What's With Nikon and GPS for D8x0 Cameras

fpilotfpilot Posts: 1Member
I am just about to get a Nikon D850 and want a GPS to go with it. I need to get the GPS within the next couple of months. Are there any suggestions about what is happening with the Nikon GP-1/GP-1A's? Are they still making them or is there something new in the pipeline?

Or, do I go with a GPS from Aokatec or Promote Systems or DawnTech or someone else? Any comments would be appreciated.


  • PistnbrokePistnbroke Posts: 2,445Member
    I use a Genisis .. just plug in to each of my cameras to set the clocks for editing in lighroom when using multiple cameras. Usually set the clock to 2016 then I can see it click over to the right time. about $40
  • NukeNuke Posts: 64Member
    edited May 2018
    I have both the Promote and Columbus nGPS units. I prefer the Promote because it turns off when the camera sleeps. The Columbus is handy because it comes with a remote shutter release that is usable with the GPS connected.

    The two units I have do not provide direction or tracking info. Some of the aftermarket units do. What are your requirements?

    I also think the Nikon GPS units are over priced and provide no more then the aftermarket units.
    Post edited by Nuke on
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