Nikon D610 pop up flash still going off when using off camera flash

TaraTara Posts: 36Member
edited March 2015 in Nikon Flashes
I've checked threads on here and haven't found anything, please direct me if I've missed one.

I've had this set up working fine - off camera SB600 set up to go off - while pop up flash does not go. I don't know what's happened but I can not get the pop-up-flash to stop working. I go into camera settings bracketing/flash, go into commander mode, set Built-iin-flash as --, and set group A as TTL, channel 1 (same as on my SB600 (Group A channel 1).

Only every time I set up camera pop of flash is also going. I don't know what I've changed? It used to be fine - and now I get flash from both sources and I don't want that. What have I done? Anyone have any clues?



  • PB_PMPB_PM Posts: 4,494Member
    edited March 2015
    What you are seeing is normal. The on camera flash still has to emit the IR signal (the light you are seeing), via the on camera flash to trigger CLS on the SB-600.
    Post edited by PB_PM on
    If I take a good photo it's not my camera's fault.
  • TaraTara Posts: 36Member
    What you are seeing is normal. The on camera flash still has to emit the IR signal (the light you are seeing), via the on camera flash to trigger CLS on the SB-600.
    Flash was definitely not going - I"m positive. It is totally throwing off my images now. Last time I had it going, I was taking a photo of my husband - it was definitely not firing and I was getting side lighting like I wanted. Something has changed. I have read people saying what you said too - and I am positive - the on camera flash was NOT firing.

  • IronheartIronheart Posts: 3,017Moderator
    Lots of variables, most of which would be answered with a photo with EXIF data.
  • donaldejosedonaldejose Posts: 3,876Member
    edited March 2015
    The pop-up flash does have to fire a pre-flash in order to communicate with the off camera SB-600. It is not possible to get the pop up flash to not work at all while the off camera SB 600 delivers the correct exposure because that exposure is computed in the camera and communicated to the SB600 through the pop-up flash. But you should not see the pop-up flash effect in the photo because its flash occurs just before the photo is actually taken.

    Try this. Set flash control for built in flash to commander mode. In commander mode set built in flash to TTL and exposure compensation to -1.0. Set Group A to TTL and +1.0. Adust TTL setting of Group A up or down until you get the main light effect you like. Adjust the TTL setting of the pop-up flash up and down until you get the degree of fill you want. To eliminate fill from pop-up set its exposure compensation to -3.0. See if that works for you. You can adjust main and fill light from your position behind the camera.
    Post edited by donaldejose on
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