The reason they were in the back with the big guns was so they could get the crowd in the picture. They're also shooting at eye level which gives them more options in their shot.
When shooting an event like that the media wants the event shot, not just the person. More crowd in the shot, happier the media is. Same goes for the person you're shooting, they too want interaction in the shot with the crowd.
Spoken like someone who's actually spent a good amount of time shooting events. :]
I readily admit to having way more camera than I use, but then my D7000 wasn't nearly enough of a camera for what I wanted to do. I only take the D4 out/to an event if it is something I want to shoot and/or practice/learn. So, does that make me a poser because I have all this great equipment and I'm not a "pro"? :-/ Clown me when you see me shooting if you like, I have a D4 (that I have zero idea how to put into program mode) and that's what matters to me [/jokes]
Interesting Subject, Could that also apply to members who put a list of what they own at the bottom of their editorial. or is that just been informative
It is always interesting to know what folks are shooting. And, one can sometimes learn a lot from this, as in one person might have more wide lenses, one more long lenses, one primes, others just zooms.
And, then there are some who are the posers....
I find it best to not assume I know anything about another from the signature. I know there are those who could fill the page with equipment lists. Yet, there is sometimes no correlation of equipment with results.
If truthful, my equipment is far more capable than I am.
@paulr - at least I was making a joke, your comment comes across not so lightly. If you meant it in jest, try adding something to let us know that. Every forum I have ever belonged to/participated in, whether it was automotive, bmx bikes, photography, etc., folks put what they run in their sig. As Msmoto says, it is helpful. I find it most helpful in PAD when the poster doesn't list settings at least I can see what they likely used to make the shot.
I'm with Tommie, my equipment is far more capable than I. Of course, with technology, most cameras are more capable than their owners in some aspect.
Sometimes "looking the part" does have benefits, even when you're are not "the part". By carrying "the right" equipment, I have managed to walk near Jimmy Carter during his inaugural parade in D.C., managing to walk onto the White House grounds with him before being challenged, and have had a front row seat at a supposedly secured press conference with Morris Udall (I was never challenged or check at that one), among other ventures. At the time, I had no press credentials and was not a "professional" photographer. I was simply a college student and photo hobbyist. Looking the part does open doors (or opportunities).
@Warprints: That was funny. Probably an example of when one of the forums proposed T-shirts with 'I belong to NR - I don't need no frickin' press pass' would not have helped. :P
Awesome, warprints! I would, no doubt, be the guy they spot from 50 yards away and tackle before I even get close enough that's my kind of luck. @warprints is the polar opposite, in terms of equipment, of the guy that shows up for a paid job with an iPhone. LOL. I can't say that my gear has ever gotten me anywhere I shouldn't have been (though I wish it would)
D3 • D750 • 14-24mm f2.8 • 35mm f1.4A • PC-E 45mm f2.8 • 50mm f1.8G • AF-D 85mm f1.4 • ZF.2 100mm f2 • 200mm f2 VR2
It is always interesting to know what folks are shooting. And, one can sometimes learn a lot from this, as in one person might have more wide lenses, one more long lenses, one primes, others just zooms.
And, then there are some who are the posers....
I find it best to not assume I know anything about another from the signature. I know there are those who could fill the page with equipment lists. Yet, there is sometimes no correlation of equipment with results.
If truthful, my equipment is far more capable than I am.
I'm with Tommie, my equipment is far more capable than I. Of course, with technology, most cameras are more capable than their owners in some aspect.