What are you giving/getting for Christmas. If the sharpness fairy visits, what would you really like

sevencrossingsevencrossing Posts: 2,800Member
edited November 2014 in Nikon DSLR cameras

Thanks for the info @sevencrossing..
Suppose I'd better get the cheque book out then and get out there and buy me a D750.. :D :D
Christmas is comin' early for me.. methinks.. :D :D

Santa's been and gone for me! :P
Post edited by sevencrossing on


  • ThomasHortonThomasHorton Posts: 323Member
    RU? :-/
    Gear: Camera obscura with an optical device which transmits and refracts light.
  • cbgcbg Posts: 127Member
    RU - "modern" shorthand for Are You
  • ThomasHortonThomasHorton Posts: 323Member
    Yeah, I guess there is a limit to the length of the title of threads. LoL
    Gear: Camera obscura with an optical device which transmits and refracts light.
  • heartyfisherheartyfisher Posts: 3,192Member
    counting my tamron 24-70 as xmas present !
    Moments of Light - D610 D7K S5pro 70-200f4 18-200 150f2.8 12-24 18-70 35-70f2.8 : C&C very welcome!
    Being a photographer is a lot like being a Christian: Some people look at you funny but do not see the amazing beauty all around them - heartyfisher.

  • donaldejosedonaldejose Posts: 3,887Member
    Wants in general: a Nikon 750 (for video and high ISO and low to ground or above head shots) and a Nikon 810 (for ISO 64 and quite shutter with low light capability to shoot during performances). Wants for sharpness: I just bought a Sigma 50mm f1.4 Art at the NR $95 off price. I have not been shooting any sports for the last two years. If I expected to shoot sports in the near future I would want a used D4 for less than half its original price or a D400 (if one comes out for less than $2,000 with good specs) combined with a Sigma 18-35 f1.8.
  • sevencrossingsevencrossing Posts: 2,800Member
    edited November 2014
    Yeah, I guess there is a limit to the length of the title of threads. LoL
    I have edited the title to avoid it

    Post edited by sevencrossing on
  • spraynprayspraynpray Posts: 6,545Moderator
    So is @sevencrossing the sharpness fairy?
    Always learning.
  • bald_eaglebald_eagle Posts: 104Member
    spraynpray said:
    So is @sevencrossing the sharpness fairy?
    Just in case he is - we should get our orders in at the usual shops, before he does (to satisfy everyone's wishes) and Nikon sells out of all those 24-70 2.8, 70-200 2.8 VRII lenses, D810's and D750's, etc... and rocking horse manure becomes easier to obtain than those lovely sharp Sigma Art lenses. ;) ;) :D :D

    Baldy ;)

  • PhotobugPhotobug Posts: 5,751Member
    For Christmas the wife does take care of low end photo accessories but for the really good stuff, it comes out of my pocket.

    Since my BDay is the end of the month, I plan to buy the D750, 24-70mm F28 lens, Vello glass screen protector, and a SanDisk fast (95MB) 32GB memory card. The instant rebate ends tomorrow at midnight so I need to go order everything today. I also need to sell a 17-55 2.8 DX lens in order to pay for an RRS "L" bracket, lens case, and a few other odds and ends.

    Any other photo accessory for Christmas would be terrific.
    D750 & D7100 | 24-70 F2.8 G AF-S ED, 70-200 F2.8 AF VR, TC-14E III, TC-1.7EII, 35 F2 AF D, 50mm F1.8G, 105mm G AF-S VR | Backup & Wife's Gear: D5500 & Sony HX50V | 18-140 AF-S ED VR DX, 55-300 AF-S G VR DX |
    |SB-800, Amaran Halo LED Ring light | MB-D16 grip| Gitzo GT3541 + RRS BH-55LR, Gitzo GM2942 + Sirui L-10 | RRS gear | Lowepro, ThinkTank, & Hoodman gear | BosStrap | Vello Freewave Plus wireless Remote, Leica Lens Cleaning Cloth |
  • HipShotHipShot Posts: 528Member
    I'm going for a Macbook Pro 15" before the end of the year. Although not in photography, I'm self-employed, and the tax deduction will take a small bite out of the expense pain. Trying to decide which graphics level to go with.
  • BabaGanoushBabaGanoush Posts: 252Member
    We don't celebrate Christmas, but around the start of the New Year I will probably order the RRS carbon-fiber tripod I've been planning to buy for a year now. Something that looks like the setup Golf once pictured would bring a warm feeling to my tummy.
  • Golf007sdGolf007sd Posts: 2,840Moderator
    @BabaGanoush: It is going to a Jolly good year for you :P
    D4 & D7000 | Nikon Holy Trinity Set + 105 2.8 Mico + 200 F2 VR II | 300 2.8G VR II, 10.5 Fish-eye, 24 & 50 1.4G, 35 & 85 1.8G, 18-200 3.5-5.6 VR I SB-400 & 700 | TC 1.4E III, 1.7 & 2.0E III, 1.7 | Sigma 35 & 50 1.4 DG HSM | RRS Ballhead & Tripods Gear | Gitzo Monopod | Lowepro Gear | HDR via Promote Control System |
  • kanuckkanuck Posts: 1,300Member
    Just one of: Faster computer, used Leica M9 body, used Nikon D3s, Nikon D750 or Sony A7s. Not sure which to pull the trigger on but I will know soon and let the sharpness fairy know :D
  • NSXTypeRNSXTypeR Posts: 2,293Member
    Christmas came way early for me, I got the D7000 around February right after I got back from Hong Kong last year. I don't think I will be getting anything this year. I pretty much have everything I need...

    Oh, and I bought my cousin's Sony RX100 for $200. So there's that too. I was planning on getting it for my dad, but he hates used stuff so if he doesn't want it... I'll have it.

    If I had a Sharpness Fairy, I think I might get a D7100 and a Sigma 18-35 1.8. One can always dream. :D
    Nikon D7000/ Nikon D40/ Nikon FM2/ 18-135 AF-S/ 35mm 1.8 AF-S/ 105mm Macro AF-S/ 50mm 1.2 AI-S
  • PB_PMPB_PM Posts: 4,494Member
    Nothing fancy this year. Picked up a used AF 24mm F2.8, so I guess that could count as a Christmas gift to myself. Didn't have much in the budget this year for camera gear, but I don't really feel the need for much anyway.
    If I take a good photo it's not my camera's fault.
  • spraynprayspraynpray Posts: 6,545Moderator
    Oh all right then, I'll have a 20mm f1.8... :D
    Always learning.
  • SymphoticSymphotic Posts: 711Member
    maybe an X100T.
    Jack Roberts
    "Discovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what nobody else has thought"--Albert Szent-Gyorgy
  • retreadretread Posts: 574Member
    Working on getting my granddaughter an entry level DSLR to start so she can share my lenses. We will have great fun.
  • jjb930jjb930 Posts: 80Member
    edited November 2014
    I was originally hoping for a TVC-33 tripod with BH55 ballhead, but that is just simply out of my price range (and probably my needs). I also have a Tamron 24-70mm on my long-term wish list, but that will probably be 6 months at least.

    I am hoping for a decent carbon fiber upgrade and I think I like this so far:
    Induro Grand Turismo CGT214 8X Carbon Fiber Tripod with BHM2 Ball Head ($570, B&H)

    Also, I really want a macro ring light. I'm thinking of:
    a) Sigma EM-140 DG Macro Ring Flash for Nikon AF ($379, B&H)
    b) Nissin MF18 Macro Flash for Nikon ($439, B&H)

    Any feedback/recommendations regarding the tripod & macro ring lights?

    Post edited by jjb930 on
    Nikon D800 | Tokina 16-28mm f/2.8 | Nikon 50mm f/1.8G | Nikon 85mm f/1.8G | Nikon 105mm f/2.8 VR Macro | Tamron 150-600mm f/ 5-6.3 | Nikon SB700 | Kenko Auto Extension Tube Set | Cactus V6 Transceiver Set | SDMV Speedbox 60 Diffuser | FotoPro T83-C CF Tripod | FotoPro NGC-75 CF Monopod
  • PhotobugPhotobug Posts: 5,751Member
    If you don't need a heavy duty ring light, check out my signature block. Got mine for $45 and so far it's done a terrific job. If your doing a ton of macro work go for the good stuff.
    D750 & D7100 | 24-70 F2.8 G AF-S ED, 70-200 F2.8 AF VR, TC-14E III, TC-1.7EII, 35 F2 AF D, 50mm F1.8G, 105mm G AF-S VR | Backup & Wife's Gear: D5500 & Sony HX50V | 18-140 AF-S ED VR DX, 55-300 AF-S G VR DX |
    |SB-800, Amaran Halo LED Ring light | MB-D16 grip| Gitzo GT3541 + RRS BH-55LR, Gitzo GM2942 + Sirui L-10 | RRS gear | Lowepro, ThinkTank, & Hoodman gear | BosStrap | Vello Freewave Plus wireless Remote, Leica Lens Cleaning Cloth |
  • jjb930jjb930 Posts: 80Member

    Thanks for the recommendation.

    I purchased the Amaran off eBay about a year ago. I found that it was OK for certain situations, but the output was a bit disappointing at other times. I just personally didn't like the LED lighting and the limited features, so I ultimately chose to sell it online after about a month of use. However, I absolutely agree with you, if you want to improve your macro shots without breaking the bank, it is definitely a great inexpensive item.

    That being said, I get much better results with a rigged up SB700 + external flash bracket + 4X6 softbox. Unfortunately, my main complaint is how bulky that setup is. Therefore, I want to get a ring light with actual flash tubes and more lighting features. The Nikon setup is beautiful but too costly. The Sigma & Nissin have fairly good reviews on B&H, so I am considering either, but I need to do more homework on the topic. If anyone on the forum has either of those and has any feedback, it would be greatly appreciated :D
    Nikon D800 | Tokina 16-28mm f/2.8 | Nikon 50mm f/1.8G | Nikon 85mm f/1.8G | Nikon 105mm f/2.8 VR Macro | Tamron 150-600mm f/ 5-6.3 | Nikon SB700 | Kenko Auto Extension Tube Set | Cactus V6 Transceiver Set | SDMV Speedbox 60 Diffuser | FotoPro T83-C CF Tripod | FotoPro NGC-75 CF Monopod
  • PhotobugPhotobug Posts: 5,751Member
    If you don't use the ring light much the Amaran is a good deal. I know two people that have the Nikon set-up and they love the flexibility. But like you said it's very expensive. I watched eBay for about two months and never found a used set-up. I look forward to hearing what others say about the Sigma & Nissin options.
    D750 & D7100 | 24-70 F2.8 G AF-S ED, 70-200 F2.8 AF VR, TC-14E III, TC-1.7EII, 35 F2 AF D, 50mm F1.8G, 105mm G AF-S VR | Backup & Wife's Gear: D5500 & Sony HX50V | 18-140 AF-S ED VR DX, 55-300 AF-S G VR DX |
    |SB-800, Amaran Halo LED Ring light | MB-D16 grip| Gitzo GT3541 + RRS BH-55LR, Gitzo GM2942 + Sirui L-10 | RRS gear | Lowepro, ThinkTank, & Hoodman gear | BosStrap | Vello Freewave Plus wireless Remote, Leica Lens Cleaning Cloth |
  • spraynprayspraynpray Posts: 6,545Moderator
    ...and a 14-24 please...
    Always learning.
  • tcole1983tcole1983 Posts: 981Member
    edited November 2014
    Well I probably won't get anything (photography related). If someone happens to buy me something I wouldn't mind if it was the RRS tripod collar for my 300 F4 or an SB700. I am content with my lenses for now and I like the choice of my new D5200. Of course if someone gave me a D750 I wouldn't be sad either.

    I have been slowly buying parts for a new computer build. Got a couple things so far...750W gold plus PSU and a blu ray player/burner.
    Post edited by tcole1983 on
    D5200, D5000, S31, 18-55 VR, 17-55 F2.8, 35 F1.8G, 105 F2.8 VR, 300 F4 AF-S (Previously owned 18-200 VRI, Tokina 12-24 F4 II)
  • PhotobugPhotobug Posts: 5,751Member
    ...and a 14-24 please...
    Excellent lens and a great present to receive for Christmas. Perhaps Nikon will run a "lens only rebate" next year and you can buy it for less for an early 2015 Christmas present.
    D750 & D7100 | 24-70 F2.8 G AF-S ED, 70-200 F2.8 AF VR, TC-14E III, TC-1.7EII, 35 F2 AF D, 50mm F1.8G, 105mm G AF-S VR | Backup & Wife's Gear: D5500 & Sony HX50V | 18-140 AF-S ED VR DX, 55-300 AF-S G VR DX |
    |SB-800, Amaran Halo LED Ring light | MB-D16 grip| Gitzo GT3541 + RRS BH-55LR, Gitzo GM2942 + Sirui L-10 | RRS gear | Lowepro, ThinkTank, & Hoodman gear | BosStrap | Vello Freewave Plus wireless Remote, Leica Lens Cleaning Cloth |
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