I took a road trip last week. I tossed my old d3200 under the seat of my truck and took random shots out the window with it as I traveled. Here is one.
I saw this sitting in the weeds on my drive to the beach and I had to take a couple pics. The lighting wasn't very good (overcast) but I did the best I could with my meager editing skills to make the sky look somewhat interesting.
Here's another shot from the Nikon d3200 I now leave under the seat of my truck. I took a road trip and grabbed this shot by just holding it out the window and shooing.
D810 & 24-70mm f/2.8G @ 70mm 1/60s @ f/6.3 ISO 1000 + SB800.
D810 & 24-70mm f/2.8G @ 28mm 1/125s @ f/6.3 ISO 1600 + SB800.
D810 & 24-70mm f/2.8G @ 58mm 1/200s @ f/6.3 ISO 1250 + SB800.