Dear all,
Yesterday I received my long awaited Nikon 20/1.8 for DSLR. It turned out to be my first Nikon lens

. Before I was using the Sigma on Canon but never was happy with the lens wide open or for landscape due to corner-weaknesses.
Now I briefly tested the new nikon-lens. I was pleased with contrast and sharpness wide open - reason enough perhaps to keep it. But even stopped down to roughly f9 I was unable to get subjects at infinity to be equally sharp in the center AND in the corners. When I refocused for corner-sharpness, the corners looked alright but the center is out of focus. Seems like for landscapes, I would have to work with multiple focal-layers - a big inconvenience. However, that was just a rough testing adapted to a Canon 5D II.
So I am left wondering: Does anyone else see the same issues with their copies??
I do not want to cause a great stir, but maybe this is truly an issue with an otherwise great lens.
I am used to testing lenses for centering etc., but I cannot go back to testing the lens before tuesday. Until than, I am hoping for feedback by other owners. You know the limitations of my testing now. But please trust I have reason for my question.
f/9 outdoors, with a correctly gauged hyperfocal point should be no problem getting corners (for the most part) and center in focus.
But in a smaller room, with a really wide lens, you could be looking at corners that are 4' in front of the plane to 12', and f/9 won't be enough depth-of-field.
So choose your focal point carefully between near and far, or let us know if you did.