No plates yet for Z9

As of this post (Jan 18, 2022) no one is yet making L brackets (or even bottom brackets) to mount a Z9 on an Arca-Swiss style tripod. (Or so I think - if someone has a source please post below). Nikon is already shipping the camera but people can't use it with their tripod? Both Kirk and Really Right Stuff just have place holders showing that they plan to make them. They don't even have a picture or price yet (they both show a picture of the camera but no plate). This in spite of the fact that Thom Hogan posted exactly one month ago that both companies make them (perhaps he didn't bother to check the links he provides?). The only thing I see currently available is a SmallRig cage for video setup (horizontal mounting only). Considering the immense popularity of this camera I hope RRS jumps on the ball soon. (What is concerning is that someone posted a question on their page a month ago asking when it would be available and they haven't even bothered to answer that person's question).


  • mhedgesmhedges Posts: 2,944Member
    edited January 2022
    My guess is they need to have a camera in hand so they can measure it to ensure their parts fit. And of course that's not so easy to do right now.

    One can always use a generic arca swiss plate in the meantime right? Meaning just a plain flat plate?
    Post edited by mhedges on
  • WestEndFotoWestEndFoto Posts: 3,745Member
    edited January 2022
    Yes, they need to have a camera in hand. I have RRS L brackets for both of my Z7ii bodies plus grips. They took about two months after launch to make them and I ordered them as soon as I was able.
    Post edited by WestEndFoto on
  • MrFotoFoolMrFotoFool Posts: 353Member
    Apparently SmallRig makes an L plate. My brother ordered one that is in transit. (He showed me a screen grab and it is indeed an L plate and not the video cage I had seen from them).
  • PistnbrokePistnbroke Posts: 2,447Member
    see todays blog $58
  • ZemlinPhotoZemlinPhoto Posts: 2Member
    I have the SmallRig L-Bracket. Not as stout as an RRS or KIRK, but at $60 it's a good deal. RRS wants $270 for their Z9 bracket, which is nuts. Their "MODULAR" designs means they can use smaller material blanks and have less machining time to make the parts, but they are charging more than the brackets they machined out of solid block.
  • IanGIanG Posts: 108Member
    I also have the SMALLRIG L- Plate (3714) - I'm not prepared to pay stupid prices from RRS for essentially the same thing. I have a number of accessories manufactured by SMALLRIG and I really can't say that robustness is a problem - they all do their intended job, for a much more reasonable price.

    Here in France AMAZON have a SMALLRIG 'shop' and as far as I can tell most is shipped (initially) from Germany so no taxes etc. and the shipping is almost immediate.
    Cameras, lenses and stuff. (I actually met someone once who had touched a real Leica lens cloth.)
  • DenverShooterDenverShooter Posts: 416Member
    My RRS Z9 plate is the "typical" RRS product. Immaculate in fit, finish and function. I have never regretted buying an RRS product.
  • MrFotoFoolMrFotoFool Posts: 353Member
    My L plate for my Nikon D850 and my lens tripod feet are all from Really Right Stuff. It is expensive but it is precision built and made entirely in USA. Some of us are willing to pay for that. I understand everyone likes to save money, so I have no complaints with people going with SamllRig or other brands. To me $270 is a reasonable investment for a one-time purchase that goes on a $5,500 camera.
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