D5200 or D3300

dmcd1963dmcd1963 Posts: 1Member
edited July 2014 in Nikon DSLR cameras
Like a number of people I have read countless reviews on both cameras but cannot make up my mind which to buy. I would be taking mainly pictures at football (soccer) matches. Would the extra focal points on the 5200 be a great advantage or none at all or should I go for the 3300 and the extra sharpness and put any money I would save to another lens? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • jjb930jjb930 Posts: 80Member
    edited July 2014
    The answer depends on a few things:

    1) Budget? $600, $1000, $1500?
    2) What's your experience with DSLR?

    The friendly user guide on the 3300 is definitely going to help teach you a few things if you don't have any experience with DSLRs. You also get the 18-55mm kit lens with the 3300 for around the price that the 5200 (body only). Both will take great pictures, but as you mentioned, the focus system on the 5200 is better and will benefit you in the long run.

    For sports like soccer, you will also benefit from a telephoto lens. The three consumer options from Nikon are the 55-200, 55-300, or the 70-300. The 70-300 VR is the best quality, but also the most costly (~ $400-$550 depending on promos). The 55-200 (~ $250) can often be bundled with either the 3300 or 5200 for additional savings.
    Post edited by jjb930 on
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  • IronheartIronheart Posts: 3,017Moderator
    I personally like the vari-angle flip screen on the D5X00 series. It is great for so many things.
  • PistnbrokePistnbroke Posts: 2,451Member
    never go for an outdated model unless it exactly fits your requirements and is cheap ...5300 would be your best bet with a grey market 18-140
  • donaldejosedonaldejose Posts: 3,887Member
    I would tend to agree that one should always buy the current generation body because it generally has a new sensor and/or processor/software which often gives you about one stop better image quality. However, this isn't always true. Sometimes the "new" model has very few changes such as the D600 to D610. So do some research and see if the "new" model really does contain a new sensor generation. That probably makes the most difference. The Nikon D5300 does seem to offer about one stop better image quality than the D5200 but the same as the Nikon D3300. So the D5200 should be eliminated and the choice made between the D3300 and the D5300 based upon features.
  • limeblulimeblu Posts: 34Member
    edited July 2014
    Hey everyone, how are ya? I bought my D5200 when it first came out and can honestly say it has been a fantastic camera, with no issues at all. I bought it with the 18-55 and the 55-200 and I later purchased the 50mm 1.8G which I love. As far as the 55-200 It sits and never gets used, It is loud, clunky and it is like a rocket launcher going off when I shoot with it, not sure if its just the lens I got but I must say I dislike it very much. I would say the 18-55 VR is the best lens. I use it for everything and it is nice and sharp, great for just walking around with and not having to switch lenses. As far as gps and the added wifi on the 5300, I bought the wifi addon for the 5200 and have never unwrapped it. I just do what 90% of shooters do and use my card and load images to comp. that way. I will be moving to FF very soon, and I do wish I had bought the 7100 for the obvious bonuses it comes with, and really would have only had to have saved very little more. Sorry so long, but If you do go D5200 for the savings over the 5300 you really will not be missing much. If you want something that can give you crisp, sharp images with an incredibly useful articulated rear screen then have no fear , the 5200 with not let you down in any way. It will do what you want when you want with style and grace!
    Post edited by limeblu on
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