You might be interested in Ben Long's course in night time and low light photography at He deals with both flash and existing light techniques.
Jack Roberts "Discovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what nobody else has thought"--Albert Szent-Gyorgy
A usefull figure to keep in your mind is iso 100 at F8 needs 1 sec for street lighting /night scenes variations of that eg 100iso f2.8 needs 1/8 sec or iso 1600 f2.8 1/60.....but you are best just to set the auto iso to 100-6400 and adjust the f stop with a minimum you can hold say 1/15 if you have VR
This low light stuff requires like most unique situations, a lot of practice. And, i am still doing that. The subject is generally what determines everything else. It is easy to grab static subjects, not so easy, or at least requires some actual thinking, to grab objects which may be in motion….. like people.
I fail a lot in low light, but learn what not to do each time… LOL My point is, go do it, learn.
for some reason, in the UK, the new iPad app is listed under: M for "Manual Viewer" not N for "Nikon Manual Viewer"
You might be interested in Ben Long's course in night time and low light photography at
He deals with both flash and existing light techniques.
"Discovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what nobody else has thought"--Albert Szent-Gyorgy
variations of that eg 100iso f2.8 needs 1/8 sec or iso 1600 f2.8 1/60.....but you are best just to set the auto iso to 100-6400 and adjust the f stop with a minimum you can hold say 1/15 if you have VR
I fail a lot in low light, but learn what not to do each time… LOL My point is, go do it, learn.