AF-S NIKKOR 24mm f/1.8G ED

WestEndFotoWestEndFoto Posts: 3,745Member
edited July 2015 in Nikon Lenses
I must admit, this lens has caught my attention. As you can see from my signature line, I have a HUGE GAPING WHOLE between 20mm and 28mm that I could sail the Titanic through. The 14-24 does not count - that is a 14mm prime as far as I am concerned.

I have been thinking of rounding out my wide end with the 24mm 2.8 AIS which is a very decent lens, can accept 77mm and is nice and compact.

The only problem is that it is only a very decent lens at f/5.6 or wider. When it was introduced 30ish years ago, it was a professional lens that nobody could really complain about. Still competitive today at f/8.0, lens technology has made it very mediocre wide open.

I have been thinking about the 20mm 1.8G for astrophotography. I have been in many situations where I would have benefited from a fast, wide coma free lens. This October, I will be in Andalusia and it could come in useful there. However, as you can see from my thread, I already have a 20mm, so there is duplication.

Now with this rumour of the 24mm 1.8, maybe this is the answer to my conundrum. Could it be as coma free as the 20mm 1.8? Is the extra 4mm a deal breaker for astro? Will it be better for coma than the 24 1.4G? If not, I may as well buy the AIS as the 1.4G seems to have worst coma than the 20mm 1.8.

Thoughts everyone?


  • JonMcGuffinJonMcGuffin Posts: 312Member
    That little gold ring along with that N on the side of that lens tells me it'll probably be a lot closer in performance to the 20mm than the 35mm or 50mm. Not that those are bad, just that they may have taken the extra couple of steps needed to get you want you seek.
  • JonMcGuffinJonMcGuffin Posts: 312Member
    This sucker is gonna be priced at $799 and once again make it a tough choice between this and the Sigma 24mm 1.4 Art for most.
  • spraynprayspraynpray Posts: 6,545Moderator
    I see you wrote that the 20 is 'coma free' - it isn't. My own observations are that coma increases with field of view so I think the 24 will be better, although it's hard to say how much. The Sigma isn't good for coma either. You will know that the 24 Rokinon is regarded as the reference for astro/nightscapes so it will be interesting to see how it compares to that. As your your point about 24mm maybe not having enough fov, again, the Rokinon 24 has been the reference thus far and it is a 24mm. Personally I find 24mm enough. I don't think a 14mm (for instance) will ever perform like a 24 for resolution so you pay your money and you take your chance.

    Shame I just sold all my wide stuff because I can't wait the time it will take to get one in my hand so I will probably get the 20.
    Always learning.
  • WestEndFotoWestEndFoto Posts: 3,745Member
    I see you wrote that the 20 is 'coma free' - it isn't. My own observations are that coma increases with field of view so I think the 24 will be better, although it's hard to say how much. The Sigma isn't good for coma either. You will know that the 24 Rokinon is regarded as the reference for astro/nightscapes so it will be interesting to see how it compares to that. As your your point about 24mm maybe not having enough fov, again, the Rokinon 24 has been the reference thus far and it is a 24mm. Personally I find 24mm enough. I don't think a 14mm (for instance) will ever perform like a 24 for resolution so you pay your money and you take your chance.

    Shame I just sold all my wide stuff because I can't wait the time it will take to get one in my hand so I will probably get the 20.
    Hmmmm....... When I wrote "as coma free" I meant that as a point on a scale and did not mean to imply it had no coma. However, I think many would find that confusing and unclear, so thanks for pointing it out.
  • kenadamskenadams Posts: 222Member
    Great, *now* I'm completely lost. Should I get the Sigma 24 1.4, the N24 1.8 or the N20 1.8 ...

    I'd really like to use this to get into astrophotography - a bit. Mostly landscape though. And September/October is basically too late for me..
  • sevencrossingsevencrossing Posts: 2,800Member
    edited July 2015
    Let me help

    I have just bought the AF-S NIKKOR 20mm f/1.8G ED
    and I very pleased with it. It is sharper and the my AF-S NIKKOR 16-35mm f/4G ED VR
    I dont think it is as sharp as the Nikon 24mm f1.4 G AF-S ED I have only hired this lens

    If you need 20mm get the N 20mm f 1.8
    If you really need f1.4 get the siggy
    if you only need 24mm and only f 1.8 get the N24 1.8
    Only you know the answer to these questions

    Post edited by sevencrossing on
  • MsmotoMsmoto Posts: 5,398Moderator

    "As you can see from my signature line, I have a HUGE GAPING WHOLE between 20mm and 28mm that I could sail the Titanic through. The 14-24 does not count - that is a 14mm prime as far as I am concerned"

    One of the best rationalizations for a new lens purchase I have heard....Love it. :-*
    Msmoto, mod
  • heartyfisherheartyfisher Posts: 3,192Member
    Lol I didn't dare say it ..
    Moments of Light - D610 D7K S5pro 70-200f4 18-200 150f2.8 12-24 18-70 35-70f2.8 : C&C very welcome!
    Being a photographer is a lot like being a Christian: Some people look at you funny but do not see the amazing beauty all around them - heartyfisher.

  • WestEndFotoWestEndFoto Posts: 3,745Member
    I am glad you guys got the joke.

    My bigger problem is the even bigger hole between 200mm and infinity.
  • PB_PMPB_PM Posts: 4,494Member
    edited July 2015
    There's a lens for that... ;)

    You just need to find yourself a copy of the 1200-1700mm F5.6-8 AIS and you'll be all set.
    Post edited by PB_PM on
    If I take a good photo it's not my camera's fault.
  • heartyfisherheartyfisher Posts: 3,192Member
    Nah the P900 will do fine ....
    Moments of Light - D610 D7K S5pro 70-200f4 18-200 150f2.8 12-24 18-70 35-70f2.8 : C&C very welcome!
    Being a photographer is a lot like being a Christian: Some people look at you funny but do not see the amazing beauty all around them - heartyfisher.

  • framerframer Posts: 491Member
    20mm perfect, 24mm one step back, perfect, 28mm one step back, perfect. I don't see the need for all three. Skip the 24 IMHO.

  • WestEndFotoWestEndFoto Posts: 3,745Member
    20mm perfect, 24mm one step back, perfect, 28mm one step back, perfect. I don't see the need for all three. Skip the 24 IMHO.

    There is nothing in my signature that I need. It is all about "want".

    The 24mm PC is also on my list, but it is not suitable for what I would use the 24 1.8 for and visa versa.

  • KnockKnockKnockKnock Posts: 401Member
    20mm perfect, 24mm one step back, perfect, 28mm one step back, perfect. I don't see the need for all three. Skip the 24 IMHO.

    Sell the 20 and 28, buy the 24mm?
    D7100, D60, 35mm f/1.8 DX, 50mm f/1.4, 18-105mm DX, 18-55mm VR II, Sony RX-100 ii
  • sevencrossingsevencrossing Posts: 2,800Member
    edited August 2015
    Is everyone considering the various 20; 24 and 28 options all shooting FX?
    Post edited by sevencrossing on
  • heartyfisherheartyfisher Posts: 3,192Member
    I am considering the 28 for both fx and dx. 20 for fx and not looking at the 24. Not bec i dont think its good or useful but for wht i will use it for it is covered by my T 24-70 vc. 20 for landscape wide. Nice sunstars. 28 for nice video fov Fx. 28 for my lowlight dx normal And general all purpose prime. But it will be years before I get them cos I have so many new toys to play with at the moment. :-)
    Moments of Light - D610 D7K S5pro 70-200f4 18-200 150f2.8 12-24 18-70 35-70f2.8 : C&C very welcome!
    Being a photographer is a lot like being a Christian: Some people look at you funny but do not see the amazing beauty all around them - heartyfisher.

  • WestEndFotoWestEndFoto Posts: 3,745Member
    Now that it is out, I wonder what the coma is like?
  • PB_PMPB_PM Posts: 4,494Member
    When it starts shipping, i'm sure we'll start to see some tests. ;) Unless this new lens turns out to be the best thing since sliced bread I think I'll either keep the Nikkor 24mm F2.8 or get the Sigma. Sorry Nikon.
    If I take a good photo it's not my camera's fault.
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