7100 on our by all means click away and read what the owners have to say.
What you really want (so do tons of us) is a D400. but that is up to a year away. if it comes at all. or it may be announced in september ! I got the D7000 to tide me over waiting for the D400.
Other options are .
* A D300S but that is fairly old tech now.
* A D600 - same handling as a D700/D7100 but the best High ISO nikon except for the D4 and D3S. You can still use it in DX mode with better MP than your D200. and take your time to get the FX lenses.
* A D800 - in terms of handling its the same level or above your D200. Price wise its really similar to your D200 was if you take inflation into account. and you seem to be the type of person who would be using it for the next 5 years or more anyway.. so it would be good value. especially if you get a refurbished one.
Being a photographer is a lot like being a Christian: Some people look at you funny but do not see the amazing beauty all around them - heartyfisher.
I've shot with many higher end cameras, from the D200 (sold), D300 (paper weight), D700 (current backup) and the D800 (primary), so I can understand your position. Going from one of those cameras to another has been a smooth transition, with some improvements along the way. If you are going to go FX and don't like the inferior consumer control layout the D800 may be the camera of choice. You just have to decide if you really need all those megapixels, just for the sake of having the controls you are familiar with. For me there was no real choice, the D600 is plagued with sensor dust and oil issues, on top of having inferior controls and build quality.
Being a photographer is a lot like being a Christian: Some people look at you funny but do not see the amazing beauty all around them - heartyfisher.
About handling, people mostly complain that the ISO/WB/QUAL buttons are "inconveniently" on the back of the camera (instead of on the top). Mark of a consumer body, they say. Well guess what, on the flagship D4, these buttons are also on the back.
If, Nikon comes out with a D400, this is the replacement and should have the same ergonomics as the D200. Performance wise, the D7100 should be everything one wants in today's world. But, if you have done well with a D200 to date, I think I might wait a few months at least and see if Nikon introduces a D400 before the end of the year.
I completely get the body size/controls and I can't get over the differences when I drop down to a D7000/7100. Good camera's but jusssst different enough to be really annoying. I have been using my D300 as a backup/2nd camera and would like to upgrade it. A D700 (or even a D3) is a real option to look at.
D400 - been waiting for 3 years, so I went to a D800 (for multiple reasons) but would like the crop for some sports stuff. I doubt it will be a DX low light king like many hope for (but much better than the D200 for sure.)