Z 70-200 with Z teleconverters

MrFotoFoolMrFotoFool Posts: 353Member
I currently use 70-200 f2.8E (F mount) sometimes paired with 1.4x iii teleconverter. I tried the 2x but it was not sharp enough.

The Nikon USA website claims that in Z mount either teleconverter can be used with NO LOSS of resolution. This sounds too good to be true. Does anyone have experience using Z 70-200 with Z 2x teleconverter?


  • photobunnyphotobunny Posts: 657Member
    On the 1.4x there is no loss. On the 2x the lens feels a little slower to focus and there is a wee bit less contrast. Ricki on Youtube does some great comparisons.
  • MrFotoFoolMrFotoFool Posts: 353Member
  • MrFotoFoolMrFotoFool Posts: 353Member
    Good tip on the Youtube reviews (btw it is Ricci, not Ricki). I just watched his first video linked below and will watch the second one later. He confirms my experienece with the F mount teleconverters - 1.4x is useful but 2x is too soft. However he says the new Z mount teleconverters are the first ones he has seen where he would be comfortable using the 2x. Here are the links:

  • DaveyJDaveyJ Posts: 1,090Member
    I have the new Z S 100-400 lens and eventually will acquire a 1.4 teleconverter. That lens is amazing on the Z 6 II and eventually I will be able to get a Z 9. I see absolutely NO reason to get the 70-200 F 2.8 Z lens. The 200-500 F 5.6 F Mount lens is quite good with the FTZ Adapter but I prefer that on my D7500 and stick to the Z Lens on Z cameras. I briefly tried the Nikon Z 70-200 F 2.8 and the 2X teleconverter and gave up on it immediately after seeing a few images, this was on my Z 6 II.
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