Sol, an unremarkable G type main sequence star, or yellow dwarf, as seen from its unremarkable third terrestrial planet, Terra. Terra is currently undergoing a seventh mass extinction precipitated by the recent emergence of an otherwise unremarkable alpha predator, Homo sapiens sapiens. This is a common theme in universes where abiogenesis is common. Note the technological artifacts of the alpha predator on the horizon.
Wow! Such fantastic pictures this month. I don't think my shots are in the same league, but I'll add them anyway. Critique is always welcome.
My Breakfast sunrise: Between the Zenith Towers in Busan, South Korea, as seen from my dining room. The US Army famously said in an ad in the 80's "We do more before 9 AM that most people do all day." I think those hardy gents out there earning their living by extracting bounty from a moody sea for us land-dwelling seafood lovers do not fit with the "most people" that the army was talking about. They're out there before sunrise.
D800 | 105mm | f/9 | 1/125s | ISO 100
12 stacked images
Also in London
Sol, an unremarkable G type main sequence star, or yellow dwarf, as seen from its unremarkable third terrestrial planet, Terra. Terra is currently undergoing a seventh mass extinction precipitated by the recent emergence of an otherwise unremarkable alpha predator, Homo sapiens sapiens. This is a common theme in universes where abiogenesis is common. Note the technological artifacts of the alpha predator on the horizon.
My Breakfast sunrise: Between the Zenith Towers in Busan, South Korea, as seen from my dining room. The US Army famously said in an ad in the 80's "We do more before 9 AM that most people do all day." I think those hardy gents out there earning their living by extracting bounty from a moody sea for us land-dwelling seafood lovers do not fit with the "most people" that the army was talking about. They're out there before sunrise.
Milky Way over Lomo Negro.
N17-35 @17mm, 2.8, 25s, ISO 3200
D800 | Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8 @ f/11.0 | 20sec | ISO 200
D800, 200-500 f5.6 @ 200mm, f5.6, 1/640s, ISO 500
Pit Stop!