Ok Just for a bit of Fun It's your lucky day you won the lottery , So what camera would you buy now, seeing money means nothing anymore.
I will start the ball rolling
Linhof Technika Techno Body
Schneider AB Digitat 24 F 5.6 SES Lens
PhaseOne 1Q 80 Megapixel Digital back
That should blow a few dollars
Camera, Lens and Tripod and a few other Bits
Leica 35mm f/1.4 Summilux-M
and (only if I won the lottery - while they're in reach now, the upgrade isn't worth it for me)
and when/if they happen
That'd be my walk around system and my working system in a nutshell. Plus accessories.
It's funny, I'd have had a much longer list back when I was getting started, but knowing now how, what and where I shoot, this'd be it.
... And no time to use them.
50 1.4
85 1.4
70-200 vr2
^^ im the practical dreamer.
since i won the lottery i wouldnt care about processing costs, and i would probably hire a servant to develop it for me
I have what I wanted. In fact, I could go out and get my 300 2.8, right now but I'm waiting for a good deal to come along.
Not that I need those as I'm fortunate enough to own a D600 + AF-S 50mm f/1.8G and 105mm f/2.8G VR Micro. (And AF-S 35mm f/1.8G, But I don't like the distortion it seems to have on FX.)
The AF-S 85mm f/1.8G will be added soon. (And maybe an AF-S 70-300 VR or 70-200 f/4 VR (+Nikon TC14E II)
-Pair of D4's
-Most of the FX lens line and the 800mm. Make it two 800's.
-Buy B&H Photo.
-Actually spend the time and money and make a real adapter for Mamiya CS lenses to be accetped by a Nikon F mount w/auto aperture!
He told my sister a year later that he wishes he had left the thing laying on the sidewalk where he found it.
Inasmuch as I'm the only person (other than this fellow) who I'm aware of that has never bought a lottery ticket in my entire life........I'm positive that it will never happen again. So I guess I'll just have to keep "struggling along" with my little 300s; (may even learn to take beautiful pictures with it someday)
"I could go out and get my 300 2.8, right now but I'm waiting for a good deal to come along."
LOL.....I cannot remember a "good deal" on any of the big pro lenses... More, LOL
Just go get it now so you can enjoy it in the spring months.....
Oh, I would probably go along with the OP, along with building a studio and hiring a crew to carry the equipment.
D3 • D750 • 14-24mm f2.8 • 35mm f1.4A • PC-E 45mm f2.8 • 50mm f1.8G • AF-D 85mm f1.4 • ZF.2 100mm f2 • 200mm f2 VR2
Cheers...and happy dreaming "P
- N800/5.6
- N600/4 or N400/2.8
- N200-400/4
- N200/2
- N14-24
- all zeiss primes
and will spend the rest of money on traveling
At some point I hope to be able to heat my house with my computers. Might get a little loud though, and drafty.
Maybe that sigma 200-500mm f/2.8, well, just because I could.
Also a Leica to replace my everyday P&S with style.
Went from SONY DCS-T200 to D800 with 16-35 f4, 50 F1,4, 70-200 F2,8 plus several accessories all at once.
I was dreaming for a DSLR for ever waiting for the "right one" (and to gather the money of course) and I believe I got it right.
Now hope that the dream will last for ever too.
Only $151K
Funny....but what were those gray things? LOL
Leica 35mm f/1.4 Summilux-M
Leica 50mm f/1.4 ASPH Summilux-M
Leica 50mm f/1.0 Noct
Nikkor 200mm f/2
Nikkor 200-400vr f/4
all the 1.4s
Alpa system with focal plane shutter, nikon adapter, the whole shebang plus an additional TC one for travel.
D3 • D750 • 14-24mm f2.8 • 35mm f1.4A • PC-E 45mm f2.8 • 50mm f1.8G • AF-D 85mm f1.4 • ZF.2 100mm f2 • 200mm f2 VR2
I always play black :-)