Most of us at times will listen to the folks who believe their opinions are worth something. Some even have schools, tons of online videos, and they will ask for money to support their evangelism of what they like.
So, this is the thread where you can vent about someone you like, or possibly someone you have real questions about. I will caution everyone, keep the language clean, your comments focused on the "Guru" and we can all have some fun.
I will start....sort of....a general comment on some of the video makers is they tend to be so fascinated with themselves, what would normally take three minutes to discuss can take ten minutes easily. Basically, they fill in with a lot of bologna. (Note, I kept this clean)
I most enjoy the Adorama videos with various Gurus demonstrating techniques. KR is always good for some overstated humor, if you understand his style of humor.
Joe McNally - lighting, nuf said. Joel Grimes - for his own style of creative portraiture. Trey Ratcliff - landscapes and travel.
I don't really have any complaints with anyone. But if I had to express one...I hate it when someone is doing their little YouTube video on how simple and easy it is to shoot a perfect portrait and they've got this absolutely gorgeous model in front of the camera who already knows how to pose and look. Well, DUH....if you're not going to send her to my house, then don't tell me how simple it is with the person I just happen to coax in front of the camera.
Yup, the New York gals can make life easy when shooting fashion. Although i remember in the very early days I was absolutely intimidated by them. Now I simply have a chit chat before the shoot. Maybe we need a video on shooting a non-pro model. If only I knew how to make a video....
Thom Hogan, and Nasim Mansurov are the only ones I follow on a regular basis. I check Scott Kellby's site from time to time, because I don't use Photoshop so most of the stuff isn't relevant to me. I followed Trey Ratcliff for a while, but I don't use HDR very often, so I stopped.
I find that I get far more inspiration from looking at photos on popular photos sites, the POTD thread here, and at the local camera club, than I did following all the big names on the net. There seems to be an endless supply of people blogging about photography, and most of them don't have the images to backup what they are saying.
If I take a good photo it's not my camera's fault.
Yup, PB_PM, "There seems to be an endless supply of people blogging about photography, and most of them don't have the images to backup what they are saying." So very very true. Maybe this is why they say, "talk is cheap".
If I have to pick one it is clearly Thom Hogan. If more specialized views are needed, Moose Petersen (wildlife) and Michael Riechman are well informed and articulate.
.. H
D810, D3x, 14-24/2.8, 50/1.4D, 24-70/2.8, 24-120/4 VR, 70-200/2.8 VR1, 80-400 G, 200-400/4 VR1, 400/2.8 ED VR G, 105/2 DC, 17-55/2.8. Nikon N90s, F100, F, lots of Leica M digital and film stuff.
I actually like the group that makes the photography and photo-editing series. The videos are professionally done (although some are better than others) and are easy to follow even if you're a relative newcomer to photography (like me). In particular, the fundamentals of photography series, taught by Ben Long, is really good.
And while the $25 per month, $250 per year may seem expensive, a three hour per week photography class at my local community college is around $450 - and only lasts about 15 weeks.
... Because having a guru shooting with you is worth many, many online articles and videos consumed after the fact.
Like PB_PM, I too have backed off most of the gurus I followed, now focusing on Thom Hogan (because the industry has become interesting to me), David Hobby (because of his experience as a make something of nothing shooter), and Joe McNally (who I respect for his skills and experience, but follow for his narrative voice - the man can write).
Just to expand on my previous comment about not following as many gurus. There are two reasons why I've done so.
1) When I followed others, all I did was copy what they were doing, limiting my own creativity. 2) I was spending more time reading about photography than doing it!
Lesson learned from that? I learn faster, and become more creative when I work on my own, with my own ideas. To develop your own style takes work, and copying other people's ideas only limits that. Honestly, that is the most important thing I learned from listing to the only gurus worth listening to!
If I take a good photo it's not my camera's fault.
I think it's important to have a guru as a measuring stick. We all have to draw in our inspiration from somewhere. The main problem is that many people have poor taste in the type of photographers they idolize, ie, those that have never been internationally published, done major ad campaigns, aren't in the upper echelon worldwide, etc. Your style never is the result of just one person, it's a combination of many. I remember reading somewhere that it is our failure to recreate that makes us who we are as artists. Our style is drawn not from what we've done, but from what we've not done, and that is what makes us unique.
I vote for Ms Tommie L (aka msmoto). There never seems to be a photographic situation that she is not well versed in. It's a bit like like having our own NRF agony aunt :-)
O.K. O.K., to be honest I don't follow any ONE particular person, everything I need to know can be discovered from all the fine people on NRF!
D3s's D700 F100 / Trinity 2.8 Zooms & 1.4 Primes / 105 micro. SB900s with Pocket Wizard Flex TT5 / Mini TT1s. Camranger remote control system.
I don't really "follow" anyone. But there are a couple of people that I wouldn't mind learning a thing or two from The first one is Mark Rebilas. I'm not sure if he's always in the right place at the right time, but his photographs are excellent imho. Another is Chris Gomersall. His wildlife photography impresses me. For inspiration and knowledge I come to PAD and NRF. Everyone on here is so helpfull. Thanks Everyone.
OK, I started this thread because there are some very informative folks out in cyberspace. I do not often read any of them, but will check what they say, then evaluate the overall conclusions. I have been involved in the past with basically listening to folks and then determining how honest they are. This is helpful in "reading" the individuals who put all the stuff up online.
An example was the kid showing how lenses are changed quickly. Very young, totally unaware of the changes in aging, even at age 40, and with an apparent lack of understanding of risk/benefit. Once one drops a two thousand dollar lens on the floor, the fancy technique he was demonstrating becomes less fancy.
Also, some bloggers will use terms like "never" and "always". I can think of a phrase like "never look into the sun" but even this is false when one has the correct filter. Oh, maybe "always" turn on your camera to take a photo....Most of their blog is an exaggerated opinion, and this is the clue they are basically opinion and not much else.
It is easy to get carried away...and this post could even be construed that way. And this is due to either nothing else to do, a need to monitor things on a forum, or a very narcissistic personality... Gosh, I think I hit 3/3..LOL
I don't really "follow" anyone. But there are a couple of people that I wouldn't mind learning a thing or two from The first one is Mark Rebilas. I'm not sure if he's always in the right place at the right time, but his photographs are excellent imho.
Same here, Mark Rebilas is by far the best racing photographer in the world. He also shares his knowledge on almost every shot he publishes or puts on his blog.
A couple of weeks ago he fell trying to get a shot and when he looked up he snapped the shot of the playoffs. Great guy, he's truly blessed.
I follow more the photography related sites and the usual guru suspects show up on these sites more or less frequently. Right now I like,, and I also visit and for new ideas (other than NRF of course), I stop by at and check the Galleries.
I'm good with Denver Shooters picks. Also like to lurk at Niel van Niekerk's Tangent's blog for lighting ideas. I hang around at, but I'm still a crappy macro shooter. Practice, practice. practice.
- Ian . . . [D7000, D7100; Nikon glass: 35 f1.8, 85 f1.8, 70-300 VR, 105 f2.8 VR, 12-24 f4; 16-85 VR, 300 f4D, 14E-II TC, SB-400, SB-700 . . . and still plenty of ignorance]
Andy Rouse Wild life photographer ( at least when was using Nikon's)
Tim Wallace of Aston Martin fame
Joel Grimes - for his own style of creative portraiture.
Trey Ratcliff - landscapes and travel.
I don't really have any complaints with anyone. But if I had to express one...I hate it when someone is doing their little YouTube video on how simple and easy it is to shoot a perfect portrait and they've got this absolutely gorgeous model in front of the camera who already knows how to pose and look. Well, DUH....if you're not going to send her to my house, then don't tell me how simple it is with the person I just happen to coax in front of the camera.
O K, I'm done.
Thom Hogan, and Nasim Mansurov are the only ones I follow on a regular basis. I check Scott Kellby's site from time to time, because I don't use Photoshop so most of the stuff isn't relevant to me. I followed Trey Ratcliff for a while, but I don't use HDR very often, so I stopped.
I find that I get far more inspiration from looking at photos on popular photos sites, the POTD thread here, and at the local camera club, than I did following all the big names on the net. There seems to be an endless supply of people blogging about photography, and most of them don't have the images to backup what they are saying.
.. H
Nikon N90s, F100, F, lots of Leica M digital and film stuff.
And while the $25 per month, $250 per year may seem expensive, a three hour per week photography class at my local community college is around $450 - and only lasts about 15 weeks.
Edit: Thom Hogan is good, too.
That's why I would choose Diana Deaver. I'd be the last one to choose a wedding photographer but she's just that good!
... Because having a guru shooting with you is worth many, many online articles and videos consumed after the fact.
Like PB_PM, I too have backed off most of the gurus I followed, now focusing on Thom Hogan (because the industry has become interesting to me), David Hobby (because of his experience as a make something of nothing shooter), and Joe McNally (who I respect for his skills and experience, but follow for his narrative voice - the man can write).
... And no time to use them.
Denver Shooter
1) When I followed others, all I did was copy what they were doing, limiting my own creativity. 2) I was spending more time reading about photography than doing it!
Lesson learned from that? I learn faster, and become more creative when I work on my own, with my own ideas. To develop your own style takes work, and copying other people's ideas only limits that. Honestly, that is the most important thing I learned from listing to the only gurus worth listening to!
O.K. O.K., to be honest I don't follow any ONE particular person, everything I need to know can be discovered from all the fine people on NRF!
The first one is Mark Rebilas. I'm not sure if he's always in the right place at the right time, but his photographs are excellent imho.
Another is Chris Gomersall. His wildlife photography impresses me.
For inspiration and knowledge I come to PAD and NRF. Everyone on here is so helpfull. Thanks Everyone.
Thank you.... your check is in the mail...LOL
OK, I started this thread because there are some very informative folks out in cyberspace. I do not often read any of them, but will check what they say, then evaluate the overall conclusions. I have been involved in the past with basically listening to folks and then determining how honest they are. This is helpful in "reading" the individuals who put all the stuff up online.
An example was the kid showing how lenses are changed quickly. Very young, totally unaware of the changes in aging, even at age 40, and with an apparent lack of understanding of risk/benefit. Once one drops a two thousand dollar lens on the floor, the fancy technique he was demonstrating becomes less fancy.
Also, some bloggers will use terms like "never" and "always". I can think of a phrase like "never look into the sun" but even this is false when one has the correct filter. Oh, maybe "always" turn on your camera to take a photo....Most of their blog is an exaggerated opinion, and this is the clue they are basically opinion and not much else.
It is easy to get carried away...and this post could even be construed that way. And this is due to either nothing else to do, a need to monitor things on a forum, or a very narcissistic personality... Gosh, I think I hit 3/3..LOL
A couple of weeks ago he fell trying to get a shot and when he looked up he snapped the shot of the playoffs. Great guy, he's truly blessed.
Here's that shot:
he is active almost daily with tips, reviews and just like this guys style
I am no wrist watch enthusiast, but Mr.Thein´s product photos make me want the products..