Exposure bracketing details?

mhedgesmhedges Posts: 2,952Member
Does anyone fully understand how the exposure bracketing option in Nikon DSLR’s works? Does it take exposure compensation into account? And is there an easy way to “reset” the loop if you get off sync or decide after taking the first exposure that there’s no need to do the other two?

Honestly I wish there was a way to take all three exposures automatically, with only one press of the shutter button, but it doesn’t seem like that is the case.


  • WestEndFotoWestEndFoto Posts: 3,745Member
    mhedges said:

    Does anyone fully understand how the exposure bracketing option in Nikon DSLR’s works? Does it take exposure compensation into account? And is there an easy way to “reset” the loop if you get off sync or decide after taking the first exposure that there’s no need to do the other two?

    Honestly I wish there was a way to take all three exposures automatically, with only one press of the shutter button, but it doesn’t seem like that is the case.

    What kind of camera do you have? I have a D800 and D850 and routinely use that.
  • mhedgesmhedges Posts: 2,952Member
  • tc88tc88 Posts: 537Member
    Yes. It's on top of exposure compensation. So if your compensation is +0.3, and bracketing is -/+0.7, then you have -0.3/0.3/1.

    To reset the order, you just cancel it. On D5500, you probably need to go through the menu. On the more expensive cameras with 2 dials, there is usually a bracket button and you press it and turn the dial to cancel and re-select the bracketing option which is very quick.

    To take multiple shots together, you can use interval meter say 1x3 and it will take 1 set of 3 pictures. Hands free too. If you hand hold, use the continuous mode and keep your finger on the shutter button, it will take as many as you keep the button pressed.
  • mhedgesmhedges Posts: 2,952Member
    Thanks but apparently the D5500 can’t do exposure bracketing while the interval timer is in use. That’s what the manual says and I just confirmed it. Guess you have to step up to the 7000 series to get that functionality.
  • spraynprayspraynpray Posts: 6,545Moderator
    I haven't had a D5500, but if I set my mode dial to self timer(D7000,7100,750), it takes the number of images I have set with one press of the shutter button. Try it..
    Always learning.
  • mhedgesmhedges Posts: 2,952Member
    Yeah I tried. It will take the number of exposures I set it to but there is no bracketing. The interval timer is grayed out if bracketing is on.
  • spraynprayspraynpray Posts: 6,545Moderator
    No, not interval timer, self timer.
    Always learning.
  • mhedgesmhedges Posts: 2,952Member
    Ah. Well I just tried that and same story. It will take multiple exposures if bracketing is off. But only one if bracketing is on, even if you have it set to take more. Looks like this just ain’t meant to be.

    On the plus side I found a setting which extends the delay time before it stops responding to the IR remote. That was driving me nuts.
  • WestEndFotoWestEndFoto Posts: 3,745Member
    I programmed one of my F buttons on my D800 and D850 so that when I select “S” and held down the F button, it takes a burst equal to the bracket. Maybe that will work on yours?
  • WestEndFotoWestEndFoto Posts: 3,745Member
    It does take exposure compensation into account on mine.
  • HankBHankB Posts: 222Member
    In the digital age, it is oh so easy to figure out exactly what YOUR model camera does in any situation with any combination of settings. Take test shots; write down settings if necessary; read exif data on the test shots; if exif isn't enough you can evaluate test shots on computer or large screen pad.

    Also, in the spirit of RTFM, load the manuals onto your mobile device for future access in the field.
  • mhedgesmhedges Posts: 2,952Member
    edited February 2018
    HankB said:

    Also, in the spirit of RTFM, load the manuals onto your mobile device for future access in the field.

    Already done thanks
    Post edited by mhedges on
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