Cameras have come a long way since digital entered the market. Even the cheapest digital camera can produce excellent images if given time in post production.
We, has photographers, seem to want the latest high end camera to make that perfect shot, when with todays technology even a basic camera is capable of rivalling images we took with the top cameras we had ten or less years ago.
I regally use point and shoot cameras and leave the heavy gear at home just due to pure convenience and and ease of transport.
Most P and S cameras now have RAW facility which allows for greater post production improvement, and with manufactures competing on price, the modern photographer is on a win -win situation.

Taken with a Point and shoot compact camera.
Camera, Lens and Tripod and a few other Bits
You've made 2 previous threads with the same general idea. I think we got your point.
Not to say your opinion isn't valid, but it would be fine to continue your previous threads instead of opening a totally new one.
The point is that you don't need to spend large sums of money to get impressive images. The main sales of manufactures is low end cameras and mobile phones have brought a new generation of photographers. which, with pleasing results will eventually evolve them in long term interests in photography.
There is more satisfaction from getting a good image from a very basic camera[and Compacts are becoming far from basic} than using a high end camera and getting a average image.
One of the many statements I get from new photographers is that they believe the more expensive the camera, the better the result.
They forget that the Photographer is the creator and the camera is only the tool to get that image.
I would rather have 5 students with compacts wanting to learn composition and lighting than 1 owner with a D5 wanting to shoot at 11 FPS on the pretence that one image might be ok.
Being a photographer is a lot like being a Christian: Some people look at you funny but do not see the amazing beauty all around them - heartyfisher.
I am not sure what the topic of this thread is though. If the statement is that good photographs can be captured with a compact camera, I think everybody agrees.
Its nicely composed and a good subject, but it would fail quality control for most stock photo sites so its commercially useless, and it would not print above 9x6 without glaring problems.
However, there is still a gap between going from a small phone/point and shoot sensor, to a dslr sensor. You mention that most of these young photographers don't have money to afford expensive cameras. If I were in your shoes, I'd recommend they get a used D200/300 which can be had for as little as $100/$200 respectively.
I repeat, you can literally get a used D200 or used D300 on ebay right now for as little as $100-200. These are cameras that were literally used for all professional purposes (and still are today). Add on a cheap $100 50mm prime and you're good to go. All of this will cost less than many current point and shoot cameras and will benefit young photographers much more than a p&s or smartphone camera and will help aid them in getting better pictures. Just my 2 cents.
Being a photographer is a lot like being a Christian: Some people look at you funny but do not see the amazing beauty all around them - heartyfisher.
A compact camera I would recommend to someone who is not very interested or maybe to a serious photographer as a lightweight complement (there are some really good compacts).
I was involved with a program called Nature Camera Action. This was organised by the National Medium Museum in Yorkshire Young children 7 to 13 were invited through their schools to come along and use a camera{Compact due to numbers and budgets} each class was given a brief introduction to photography and given a task to go out and shoot a number of given subjects and also a free choice to see what they could produce themselves.
Most of these children had never had a camera before, but most had mobile phones so taking photographs came easily to them.
The results that came back were quite amazing and clearly the future of photography was safe.
However mobile phones with there multi task options, Communication to friends, Games and camera, certainly out- weighed the cameras and with the personal access to mobile phones rather the cameras this seemed to be the direction young people preferred, in view that most young children seem to have a phone from a very young age.
The difficulty was converting these young budding photographer from mobile phones to cameras.
All they to wanted was speed of taking the images, sending the image to friends or placing them on the media.going to the next step of quality to this age group was not of any interest.
Obviously more people have smaller format cameras today, based on the sale of phones equipped with cameras, but that doesn't mean larger format cameras are dying or loosing numbers by any means. Sales may be slowing, but that doesn't mean people are tossing the larger format cameras they bought 2-6 years ago since most are more than good enough for most people. Camera makers have sold more DSLR's in the last 10 years than they ever sold film SLR's from the 1930's through the 2000's.
@PB_PM I agree with you I see more shops carrying large format supplies. The students I work with love using large format cameras and many own one or more. To me it is more of the case that people want one camera that will do it all. That not going to happen or not in my lifetime. I own different format cameras for different purposes. Just like a mechanic or carpenter has different tools and saws, they have a purpose and when used properly yield great things.
I was asked at work to review my photos over the past 5 years and to pick out what I consider where my best. I had roughly 4,400 large format images, 16,000 medium format (film) images, 1,080,000+ full frame digital images. I just looked at the images that I have on our family PS cameras (last 3 years) and our three phones and we had 3,000+ photos and 1,700+ videos. The video function on the phone to me is want the younger generation is drawn to more than the photo capabilities.
I am tempted to buy an Ebony 5x4 but Ebay offers some great 10x8 cameras. However its very scary when you look at the development cost in post, especially with 10x8 sheet film prices. and limited Lab processors here in the Uk who can accommodate such large sizes.