Release mode - Z7

churinchurin Posts: 51Member
Presently it is set for Continuous L. I am unable to change this release mode. For example, I want to change it to Single frame.
The manual says "Press and hold the release mode button(located below MENU button) and rotate the main command dial", but nothing happens.


  • BVSBVS Posts: 440Member
    Just press the button (don't hold) and you'll see the various release modes appear on the screen. Scroll the rear dial to change the mode. If you're on continuous L there will also be a secondary list of fps above the L (1,2,3,4,5). Use the front dial to cycle those.
    D7100, 85 1.8G, 50 1.8G, 35 1.8G DX, Tokina 12-28 F4, 18-140, 55-200 VR DX
  • churinchurin Posts: 51Member
    I used to be able to change mode by momentarily press the button and rotate the main command dial, but that no longer works or nothing happens by rotating the dial.
  • churinchurin Posts: 51Member
    I reset Custom Settings and Release Mode came back to top fifth position on i display. From there I could change release mode option.

    Still instructions in pp83 of the manual does not work. Maybe this is a separate issue?
  • PistnbrokePistnbroke Posts: 2,445Member
    edited August 2019
    So what you are saying is that you saved the settings in U? and not until you came out of it could you change the setting...Good . P83 is correct for all modes other than User setting
    Post edited by Pistnbroke on
  • churinchurin Posts: 51Member
    I did Reset All Settigs. Still no go.
    Now I found the Main Command Dial is dead. It cannot do anything by rotating.
  • BVSBVS Posts: 440Member
    Very strange. I would contact Nikon and see what they say.
    D7100, 85 1.8G, 50 1.8G, 35 1.8G DX, Tokina 12-28 F4, 18-140, 55-200 VR DX
  • churinchurin Posts: 51Member
    Nikon customer support told me that the Mail Command Dial is not working.
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