Two images One Nikon One PhaseOne Which is Which

paulrpaulr Posts: 1,176Member
imageWhich is the PhaseOne and which is the Nikon  image" />

PhaseOne IQ3 80mm Schneider lens other Camera Nikon D810 Zeiss Otus 55mm Lens

Spot the difference
Camera, Lens and Tripod and a few other Bits


  • IronheartIronheart Posts: 3,017Moderator
    Paul, if you remove the extra img src tag we can click on it. No need to use the image button when posting from Flickr.
    Which is the PhaseOne and which is the Nikon  image

    PhaseOne IQ3 80mm Schneider lens other Camera Nikon D810 Zeiss Otus 55mm Lens

    Spot the difference
  • fiziksfiziks Posts: 12Member
    Image on left is Phase One. More detail in reds (windsock and roses) and probably more accurate red colors. I've not used a D8xx, but I have noticed that red seems to be the weakness of the D80, D90, D300s, D610 and D700.

    However, you can count me in the crowd that says a bigger sensor does not necessarily mean a better camera.
  • PapermanPaperman Posts: 469Member
    I wish both photos were exposed less with no blown highlights ... Could have then made a guess looking at the DR ...
  • fmrnykrfmrnykr Posts: 3Member
    D810 on the left; Phase One on the right.
  • CaMeRaQuEsTCaMeRaQuEsT Posts: 357Member
    Left image has more DR, so I'll say left D810, right IQ3. The different FOV of both images will also confirm my guess, as 80mm will net a tighter FOV on the IQ3 sensor than 55mm on FF.
  • IronheartIronheart Posts: 3,017Moderator
    Phase one on the right. The 16 bit color depth is clearly evident in the foliage.
  • esquiloesquilo Posts: 71Member
    Phase one on the left and Nikon on the right.
    Nikon D7100 with Sigma 10-20 mm, Nikon 16-85 mm, Nikon 70-300 mm, Sigma 150-500 mm, Nikon 28 mm f/1.8G and Nikon 50 mm f/1.8G.
    Nikon1 J3 with 10-30 mm and 10 mm f/2.8
  • tcole1983tcole1983 Posts: 981Member
    810 on left, phase one on right
    D5200, D5000, S31, 18-55 VR, 17-55 F2.8, 35 F1.8G, 105 F2.8 VR, 300 F4 AF-S (Previously owned 18-200 VRI, Tokina 12-24 F4 II)
  • spraynprayspraynpray Posts: 6,545Moderator
    I love that we have disagreements! Me? I have no idea as I don't have either body to be able to judge let alone both. $-)

    @paulr - when are you going to tell us?
    Always learning.
  • donaldejosedonaldejose Posts: 3,887Member
    Proves there is no significant difference in the images produced by each body when viewed at these sizes.
  • paulrpaulr Posts: 1,176Member
    edited September 2015
    Nikon D810 Left PhaseOne right Settings were put as close as possible
    Post edited by paulr on
    Camera, Lens and Tripod and a few other Bits
  • IronheartIronheart Posts: 3,017Moderator
    edited September 2015
    It proves people aren't that observant :) I'm sure it looks very different on the screen.
    Post edited by Ironheart on
  • manhattanboymanhattanboy Posts: 1,003Member
    I would have gone with the phase one on the left as the highlights are less blown out. But as a D810 owner I guess I'm glad it's that good :P
  • GjesdalGjesdal Posts: 277Member
    Was it cheating when I saw which it was from the file size on lower left? :-)
    D810 | D7100 | Sigma 50mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art |Nikon 70-200mm F2.8 G AF-S VRII ED | Nikon 105mm F2.8 AF-S IF-ED VR II Micro | Sigma 17-50 f/2.8 EX DC OS HSM | Sigma 150-500mm f/5-6.3 DG OS HSM | Coolpix P6000 IR converted |
  • MsmotoMsmoto Posts: 5,398Moderator
    edited October 2015
    My take on any comparison is simply that unless I have both RAW images to examine, full size, that is so I can see the pixels when enlarged in Lightroom, the only conclusion i can come to is there is a difference, but this may not be related to the original file.

    My experience is that the files from my D800E and D4 have so much information which can be found during post processing that playing with the RAW data is when I find out what is there.

    An example, a comment on the "reds". With both the bodies I have, the reds are extremely sensitive to saturation and vibrance settings, and on a routine basis I adjust these in post to obtain good detail and not too much saturation. Almost all the other colors are far easier to manage in post.

    Thus, I am unable to come to any conclusion regarding image comparisons, however, if I could afford it, I would have a Phase One....LOL
    Post edited by Msmoto on
    Msmoto, mod
  • paulrpaulr Posts: 1,176Member
    edited October 2015
    I think the question to ask is The Phase One 1 worth 10 times the cost of the Nikon and what standard or limit you want to take your photography to, Even professional have to justify their capital outlay. If you have unlimited funds go for it,if you are in a lesser position,and are not needing that type of quality, there are better things in life to spend that amount of money on. Thanks PhaseOne for letting me have your IQ3 80mp 35mm Blue Lens and other lenses for the Day. but boy it's quite heavy and holding the outfit and using it all day certainly makes your arms ache.
    Post edited by paulr on
    Camera, Lens and Tripod and a few other Bits
  • tcole1983tcole1983 Posts: 981Member
    I guessed correctly. I could see a difference in the DOF and a slight difference in detail. Worth it? Maybe if you make your living doing it. For most...probably not.
    D5200, D5000, S31, 18-55 VR, 17-55 F2.8, 35 F1.8G, 105 F2.8 VR, 300 F4 AF-S (Previously owned 18-200 VRI, Tokina 12-24 F4 II)
  • MsmotoMsmoto Posts: 5,398Moderator
    Ah, yes, the primary issue just might be the DOF reduction when using longer focal length lenses in medium format.
    Msmoto, mod
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