I hear these words Break the Rules. Often when listening to expert photographers in lecture rooms. I disagree, I prefer the words Adapt and Bend the Rules to suit the composition, dynamic range and mechanical use of the camera. We spend a lot of time learning our craft from our peers, so by adopting their knowledge and using that information, with modification to the individual circumstance that each image dictates, our photography improves. The basic principles of Photography have not changed. Light and composition, just the technology of our tools which give us variables and more choice on the so called Rules.
I don't hold the camera the 'proper' way (cradling the lens in the palm of my left hand) when taking pictures. It is just too uncomfortable for me to twist my wrist around like that. I also use my left eye for the view finder. I just prefer to hold the lens, with my left hand, as if I'm viewing thru binoculars. I don't care if I don't look like a 'pro' when I'm taking pictures.
I couldn't tell you any rules so not sure if I break any. I take pictures at whatever angle to the sun and such there is...sometimes into sometimes the side. I almost always shoot hand held even with my 300 F4. I shoot macro hand held and I always keep my VR on.
Is that a rule? I hand hold them all. My 400mm F/2.8, 600mm F/4 and the 800mm F/5.6. Now I will be downing Ibuprofen like popcorn the next day... But it never stopped me.
We spend a lot of time learning our craft from our peers, so by adopting their knowledge and using that information, with modification to the individual circumstance that each image dictates, our photography improves. The basic principles of Photography have not changed. Light and composition, just the technology of our tools which give us variables and more choice on the so called Rules.
It is too often an excuse for laziness or ignorance.
... H
Nikon N90s, F100, F, lots of Leica M digital and film stuff.
I think it is more important, the rule makers to explain why they are there
Yes I can think of "rules" I should not have broken
But I can think of of more, I wish I had
Macro with SB400
Elbow cradled in hip, skeleton forms a natural tripod.
Very good.
.... H
Nikon N90s, F100, F, lots of Leica M digital and film stuff.
Denver Shooter