Greetings folks. This might just be a shout in the dark to help me sort some things out in my head. But definitely open to outside opinions.
So right now I have the Z8, Z9, and Zf. The Zf is often called my 'fun camera' as I take a MF lens like a 40mm f/1.2 with me. Though that lens is only good at about f/4.0 onwards I'd say and still doesn't quite meet the Nikon Z 50mm f/1.8.
My Z8 and Z9 mostly use the 24-70, 70-200, 100-400, 400, 600 PF, and 800 PF. And very rarely I'll use the 50mm f/1.8 on the Z8 as it doesn't quite feel right.
Now comes the tricky part. I've preordered the Zeiss Otus 50mm f/1.4 which looks a lot better than the Nikon f/1.8 and the third party 40mm f/1.2 I have. But I could also just trade in my Zf, 50mm f/1.8, and the 40mm f/1.2 for a 50mm f/1.2 S and that means I'd no longer be running 'two systems'.
f it also helps I am autistic and potentially non attentive ADHD. The Zf is often my tactile camera. But it does not serve my primary photography. I mostly take the Z8/Z9 to jobs, wildlife, landscapes. And my Zf if when I have one or more of my 14 nieces and nephews and we go on a day out where it is a more intimate camera with spectrum attention grabbing dials and buttons and it is all very tactile.
Maybe not particularly helpful, but I'm right now considering upgrading my cell phone for a better camera to do informal photography. Come to the conclusion in my use cases any "photo gear" is just not intimate, or convenient.