The ground across which Pickett made his (in)famous "charge" on day 3 of the battle of Gettysburg, The lone tree in the center of the frame is located at the "Bloody Angle."
An 85mm image of the previous scene. The grove of trees just left of center is the "Copse of Trees" referenced in accounts of the 3rd day of the battle at Gettysburg. The taller, lone tree to the left of it (in the image) marks the "Angle." A low stone wall runs the most of the width of the image (barely visible). From the camera location it's about a mile walk down a hill to Emmitsburg Road, over two or three fences and back up to the Union positions behind the wall.
Our rental back in May in La Roque sur Ceze, The Gard, Southern peaceful next to the river and vineyards... D810 & 18-35mm f/3.5-4.5G @ 18mm 1/125s @ f/4.0 ISO 64.
D750 + AF-S 200-400mm F4G VR + TC14E @ 550mm
Hoverfly on a flower.
D810 & 50mm f/1.8G 1/2500s @ f/3.2 ISO 64.
D810 & 50mm f/1.8G 1/160s @ f/3.5 ISO 64.
D810 & 50mm f/1.8G 1/125s @ f/4.0 ISO 160.
Port of Palm Beach
D810 & 18-35mm f/3.5-4.5G @ 18mm 1/125s @ f/4.0 ISO 64.