After finishing a photoshoot, I noticed I needed a little wider than my D500 paired with the 24-70 can offer. So the simple question is: D850 or 14-24mm?
Without the 1.5x crop factor of the D500, I could get what I need at 24mm FX. But at half the price of a D850, I can complete my trinity with the 14-24mm and use that instead.
So between the D850 and the 14-24mm, which would you choose?
Also, if you think you can stitch, I think you could also push back a wide angle lens purchase.
To me a photoshoot implies a commercial job ...a D5 is not the beast for 24mm not enough POI ..more for sports action with a longer lens.
In truth we don't know enough about what the poster is trying to photograph.
My rule has been to only buy FX glass from this point on. I have a few DX lenses but they seem to pale in comparison in sharpness and color. Not that DX is terrible, but I rather save the money for nicer glass then spending it on DX lenses. I currently own 50mm f/1.8, 24-70 f/2.8, 70-200 f/2.8, and 200-500 f/5.6 so I have the range to support an FX camera. I do have the 18-140mm for DX but rarely use it now.
Why D850 vs another FX camera? The D850 will give me the best bang for the buck. Higher MP, FX sensor, exact same controls as the D500, XQD (which I already own the cards)...I just see that duo (D850 and D500) as my sweet spot.
There are filters available for the 14-24mm. Check Lee Filters site. Now I did purchase the 100mm filters so if I purchase the 14-24, I would need to pick up the 150mm system.
My thoughts on the MP debate: it does and doesn't matter. Unless you get clients that know the difference in images, then it doesn't matter. The clients I will be aiming for will not know the difference. Now, this doesn't mean I wouldn't like the higher MP of the D850 but I don't see that as I have to have it just because I am doing a photoshoot.
I was leaning towards waiting for a D850 (need to save up the capital) and hopefully getting a deal like a free grip. From what I read here, seems like that would be a better option. On my next shoot, I will bring the 18-140mm, and that will tell me if a 24mm on a D850 would be wide enough for what I want to shoot (18 x 1.5 = 27mm).
Sigma 70-200/2.8, 105/2.8
Nikon 50/1.4G, 18-200, 80-400G
1 10-30, 30-110
16 mp did perfectly sharp 16" X 24" prints for me OK.
I have a large capital outlay so if you want or need that type of quality the client as to pay for it.