Information on a Nikon SS-F2 Slide magic camera needed

pyblondepyblonde Posts: 1Member
edited May 2015 in Nikon Film Cameras
I have a Nikon SS-F2 Slidemagic camera and I do not know anything about this camera, can someone with knowledge of this camera please help


  • IronheartIronheart Posts: 3,017Moderator

    From : Paul Armstrong ([email protected]) It was made by Maximillian Kerr Associates Inc. in New Jersey. They are probably gone-It's past time for Max to have Retired. It was made for use in the slide-animation/Multi-image business that flourished in the 70's and 80's and died completely in the 90's as video equiptment and computergraphics became sharp enough and the colors vivid enough and the cost low enough to displace it. Slide were shot using this camera so that they're position when inserted in a pin-registered slide mount was repeatable within an advertised 1/10,000 inch. So if you shot several frames of a background, and the only thing that moved would be a person (from frame to frame) when the slides were projected(by a kodak ektagraphic projector) the person would appear to move(animation). The bread and butter part of this business was in having bulleted items for presentations "build" on the screen while being projected over photos,etc. at the same time.

    Multiple projectors were aligned to show on the same screen at the same time and controlled by a computer. The various images would fade from image to image without the annoying "white screen" in between. this was very nice for advertising/sales presentations. The color and sharpness were superior to video. Max moved on to making an SS-F 3 & SS-F3II once Nikon came out with the F3. (I own one of the SS-F3's. I used an SS-F2 at work and it was a beautiful machine. Without the Pin Block on the back, it was still able to maintain frame to frame accuracy for animation/multi-image. Some SS-F2's had a Metal block on the back with pins that actually would drop into the film sprocket holes prior to exposure to assure alignment. Max also replaced plastic gears with machined steel to increase accuracy. He also incorporated a special grid in the viewfinder that was fixed(not removable) and was aligned so you could be assured that something centered in the viewfinder would be centered when projected on the screen. It was a very accurate system. The also had a light that could be shown through the viewfinder to project the grid image down onto a copy stand so you could align artwork, etc. without having to look in the viewfinder. - Paul Armstrong - ([email protected])

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