As I am sure we all are aware, the new Lightroom CC came out today, and I was wondering what is everyone's first impressions.
From what I can tell so far, Lightroom CC has all the same features as the classic and is faster. You can even import the presets to Lightroom CC from Lightroom Classic which was a win for me. I think my biggest worry / problem with lightroom CC is the focus on the cloud.
I can understand the value of storing images in the cloud then being able to edit them from anywhere, but I don't like the ever perpetual cost having all my photos sitting there. Local storage is so much cheaper in the long run than cloud storage for static items. I would say an option to have your most recent photos synced to the cloud and still have the local storage on the back-end would be the ideal for me.
Another thing I just noticed is the lack of export options. Where is the export to flickr (for those of us that still use it)? How about exporting and including a watermark, size changes, etc.? Without this, that is another reason to stay with the Lightroom Classic.
In conclusion, I will be staying with Lightroom Classic for now. Maybe if I want to edit photos on the go (which is rare for me) I will move them into Lightroom CC.
How about the rest of you? Have you tried it yet and do you see yourself braving the cloud?
No longer is it a matter of considering other options, other options are a must in the near future, that much is clear now.
But regarding Lightroom CC, if Adobe thinks that I will agree to nudes of my muses sitting in their cloud when not even Equifax can avoid getting hacked, they are smoking dope. I will give up the benefits of their file management system and go to Capture One in a heartbeat.
@WestEndFoto The security aspect is a very good concern especially when shooting nudes or other sensitive subjects. The last one anyone wants a client photo leaked when you promised privacy.
My concerns with switching to another platform are:
1) What happens to all my edits I have done in Lightroom? I don't keep jpg of the finish edits, I just export them, upload them and delete them. There is no need to keep three of the same file, that is one of the major advantages I see of lightroom. (btw way, Lightroom CC doesn't have snapshot ability that I can find, that is a major fail for my workflow)
2) I use the library function. It is nice to be able to preview all my RAW photos and organize them in albums. Going away from using a library will be a tough thing for me.
Living in Greenland I am lucky if my upload to the internet approaches 2Mbps, and currently I would have to upload 510GB, and that's just the RAW files for 2017 that I have in my Lightroom Catalog.
There are the legal complications, the privacy concerns, and not least, the technical challenges.
Besides that, it is actually pretty lame to use... Kind of like Photos on a Mac.
If you use GPU acceleration, make sure you graphics drivers are up to date.
Had issues with Nvidia drivers when I upgraded to Win10 when the free upgrade was available, and Win8.x was never an option. This time upgrade went fine, but I had planned to make a BTS video not use all afternoon upgrading system...
This really doesn't affect my use of Lightroom as I don't use that for video, but others might?
Nice speed improvement indeed:)
The good news is that the app is much faster, even without GPU acceleration.
Put simply, is this CC update a good idea - I'm using a W10 PC?
If you are concerned, make a backup of the current version to an external drive and revert if needed.
No reason to stay with the older version if you are licensed to the new versions anyway.
Lightroom classic updates your catalog to a new version, so when you keep the old version you have to work with 2 catalogs, before starting anything, make a backup from your original (old) catalog, you need this one anyway for working with the old (2015CC) version. You can't reverse the new LR classic version to the old format and the 2015CC version is not in your subscription anymore, after upgrade without keeping it
I threw myself backwards in the future and upgraded to LR classic, it works good from the beginning. The best thing is in the local adjustments, masking luminance or colour possibility, everything works the same.
Lightroom CC works like Lightroom mobile, you still can synchronize your COLLECTIONS with your phone or tablet via your LR cloud, where you get 20gb space from Adobe, but these "smart previews" don't take space from those 20gb.
Don't make the mistake to transfer your catalog in Lightroom CC !!!!!
If you do by accident, you can go back, but loose your keywords (and hope for the best, I think).
That's all good to know Ton, thanks man.