So I broke the wallet today and ordered a refurbished D800. I currently have a D50. What I'm worried about is my lens holding back the camera. Do you guys think the picture quality won't be too good with my current lens or will I see a major difference from the D50.
Here's the lens that work fine on my FM10 and should work on my D800:
Nikkor 35-80mm Lens
Quantaray 24mm F2.8 Prime lens
Tamron 28-200mm Model A03S
I also have the 35mm Nikon F1.8 and the 18-55mm(I haven't used this one in months) but those two are DX lens.
Later I want to invest into the Tokina 16-28 or something real wide that brings out the quality of the D800 and and all in one telephoto (up to 300mm+) zoom lens but this is what I have to work with thus far.
D800, D50, M18XR2, i7 870, 16GB, TITAN
There are other threads as well, you can search "D800 lenses"
So, you will already get better images than with your D50. Not only does it offer more megapixels (higher resolution = more detail) but the dynamic range of the sensor is also better (so more highlight and shadow recovery options).
The reason why a lot of people chose to put the best lenses on the D800 is because it will also show the weakness of a lens more clearly.
But even then you will still get more data out of your image so it will be sharper and better when viewed at the same size.
(One small remark: DX uses only the central portion of an FX lens. Normally this central portion is the sharpest.)
So, I would definitely give your existing lenses a try. You probably already like the results.
I would also suggest that you read a lot of lens reviews before you by a new lens / upgrade your lenses.
There are a lot of very good lenses out there (Nikkor 12-24 f2.8, Nikkor 24-70 f2.8, Nikkor 70-200 f2.8 and f4, a lot of Nikkor primes,…) but this added quality comes at a price. The best lenses are expensive.
So look at what you have and see if it’s good enough before you decide to upgrade.
Finally… The D800 is a very demanding camera on the photographer when you want optimal results. It’s perfectly fine to use it hand held or to shoot at 800 ISO. But when you want the best possible image that you can get you’ll need to put it on a tripod, use a timer and shoot at ISO 100. You’ll see the difference when you “pixel peep”.
Of course this is only relevant if you print on large posters (which you can do with the D800’s resolution). At this size you’ll start to see the difference when you look closely at the poster.
When shooting for facebook resolution it doesn’t matter in the least.
Enjoy your D800 and feel free to ask if you have any questions.
(And feel free to post images
Edit: Actually found a good used lens as I was looking for a lens myself. Hope this doesn't entice anger from Admin. Harmless gesture
@John, Thank you so much for the detailed post! That helps a lot. I already had seen better images with the D7000/D7100 with my current lens setup but the D7000 had backfocusing issues (my d50's pictures were even sharper) and my D7100's autofocus failed after a week. (Tried everything from resetting the camera, changing af modes etc.) So I ended up returning them and decided to go full frame [Really like the full frame picture]. I was just worried since the D800 is a full frame camera and this would be my first digital full frame camera. Oh, and I'll post comparison shots when I get the camera! (7-10 business days =/ )
@birdman Thanks! That 50mm is the same price as my 35mm F1.8 DX lens. Would my 35mm work fine? I don't get any vignetting on the FM10 but maybe on the D800 the corners would be soft.
The new 80-400 totally outclasses it.
Regards ... H
Nikon N90s, F100, F, lots of Leica M digital and film stuff.
I also have the 85mm f/1.8 G; the new 24-85; a Tamron 70-300; and an older Tokina 19-35 I picked up on clearance for $150. Out of this group, the lenses that really take advantage of the camera are the 85, and the 24-85. IMHO
Being a photographer is a lot like being a Christian: Some people look at you funny but do not see the amazing beauty all around them - heartyfisher.
You will be astonished at the difference from your D50. I have an IR converted D50 and I just don't use it anymore due to the lack of quality vs the D800. (Well ok, I still use it here and there, but not much at all.)
The 50mm 1.4G is the best but not much over the 1.8G.
You will be able to use your 35mm DX lens, it does vienette but is actually not as bad as one would think and is quite good considering the price.
DxOMark shows the two 50mm lenses to be almost identical on a crop sensor body (D300). The G gets a slight edge, yet the D has slightly less CA, distortion, and vignetting.
I doubt if one could really tell the difference. Same conclusion with the D3s. If they are the same price...the G. But, if there is a marked difference in price, the D being less...I would get it.
@ssj92 there are a ton of comparisons between the 50mm 1.8D and 1.8G out there. Read a few and look at the comparison images. While reading them I felt the most important difference was that the 1.8G had significantly smoother bokeh. Both are sharp. Best of luck!
These are direct JPEG files from the cameras. I only resized them. I shot them in aperture priority. (Settings were nearly identical)
I must say I really like the extra view of full frame.
I've decided to go with the 50mm F1.8G but last I checked, they seem out of stock on Amazon, B&H and Adorama.
I noticed with Active D-Lighting off the picture color seems to be better. Do you guys keep it on Auto or Off? I love being able to switch to Adobe RGB colorspace, looks amazing on an RGB panel.
I know that anyone who has followed me or read much of my posts here on NR will see a very common theme with me and older lenses on the D800. I have personally shot with a 55mm f/1.2 built around '67 with some excellent pictures produced on both my D800 and D7000(smaller cmos pixel size). The fun thing about this copy is that it had wicked bad fungus when I originally got the lens so much so that some of the forward element's coatings were etched. After a heavy cleaning and popping a good multicoated filter on the front of the lens it shoots fine. I also have a '72 24mm f/2.8 hand me down from my dad that I have had excellent luck with on both the D800 and the D7000.
I also shoot with a lot of the older AF and AF-D glass with great results on my D800 and D7000 and I do use a pretty fair amount of MF shooting since I have a lot of great MF glass.
I should probably wrap this up before I ramble too much more. Long and short of it is old glass/new glass doesn't seem to make much of a difference as long as you know the weaknesses/strengths of the copy of the lens you have you can get excellent results.