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Loved how this one came out. Shot with a 10-stop filter so despite my best efforts, it was very underexposed, but I managed to rescue it. D800 | 24-70 | 48mm | f/5.6 | 20s | ISO 100 I have a b&w version of this that I'll post soon.
Ok, just pulled the D810 out of the box and it scared me. I have a D800 and didn't expect a huge difference. I was wrong. The AA filter in the D800 makes it much more forgiving. The first few photos I shot seemed soft. I was worried but realized the light was low so I sat the camera on the counter and snapped again. Wow! What a difference. Maybe it's just me but like I said, I do have a D800 to compare. To me there is a pretty big difference between the two. At 100% the Stanley logo lettering is very crisp. Edit: @ 1.4, 1/30, ISO 250
You guys are awesome! Really love these photos. Excellent start to October. @HipShot, I could totally see a creative edit for that photo. Somehow totally bring up the blacks in one of the rooms if possible and edit in someone appearing to be looking out of the window. Spooky thoughts for October ... Congrats @autofocus!
As for the above photo, I asked them if it would be OK for me to shoot a photo of them from that angle. Told them it would be mostly a silhouette. They agreed without hesitation and loved the result.
The Dutch Spitfire, photo by Ben Ullings. We were en-route to The Kooij for an airshow. These are the original colours. Note the clipped wings, gave a couple of knots more speed. The tips are put on again now, because of the typical Spitfire shape.
Those who say it can't be done, should not interrupt those doing it!
D4 300 2.8 1/400 ISO 100 @ f/5.6
Cannon Beach, Oregon, 2014
D800, AF-S NIKKOR 85mm f/1.4G, ISO100, f/5.0, 1/800sec
D800 | 24-70 | 48mm | f/5.6 | 20s | ISO 100
I have a b&w version of this that I'll post soon.
I like the way the wheels are turned.
Cannon fire at Fall Creek Falls lake. (sloped ground..really!)
D800 | Nikon 14-24mm @ 19mm f/7.1 | 1/250 | ISO 100
D750 | Nikon 105mm macro | f/9 | 1/60 | iso 100
Trying my hand at portraiture with the dog as my model.
D7100 | 35mm f/1.8 @ f/4.5 | 1/60 sec | ISO 1600
Edit: @ 1.4, 1/30, ISO 250
@HipShot, I could totally see a creative edit for that photo. Somehow totally bring up the blacks in one of the rooms if possible and edit in someone appearing to be looking out of the window. Spooky thoughts for October ...
Congrats @autofocus!
As for the above photo, I asked them if it would be OK for me to shoot a photo of them from that angle. Told them it would be mostly a silhouette. They agreed without hesitation and loved the result.
Cannon Beach, Oregon, 2014
D800, AF-S NIKKOR 85mm f/1.4G, ISO110, f/8.0, 1/400sec
These are the original colours. Note the clipped wings, gave a couple of knots more speed.
The tips are put on again now, because of the typical Spitfire shape.
Parking Meters
D7100 | 35mm f/1.8 | f/2.5 | 1/160 sec | ISO 100
VP of the Amphibian Division of Tate's Hell Swamp