I recently posted a shot on Flickr which went over 12,000 views in a few days. I suspect at least someone grabbed the image at 2000 pixels and printed it. However, the issue at my age is....so what. I suspect if it were used commercially I might get upset, but the Exif data would be clear it was mine.
So I guess you aren't upset?
Is photography your bread and butter? If not I would understand.
I wouldn't even have a problem with people printing my photos, my problem is that it's not their's to begin with. At the very least I would want recognition.
I stopped posting photos on Facebook, and I think Flickr has better terms than them so I think Flickr is slightly safer.
I recently posted a shot on Flickr which went over 12,000 views in a few days. I suspect at least someone grabbed the image at 2000 pixels and printed it.
Likely got "Explored" and spread like wildfire. I've gotten a few of those lately and a lot of people click to save it to their favorites - which makes me wonder if any printing it going on at all. Just saying that if I were to print even half of my Flickr favorites it'd be financially detrimental to me.
So... you Flickr people... knowing so many people can enjoy your photos, have you been tempted to upload the popular ones to stock image sites?
I think I would be tempted...
I was looking into that but heard that it's way more difficult than one might imagine to even get in the door. Essentially, everything that you think you can send to them has already been sent to them a million times, so the assessors are exxxxxtreeeemely picky. There's also some rule that I heard that they must chose 3 or your photos before they even give you the nod, thus making it even more difficult to get in.
This is why my best work seldom makes it online at all...
“To photograph is to hold one’s breath, when all faculties converge to capture fleeting reality. It’s at that precise moment that mastering an image becomes a great physical and intellectual joy.” - Bresson
Is photography your bread and butter? If not I would understand.
I wouldn't even have a problem with people printing my photos, my problem is that it's not their's to begin with. At the very least I would want recognition.
I stopped posting photos on Facebook, and I think Flickr has better terms than them so I think Flickr is slightly safer.
And, I have set up my Flickr account so anyone can obtain an original image at from 1,000 to 3,000 pixel size with a copyright embedded.
I make no money from my images, even if used commercially. All funds must go to a charitable (501(3)c in US) organization.
I think I would be tempted...
... And no time to use them.