D810 - facial recognition - how to turn off?

MaxBerlinMaxBerlin Posts: 86Member
edited May 2015 in Nikon DSLR cameras
I've tried dozens of options but without success. I want to turn off the function that makes the camera switch from a single point in the center to a roaming yellow box that picks up faces and tracks to anywhere in the view finder.

Changing B5 to 'off' doesn't stop the behavior.

Thanks for any help you can give.
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  • ThomasHortonThomasHorton Posts: 323Member
    I hope there is a way to turn it off. I can imagine how annoying that could be if you wont' want it.
    Gear: Camera obscura with an optical device which transmits and refracts light.
  • MaxBerlinMaxBerlin Posts: 86Member
    It doesn't do it through the OVF but it does it quite readily when using live view. I've spent more than day trying to stop it.
    My non-commercial blog:

  • MaxBerlinMaxBerlin Posts: 86Member
    OK got an answer from Nikon support. Turn the AF/M button to AF - you must have an AF capable lens attached to camera. Turn on live view and then advance menu by info button until you see the screen with the icons across the top. Now depress center button of AF/M button and the icon for facial recognition will be seen in yellow. Then rotate front button until norm is seen in yellow area. Finally it is off !

    So here's the most important thing - if you're heading out for a holiday and you don't have an AF lens you can't change this setting. So either make sure you like the settings you have or take at least one AF lens with all of your manual lenses.
    My non-commercial blog:

  • spraynprayspraynpray Posts: 6,545Moderator
    I just checked the manual and it isn't well written on this subject. The only reference to face recognition is on page 40 and it just explains what it is.

    C'mon Nikon, improve your manual!
    Always learning.
  • funtagraphfuntagraph Posts: 265Member
    @spraynpray +1 there's some space between this manual and a real good one but I'm afraid Nikon doesn't want to cut sales numbers for all those "D810 books with secret tips" :) sometimes the manual itself remains a little bit too secret. It took me a while to find out the differences of banks vs. U1, U2 modes and it's also not very clear about certain features like ADL and HDR (not for RAW, but can be interpreted by Nikon Capture NX-D )

    @MaxBerlin of course face recognition only works with AF lenses - how would you do with a manual focus lens? You don't need to use the Info-button, btw. if you press the front button for AF mode and use front and real dial, you can scroll through the modes. I haven't seen much use of the face recognition yet. LiveView and fast focus are worlds apart and until the mirror has moved, shutter closed and reopened all faces could be on different places. It's more for japanese models who freeze in front of a point of interest until the photographers relieves them back into life.

    As for the manual - I don't envy their technical authors, sometimes I feel Nikon makes their work extra difficult by the complicated menu structures.
  • KillerbobKillerbob Posts: 732Member
    ...and when you go through these steps to turn it off, does it stay off, or does it turn back on again when you off/on the camera?
  • MsmotoMsmoto Posts: 5,398Moderator
    I am not certain which body you are using, but, with my D4, the focus point seems to remain stable, on my D800E it was wondering all over the place. What I discovered was I did not have the focus selector lock placed on "L" for lock, and my nose was pressing the multi selector dial when I looked through the viewfinder.

    Problem solved when I placed the dial on "L".
    Msmoto, mod
  • ThomasHortonThomasHorton Posts: 323Member
    OK got an answer from Nikon support. Turn the AF/M button to AF - you must have an AF capable lens attached to camera. Turn on live view and then advance menu by info button until you see the screen with the icons across the top. Now depress center button of AF/M button and the icon for facial recognition will be seen in yellow. Then rotate front button until norm is seen in yellow area. Finally it is off !
    Cripes, I wonder how much it would have cost Nikon to have an "on/off" function in a menu?

    Gear: Camera obscura with an optical device which transmits and refracts light.
  • funtagraphfuntagraph Posts: 265Member
    That's not necessary. On/Off is already placed on the switch of the AF-lens and on the cameras AF lever round the AF function button. WIth the AF function button one can choose and I think, that's enough. If I want AF, I have to decide in which mode it should be. There are enough On/Off switches, Nikon should increase the quality of the manuals.
  • montsergirlmontsergirl Posts: 1Member
    MaxBerlin said:

    OK got an answer from Nikon support. Turn the AF/M button to AF - you must have an AF capable lens attached to camera. Turn on live view and then advance menu by info button until you see the screen with the icons across the top. Now depress center button of AF/M button and the icon for facial recognition will be seen in yellow. Then rotate front button until norm is seen in yellow area. Finally it is off !

    So here's the most important thing - if you're heading out for a holiday and you don't have an AF lens you can't change this setting. So either make sure you like the settings you have or take at least one AF lens with all of your manual lenses.

    Oh My GOSH!! I just did what you had said and I am just headed to shoot for work- I am just ecstatic! I don't know this D7500 as well as I would like but if this works I will be so happy!!!! THANK YOU!!!! What a terrible way of having to do this. Again Thank you!
  • PistnbrokePistnbroke Posts: 2,445Member
    I have two 810s and I did not even know it did it never mind seen it !!!
  • spraynprayspraynpray Posts: 6,545Moderator
    RTFM Pistnbroke...
    Always learning.
  • HankBHankB Posts: 222Member
    edited May 2018

    RTFM Pistnbroke...

    And you can download the FM pdf and put it on your phone — a quick searchable reference in the field.
    Post edited by HankB on
  • PistnbrokePistnbroke Posts: 2,445Member
    Had to google that ...it was the third letter that I was not sure about ...F.....Which considering all my boats in Australia were called Fucawi is supprising ...

    Note (for the ill educated )....The Fucawi are a tribe of 4 ft pigmies who live in 5 ft grassland ...When they go anywhere they are always jumping up down shouting "where the fucawi"

    On the same theme when I went to register my Jetski in Aus I put W.T.F on the form for the name ...lady said you cannot have that . Why ? no full stops allowed . So
    WTF it was.......
  • rmprmp Posts: 586Member
    Pistnbroke it seems I have heard a lot of people saying something that sounds like "where the fucawi."
    Robert M. Poston: D4, D810, V3, 14-24 F2.8, 24-70 f2.8, 70-200 f2.8, 80-400, 105 macro.
  • HankBHankB Posts: 222Member
    Ah...for the day when "RTFM" goes into consumer product support scripts.
  • spraynprayspraynpray Posts: 6,545Moderator
    LOL! Hank. Soon, I'm sure.
    Always learning.
  • PistnbrokePistnbroke Posts: 2,445Member
    edited May 2018
    yes RMP
    Post edited by Pistnbroke on
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