I bought my D800 3/10/2012.
In this year I started shooting in a studio with profoto lighting. And after a few weeks I got the ERR. It got locked up so bad that
I took it in for Nikon and they replaced the complete shutter unit(as that was the fault, they stated). This was about 2 months ago.
No again today I used my Pocket Wizards and 10 photos into the shoot. I got the ERR again and my photos are completely over exposed
when getting the message.
Now it is past the 1 year warrenty. I hope to get it back to Nikon tomorrow, but this is realy frustrating!!
Any one know about a fix or had the problem. When using a trigger?
I would also suspect your Pocket Wizard 'spiking' your D800's electronics so I would talk to them about that possibility.
I am sure their must be something wrong with the hot shoe receiver on the camera. But I dont know enough about the inside of the camera.