Easy Lens Changing



  • Capt_SpauldingCapt_Spaulding Posts: 758Member
    An impressive adaptation. It is scary, though. Even for an OF that does own most of the equipment he talks about. I did notice that early in the demo KK advises to always keep the body pointed down and then doesn't do it. He does keep it from pointing up, though. Fortunately, I don't have need to do quick changes. As clutzy as my aging hands are becoming, it's a good thing. Yes, Martha, a very good thing.

  • PistnbrokePistnbroke Posts: 2,451Member
    If anyone is into 4/3 you can get two extension tubes for £10 on ebay and glue them back to back ..better if you got a lathe/mill but easily doable without ..post to me if you in UK
  • HankBHankB Posts: 222Member

    If anyone is into 4/3 you can get two extension tubes for £10 on ebay and glue them back to back ..better if you got a lathe/mill but easily doable without ..post to me if you in UK

    Glue joints, especially on non-porous materials like metal, are subject to sudden failure. Would be better if you can use some form of fastener
  • spraynprayspraynpray Posts: 6,545Moderator
    Epoxy has an excellent tensile strength, it's only shear that isn't so good. So long as it is properly cleaned and keyed, all should be good.
    Always learning.
  • KnockKnockKnockKnock Posts: 401Member
    Clarification required. That’s not me in the video! Just something I found. But I do the technique with my small primes and zooms. DX ya know ;-)
    D7100, D60, 35mm f/1.8 DX, 50mm f/1.4, 18-105mm DX, 18-55mm VR II, Sony RX-100 ii
  • PistnbrokePistnbroke Posts: 2,451Member
    Yes spray so true..I did drill some holes in each part so the poxy can go through and make a "rivet". The Nikon version is threaded together only the 4/3 was poxy .
    Sorry Knock Knock but you did go to the effort to find it ...I was surprised a LR member would post something out of focus..ha ha
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