I don't think this question belongs in the general tread on the D810.
First let me admit I have read Thom Hogan's manual for the D800. I do not have his D810 manual yet. Second let me admit that my eyes glaze over after only two or three paragraphs. And last let me admit that I have never used the D810 Custom Setting menu items.
Now, with that context, "how do I maximize the use of Face Detection on a D810?" In the past I used single point focus and focused on the nearest eye. It seemed to work in "P", "A" and "M" modes. But I wonder if there is a better, more automated way.
Robert M. Poston: D4, D810, V3, 14-24 F2.8, 24-70 f2.8, 70-200 f2.8, 80-400, 105 macro.
Is it possible to get some indication through the eye level viewfinder?
Are there some settings of the "Auto Focus Servo Modes" and "Autofocus Area Modes" that maximize Face detection?
Tell the group you will count backward to zero. When you get to zero they are supposed to smile. Then you start counting: 99, .---98,--- 97. At 97 they are all smiling.
Sometimes I think you'd be better off shooting paint balls at them
Photographing large groups increases my appreciation for landscape photography. ~X(
Hi rmp,
Re face detection in View Finder, in addition to what you said above, I believe the face recognition only work on faces within the AF coverage. Also note if part of the face is blocked, i.e by hand or hat, the camera may not able to detect face. I discovered this when shooting my daughter. Took few shots in the same scenes (a bit back lighting) in matrix metering. The one with part of her face covered by hand was under exposed on the face, the rest were well exposed to her face. This was with d800 where the face detection is always on.