Can I ask a lightroom question here or is there a better place? Thanks.
I've been having this issue for ages! All of a sudden the adjustment brush won't work and then will work. I have no idea what I might be doing to cause this. I've tried selecting new, I've tried selecting a preset adjustment brush, checked density and flow of brush, I'm not on erase. When I ask to show Mask Overlay nothing shows up either. Then all of a sudden on a new photo - it will work again? I shut the computer down opened up and it worked again too??? Then on the next photo it didn't. This is incredibly frustrating.
Make certain to reset all your brush settings when you bring up a new brush;
Maybe 1 in every 10 times running CC, when I drag my B&W sliders they would slide back themselves to their preset values. The same thing would occur if I type in the values. It gets to be super annoying and if you don't reset the tool it will continue doing this. I had the same problem with 5.1 Extended as well. I used to set the value I wanted, then after it reverted itself back to the preset I would click the auto button and it would go back to the value I wanted for each color in the B&W adjustment. Resetting the tool luckily did the trick with this problem as well after I did some YouTube video searching...
One other possibility, the large files of the D800 series bodies when shooting in RAW, do on occasion get Lightroom overwhelmed. This seems to occur after maybe 15 or 20 different brushes have been used, and something gets behind in the processing.
One more thought, on some MacBooks produced in late 2011, there is a known graphics card issue, the good news being Apple will repair this at no charge.