Nikon D4 sensor - UK

omegabriomegabri Posts: 9Member
edited December 2014 in D3/D4/D5
Hi guys

Big nasty day....marked my sensor on my D4 whilst cleaning it. Worse case, what's the UK cost of having a replacement fitted?

Making my sick to think! I'll send it off for cleaning first, but tried to dry clean and think I scuffed the sensor coating

Bri.. :(


  • MsmotoMsmoto Posts: 5,398Moderator
    Just how did you mark the sensor.... or actually the covering of the sensor? In cleaning my D4, after one or two cleanings it looked like a disaster. Took about four cleanings to get all the oil off, done gently but firmly. One of the important things is to make certain all dust is removed with a good blower, camera pointed down, then clean as per instructions with your cleaning kit.

    You may wish to attempt cleaning again, maybe what you see will come off.
    Msmoto, mod
  • PB_PMPB_PM Posts: 4,494Member
    It's likely not the sensor that's damaged, but the AA filter (since the D4 still has one). Unless it shows up in pictures, I'd say don't worry about it.
    If I take a good photo it's not my camera's fault.
  • donaldejosedonaldejose Posts: 3,887Member
    I have found some things come off with a blower, some with cleaners using humidity in human breath to lubricate the sensor (Peter Gregg Method) and some need an actual liquid cleaning (like Moose Peterson). Often it has taken about three cleanings to get everything off.
  • heartyfisherheartyfisher Posts: 3,192Member
    edited December 2014
    The sensor(glass covering) is pretty tough. its unlikely that you "marked" it permanently. unless you used a diamond glass cutter to clean your sensor. :-)

    Get it professionally cleaned. It is most likely some kind of smearing of tough material (organic?)
    Post edited by heartyfisher on
    Moments of Light - D610 D7K S5pro 70-200f4 18-200 150f2.8 12-24 18-70 35-70f2.8 : C&C very welcome!
    Being a photographer is a lot like being a Christian: Some people look at you funny but do not see the amazing beauty all around them - heartyfisher.

  • Golf007sdGolf007sd Posts: 2,840Moderator
    I find it hard to believe that you damaged the sensor. You are most likely looking at smear marks caused by the cleaning kit used.

    Get it professionally cleaned. It is most likely some kind of smearing of tough material (organic?)

    D4 & D7000 | Nikon Holy Trinity Set + 105 2.8 Mico + 200 F2 VR II | 300 2.8G VR II, 10.5 Fish-eye, 24 & 50 1.4G, 35 & 85 1.8G, 18-200 3.5-5.6 VR I SB-400 & 700 | TC 1.4E III, 1.7 & 2.0E III, 1.7 | Sigma 35 & 50 1.4 DG HSM | RRS Ballhead & Tripods Gear | Gitzo Monopod | Lowepro Gear | HDR via Promote Control System |
  • omegabriomegabri Posts: 9Member
    This is so good to be reading!! Thanks guys.... Proper panic setting in.
    I'd had a go at brushing a stubborn bit of dust off, then very gently whiped the sensor across with the 'felt' end of a lens brush, thinking it would scoop anything up. All it did was smear the sensor and give me a heart attack!!
    If the local dealer can't get it off with whipes I'll arrange to send it down to Nikon for a full clean, and maybe service while they have it.

    Thanks again all ;-)
  • MsmotoMsmoto Posts: 5,398Moderator
    You are welcome
    Msmoto, mod
  • omegabriomegabri Posts: 9Member
    Is the AA filter glass then also ?? If it is then my mind is at rest I guess...

  • spraynprayspraynpray Posts: 6,545Moderator
    It is, but of course it would be coated with coatings that can be damaged and when they are will still mean a sensor change.

    Moral of this story is: Don't ever 'just' do anything. Prepare properly by reading and deciding what process is best. Hard lumps that will not blow off are better removed by being picked straight off using one of the specialised tools available and then if necessary a wet clean can be done so that you are not scraping unknown particles of anything across your precious sensor.
    Always learning.
  • heartyfisherheartyfisher Posts: 3,192Member
    its also not the AA filter .. the filter is behind the glass cover.
    Moments of Light - D610 D7K S5pro 70-200f4 18-200 150f2.8 12-24 18-70 35-70f2.8 : C&C very welcome!
    Being a photographer is a lot like being a Christian: Some people look at you funny but do not see the amazing beauty all around them - heartyfisher.

  • omegabriomegabri Posts: 9Member
    fewwwwww.....just got the camera back. All clean !! :) :) :)

    Moral of this story is: Don't ever 'just' do anything. Prepare properly by reading and deciding what process is best. Hard lumps that will not blow off are better removed by being picked straight off using one of the specialised tools available and then if necessary a wet clean can be done so that you are not scraping unknown particles of anything across your precious sensor.
    Yes.......good moral !!!!!!
  • omegabriomegabri Posts: 9Member
    Just to add some info. Had an email off Nikon. The cost to replace the sensor, including labour is 1200 plus vat - which is cheaper than I feared !

    For now though my D4 is all tucked up safely with my gear... :)
  • Golf007sdGolf007sd Posts: 2,840Moderator
    edited December 2014
    @omegabri: Glad it is all back to normal. Now should you EVER decide to clean the sensor in the near future your should get the following items:

    Koh Hepa Jet Air II plus Sensor Gel Stick
    Sensor Loupe
    Eclipse Cleaning System Solution plus FF Sensor swabs (type 3)
    Post edited by Golf007sd on
    D4 & D7000 | Nikon Holy Trinity Set + 105 2.8 Mico + 200 F2 VR II | 300 2.8G VR II, 10.5 Fish-eye, 24 & 50 1.4G, 35 & 85 1.8G, 18-200 3.5-5.6 VR I SB-400 & 700 | TC 1.4E III, 1.7 & 2.0E III, 1.7 | Sigma 35 & 50 1.4 DG HSM | RRS Ballhead & Tripods Gear | Gitzo Monopod | Lowepro Gear | HDR via Promote Control System |
  • omegabriomegabri Posts: 9Member
    @omegabri: Glad it is all back to normal. Now should you EVER decide to clean the sensor in the near future your should get the following items:

    Koh Hepa Jet Air II plus Sensor Gel Stick
    Sensor Loupe
    Eclipse Cleaning System Solution plus FF Sensor swabs (type 3)
    Or send it back to Nikon them selves for a service and clean !! 87 quid plus shipping and VAT - bargain I reckon :)
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