What do people think the differences will be in terms of resulting images. Part of this is trying to wrap my brain around FF vs DX in terms of perspective, distortion, DOF etc. The other part is a question of lens quality and interaction with their respective sensors in terms of diffraction or other issue. I'll also suggest ignoring the extra reach the DX setup would have as that's just obvious, as is high-iso noise.
D600 with the 24-85mm VR.
D7200 with the current 16-85mm VR, assuming the D7200 has a 24MP sensor much like the D5200's.
I would guess that most mid-tele shots at F8 would be hard to distinguish. Where would the DX kit equal (or better?) the FX kit? Where would the FX kit beat out the DX?
D7100, D60, 35mm f/1.8 DX, 50mm f/1.4, 18-105mm DX, 18-55mm VR II, Sony RX-100 ii
So, the D600 is going to be the choice providing one has the money for the lenses.
@PB_PM - thx for the heads up, hopefully we'll see that lens soon with new bodies!
OK, for portraits, well, I like the ability to use a slightly longer lens exactly for the reason spraynpray stated.
I really think it all comes down to one's budget. DX will allow an almost identical image for half to two-thirds the cost of full frame, lenses considered. Of course one can use the full frame lenses on DX and not save as much.
Being a photographer is a lot like being a Christian: Some people look at you funny but do not see the amazing beauty all around them - heartyfisher.
So far in DX, I've found that most of my food shots are happy at ~f2.8 since I'm pretty close. Any more shallow it's just weird. Portraits like the 50mm 1.4G, and I lust for the 50mm1.8G. So I'm pretty well served by the existing primes should I spend a little on the latter, but I don't really know what I'm missing here - the mystery of buttery bokeh is tempting.
I think a little zoom envy whispers to me that I would get better walk-around results in FF than DX because of the shallower DOF with any lens, including the 24-85. But since walk-around tourism with FF is at least down at #3 on my priorities list, DX keeps coming back as the sensible choice.
As you have it already, my thought is why not stay with DX until you can plainly see that it is holding you back?
in terms of distortion and DOF; with a kit lens, the differences will be minimum
The advantages of FX will only start to show in difficult conditions
You would see a big difference in DOF , if, in the future, you wanted to use say the 24mm f 1.4
were there is no DX equivalent
To start with, you will probably see be very little difference but in time your are likely to become more critical and will start to see differences
Advantages of the D600
1 It exists ( the D7200 does not and may never, exist )
2 If you decide to "upgrade" to a D800 or D4 in the future; all your glass will be FX compatible
3 FX camers have bigger view finders
4 better results in poor lighting conditions
5 Will take full advantage of all of Nikon FX Glass ( Yes, Fx glass can be used on a DX camera but you be "wasting" half the usable image produced by an fx lens)
Remember a FX image can be easily cropped to Dx in post , but you cannot go the other way round
I think the source of much of my FF angst is that I was loaned a 5Dmkiii with a 24-70 2.8 (non-VR). Took a snap at an ice cream parlor - I'll have to dig it up to read the specs, but I think it was ~50mm f2.8 ISO1600-ish. (Good exercise to practice posting things here.)
My girfriend (graphic designer) pulled it up on Photoshop and could instantly see 'something' was better about it than anything my D60 gives - her terms were depth of color, vibrancy, dimensionality. I resist thinking it's Canon magic.
When the woman you live with recognizes the benefits of $5000 of gear, it kinda goes to your head :> So I question DX. My brief stint with a D7000 showed me it's massively improved over my D60, but I'm not so sure I saw that 'magic'.
Some of us, again, I include myself, are caught between our past and reality. And, when I actually worked for a living years ago in photography, 35mm was for certain work and the rest was always larger format. Today, i have to remember that with the DX sensors, we can produce phenomenal results, this proven by many on PAD
(:| I would say you need lenses with FX written on them.....
I would the word "Nikon" as well
+1, +1