Hi, I am thinking about breaking down and actually trying to learn about the meetering and focusing systems on my Z7. In the past, I avoinded the details and just used spot focusing and meetering. I got away with my blind-approach for a few generations of Nikons. Now, I think I might be willing to try to seperate them and study -- a little. So my question is where do I go to study this stuff? I have Hogan's manual, but I find I can only read a few thousand pages a day. (That was a joke, but you get the message.)
Robert M. Poston: D4, D810, V3, 14-24 F2.8, 24-70 f2.8, 70-200 f2.8, 80-400, 105 macro.
On the metering front, I'll use spot metering in cases where I'm trying channel some zone system zen or the dynamic range in the scene is insanely wide. The rest of the time I usually let matrix metering The sad thing is, with the dynamic range these cameras have and the capabilities of image processing software, most times I just shoot and find my zone 5 (or whatever I'm looking for) center in post.
I got a lot out of Steve Perry's e-books on the Nikon AF and Exposure systems. They're written for the DSLRs but I'm told that most of the concepts and some of the settings translate to the Z body pretty well.