Hi all,
Long time, no post. It's been a busy few years!
Anyway, I've recently purchased a used 70-200 VRII and, just today, took a few shots of some snowy hills in the Northern Cairngorms. Whilst doing some post processing in Silver Efex I noticed the slightly odd curve which shows up when the contrast is boosted. In the first shot the sun is at about 90 degrees to the lens and in the second it is at about 45degrees. Unfortunately the lens-hood did not come with the lens (though I have one on order) so I'm wondering if this is an effect of the low sun and the angle of incidence exacerbated by the lack of proper shading.
Would any of you be able to shed light on this please?

If you don't like it try locally reducing the contrast. If you are ambitious, you can also try some dodging and burning.
You might also try a polarizer on the lens.
It just seemed a bit too perfectly curved to my eye but I think I know what you mean.
It's a D810, Framer.
I don't actually have a circ polariser but I have a Hoya UV on the front. I'll take it off, do a few test shots tomorrow and then report back.
I've been doing motorsport shots all day today and the lens is performing fine otherwise- sharpness across the frame, VR, focus etc all seem to be fine.
Well...I can't replicate the 'curve' issue in shots taken of clear-blue skies over the last couple of days. So either there is an intermittent fault (everyone's favourite) or it was just a one-off phenomenon.
If it pops up again I will let you know.
Ironheart - I was shooting RAW and outputting as JPEG for publication on Flickr/embedding here. The oddity was visible on my screen even in RAW and at all levels of magnification in LR and PS.