Buy D7100 or D610 for Real Estate?

PaRealtorPaRealtor Posts: 95Member
edited December 2013 in Nikon DSLR cameras
Real estate in the Pennsylvania area is beginning to pick up. I need to upgrade my camera.
Now, my question is, do I go for the d610 with a wide lens or stay in my amateur lane and buy the d7100? Also, dx or fx wide angle lens? Looks like from the reviews, the 14-24 is the best for real estate.

One more it now or wait until after CES show in Las Vegas?
Post edited by PaRealtor on


  • PB_PMPB_PM Posts: 4,494Member
    Either will serve you well, but if you are going to be working with wide angle lenses often FX might be the way to go.
    If I take a good photo it's not my camera's fault.
  • Golf007sdGolf007sd Posts: 2,840Moderator
    edited December 2013
    Short and sweet: D610, 14-24 2.8, buy now and take advantage of promotions running for X-mas.

    As for where to buy your gear: Don't go to Best Buy...look at Amazon, Adorama, B&H or J&R or if you have a local camera shop, go there.
    Post edited by Golf007sd on
    D4 & D7000 | Nikon Holy Trinity Set + 105 2.8 Mico + 200 F2 VR II | 300 2.8G VR II, 10.5 Fish-eye, 24 & 50 1.4G, 35 & 85 1.8G, 18-200 3.5-5.6 VR I SB-400 & 700 | TC 1.4E III, 1.7 & 2.0E III, 1.7 | Sigma 35 & 50 1.4 DG HSM | RRS Ballhead & Tripods Gear | Gitzo Monopod | Lowepro Gear | HDR via Promote Control System |
  • heartyfisherheartyfisher Posts: 3,192Member
    edited December 2013
    10-24 + d5300 + sb700 + good tripod. You want to be selling not wasting your time photographing.
    Post edited by heartyfisher on
    Moments of Light - D610 D7K S5pro 70-200f4 18-200 150f2.8 12-24 18-70 35-70f2.8 : C&C very welcome!
    Being a photographer is a lot like being a Christian: Some people look at you funny but do not see the amazing beauty all around them - heartyfisher.

  • PB_PMPB_PM Posts: 4,494Member
    edited December 2013
    In real estate a photo can make a big difference, it not something to be rushed. I sure wouldn't want to do it with a single flash. It also depends on what aspect of real estate. If you are an agent sure, some quick, but good quality snaps are okay. On the other hand, if you are a photographer working for an agent, it's a totally different ball game.
    Post edited by PB_PM on
    If I take a good photo it's not my camera's fault.
  • heartyfisherheartyfisher Posts: 3,192Member
    edited December 2013
    You would be surprised how good a single flash can be .. :-)

    from a long time ago around 2007 D70 +SB800 +12-24 Yeah I have improved but I don't do Realestate these days and I don't have any of the more recent ones on the web.. sorry..
    Post edited by heartyfisher on
    Moments of Light - D610 D7K S5pro 70-200f4 18-200 150f2.8 12-24 18-70 35-70f2.8 : C&C very welcome!
    Being a photographer is a lot like being a Christian: Some people look at you funny but do not see the amazing beauty all around them - heartyfisher.

  • MsmotoMsmoto Posts: 5,398Moderator
    D610 + 14-24mm = $4,000
    D7100 + 10-24mm = $1900
    Tripod + head approx $500

    Unless you are going to do larger than 24" x 35" prints, the difference is almost unnoticeable.
    Msmoto, mod
  • sevencrossingsevencrossing Posts: 2,800Member
    edited December 2013
    I do a bit a real estate with a D800 and the 16 -35 f4

    advantages of Fx
    IMHO - better dynamic range, gives you more flexibility for dodging and burning in post ( I use Lightroom)
    yes I know - get right in camera, but sometimes I don't

    Client may tell you they only want a small jpeg for the web site, then decide they want a big poster for the office

    client wants you to crop the original

    Your images will be just that little bit better, than the DIY job, done by someone shooting dx
    Post edited by sevencrossing on
  • sevencrossingsevencrossing Posts: 2,800Member
    edited December 2013
    the difference is almost unnoticeable.
    almost, but there will be a difference

    Who is the client going to use you or the guy whose images are just that little bit better ?

    In the UK high end real estate, is a very completive business

    looking at hearty's pic the bathroom would be OK but today in the UK the kitchen would IMHO only just be acceptable for the lower end of the market
    Post edited by sevencrossing on
  • heartyfisherheartyfisher Posts: 3,192Member
    edited December 2013
    True .. but that was some of the my first, taken 6-7 years ago .. :-) on a 6MP camera.. with DR about 4-5 stops less than the 24MP D5300 ...

    And I assumed the the OP is a Real Estate Agent not a real estate photographer... I would recommend a way different kit for a real estate photographer !
    Post edited by heartyfisher on
    Moments of Light - D610 D7K S5pro 70-200f4 18-200 150f2.8 12-24 18-70 35-70f2.8 : C&C very welcome!
    Being a photographer is a lot like being a Christian: Some people look at you funny but do not see the amazing beauty all around them - heartyfisher.

  • sevencrossingsevencrossing Posts: 2,800Member
    edited December 2013
    And I assumed the the OP is a Real Estate Agent not a real estate photographer... !
    Ah yes
    in which case, I recommend he use a real photographer :)

    Post edited by sevencrossing on
  • spraynprayspraynpray Posts: 6,545Moderator
    Wow, I have read some arrogant stuff, but that takes this months prize. :-q

    @PaRealtor: Msmoto's post tells it like it is. If you can't get decent pictures with the gear she mentioned, you will not get it with the FX gear either. End of story, end of BS.
    Always learning.
  • sevencrossingsevencrossing Posts: 2,800Member
    edited December 2013
    Wow, I have read some arrogant stuff, but that takes this months prize. :-q

    are you referring to me by any chance :)

    If any my posts have offended anyone I will happily delete them

    Post edited by sevencrossing on
  • spraynprayspraynpray Posts: 6,545Moderator
    Yes seven, it was directed at you.

    "in which case, I recommend he use a real photographer"

    I don't find it offensive, but I do find it to show breath-taking arrogance.

    If we go down that road, nobody will ever go pro or diversify, they must just leave it all to the 'real photographers'?

    If it were a joke, I apologise - but in my defence it read (before edit) like you were serious.
    Always learning.
  • PB_PMPB_PM Posts: 4,494Member
    edited December 2013
    I agree, somewhat.
    Post edited by PB_PM on
    If I take a good photo it's not my camera's fault.
  • PhotobugPhotobug Posts: 5,751Member
    edited December 2013
    Short and sweet: D610, 14-24 2.8, buy now and take advantage of promotions running for X-mas.

    As for where to buy your gear: Don't go to Best Buy...look at Amazon, Adorama, B&H or J&R or if you have a local camera shop, go there.
    Yes, agree with Golf recommendation and especially with the holiday sales. Last time I looked B&H was giving 4% back. You wait about 60 days and you get an email from B&H with the rebate number and how to use it for your next purchase. Just remember when you log on to their web site, create an account first and be sure to sign up for their loyality program....that gets you the 4% back on future purchase. Then select what you want to buy and it goes into your cart. If you put it in the cart first without creating your account you will not get the 4% back. And right now many of the sites are providing free merchandise that you can use or sell on Craig's List or eBay.

    Post edited by Photobug on
    D750 & D7100 | 24-70 F2.8 G AF-S ED, 70-200 F2.8 AF VR, TC-14E III, TC-1.7EII, 35 F2 AF D, 50mm F1.8G, 105mm G AF-S VR | Backup & Wife's Gear: D5500 & Sony HX50V | 18-140 AF-S ED VR DX, 55-300 AF-S G VR DX |
    |SB-800, Amaran Halo LED Ring light | MB-D16 grip| Gitzo GT3541 + RRS BH-55LR, Gitzo GM2942 + Sirui L-10 | RRS gear | Lowepro, ThinkTank, & Hoodman gear | BosStrap | Vello Freewave Plus wireless Remote, Leica Lens Cleaning Cloth |
  • PhotobugPhotobug Posts: 5,751Member
    Msmoto suggests:
    D610 + 14-24mm = $4,000
    D7100 + 10-24mm = $1900
    Tripod + head approx $500

    I really believe that a D7100 + 10-24 lens will work for most people unless you are in NYC, LA, Chicago, Boston, etc. It's competitive in those big cities and you need any advantage you can get. From the two homes I did with my D300 and a 17-55 2.8 there were no complaints from the realtor or home owner.

    You do need the tripod with a good ball head. Also you need to add an external flash, SB-910, approx $500-550. Rebates are available around the holidays. One flash works most of the time but there will be occasions you will need more light.
    D750 & D7100 | 24-70 F2.8 G AF-S ED, 70-200 F2.8 AF VR, TC-14E III, TC-1.7EII, 35 F2 AF D, 50mm F1.8G, 105mm G AF-S VR | Backup & Wife's Gear: D5500 & Sony HX50V | 18-140 AF-S ED VR DX, 55-300 AF-S G VR DX |
    |SB-800, Amaran Halo LED Ring light | MB-D16 grip| Gitzo GT3541 + RRS BH-55LR, Gitzo GM2942 + Sirui L-10 | RRS gear | Lowepro, ThinkTank, & Hoodman gear | BosStrap | Vello Freewave Plus wireless Remote, Leica Lens Cleaning Cloth |
  • shawninoshawnino Posts: 453Member
    To the OP: Much sage advice here. Yesterday I posted in another thread how my D800E & 20mm f/2.8 got blown out of a low-res assignment because I didn't look the part of a real photographer, so I won't re-hash that, but I will say this:

    whether it's the D7100, the D610, or some other combination (unless you're printing big, I wouldn't rule out the D7000; if you are, there's a thin argument for the D800), any modern DSLR body and pro/prosumer wide lens will get you there if your skill level is up to it. If your craft isn't good enough, a $40K Hassy won't do. I hope you have good technique. Even if you are rock-steady, a tripod is a wise buy.

    Strictly as an aside, the people I know who have tried both seem to prefer the 12-24 over the 10-24, but I haven't spent any time with either.
  • MsmotoMsmoto Posts: 5,398Moderator
    I would suspect the end use of the images is what would determine if one uses an architectural photographer or if one grabs the image oneself. As no lighting was requested, I would guess the photos were to be primarily reference only and not to be used as a single add in a piece of media.

    Here are simple "snapshots" of a house I have for sale, pretty straight forward with some post processing to even things out.

    All could have been done with a D7100 and any of the wide DX lenses. A suggested tripod: Induro Alloy 8M AT413 Tripod with Induro BHL1 Ball Head
    Msmoto, mod
  • sevencrossingsevencrossing Posts: 2,800Member
    edited December 2013

    If we go down that road, nobody will ever go pro or diversify, they must just leave it all to the 'real photographers'?

    my point is that
    If the OP is a professional or would be professional photographer
    then my advice is go for the best, which IMHO means FX

    If the OP is a professional Real Estate Agent, then he should also go for the best
    which in IMHO means hiring a professional photographer

    I suppose it depends what type of Real estate he is in

    My experience, based on the UK student letting business, is that first class photography does give an advantage in a very completive industry

    Post edited by sevencrossing on
  • PhotobugPhotobug Posts: 5,751Member
    Nice pictures Msmoto. Thanks for sharing. For the money the Induro tripod and ball head will serve well for many years based upon a friend who has beat up his Induro a lot..
    D750 & D7100 | 24-70 F2.8 G AF-S ED, 70-200 F2.8 AF VR, TC-14E III, TC-1.7EII, 35 F2 AF D, 50mm F1.8G, 105mm G AF-S VR | Backup & Wife's Gear: D5500 & Sony HX50V | 18-140 AF-S ED VR DX, 55-300 AF-S G VR DX |
    |SB-800, Amaran Halo LED Ring light | MB-D16 grip| Gitzo GT3541 + RRS BH-55LR, Gitzo GM2942 + Sirui L-10 | RRS gear | Lowepro, ThinkTank, & Hoodman gear | BosStrap | Vello Freewave Plus wireless Remote, Leica Lens Cleaning Cloth |
  • MsmotoMsmoto Posts: 5,398Moderator

    Thanks, did you notice how I cleverly removed my image from the mirror? :))
    Msmoto, mod
  • Vipmediastar_JZVipmediastar_JZ Posts: 1,708Member
    nice house i like it
  • IronheartIronheart Posts: 3,017Moderator

    Thanks, did you notice how I cleverly removed my image from the mirror? :))
    Perhaps you are a vampire and this is the first evidence. Did you composite an image or just use the healing brush like one million times?

  • donaldejosedonaldejose Posts: 3,890Member
    As usual, Msmoto is correct.
  • PaRealtorPaRealtor Posts: 95Member
    Perfect!!! I've learned so much!
    Love taking photos and my clients are well pleased with my photos from my Canon , however, after taking photos with a Nikon, nothing compares!!
    The advise all of you shared is priceless. Will get a tripod too!! After reading all of your post, looks like the 610 would be best.
    Thought about hiring a professional, however, I Love taking photos and my clients love my pictures. So, why Not invest my money in a camera? My listings are $489,000 (under contract) & $479,999. Yet, another agent in our Office has 2 listings between $800,000 & $899,999 and she take her pictures with a Nikon 3000.

    Msmoto, thank you for the photos!!! You too heartyfisher!!!
    All others, thanks for adding your two cents about the lens, tripods and pricing!!! I haven't ruled out the D7100.
    After I check out internet pricing (like you told me too) I'll Make a decision and purchase one this, anything you want to add, I'm listening!!!!!

    Thanks again!!!
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