Moments of Light - D610 D7K S5pro 70-200f4 18-200 150f2.8 12-24 18-70 35-70f2.8 : C&C very welcome! Being a photographer is a lot like being a Christian: Some people look at you funny but do not see the amazing beauty all around them - heartyfisher.
My guess...USA price closer to $2,000...... And, this is good for all of us who have an older version....the resale should stay up a little rather than crash.
I have this older lens as well, and seldom -- if ever -- use that FL. It needs a refresh badly though, as the VR is quite antiquated (and uneffective at times). I wished that Nikon would make a 100-400/4.0 VR but the price would be quite high. These variable aperture jobbers are less than ideal. But it keeps prices down.
My guess...USA price closer to $2,000...... And, this is good for all of us who have an older version....the resale should stay up a little rather than crash.
2000 makes more sense than the 2999 .. i am believing it now ..
Moments of Light - D610 D7K S5pro 70-200f4 18-200 150f2.8 12-24 18-70 35-70f2.8 : C&C very welcome! Being a photographer is a lot like being a Christian: Some people look at you funny but do not see the amazing beauty all around them - heartyfisher.
Well I'll be they have finely got something right for once this year - well maybe. Japan's Vat tax is 5% (which I believe is included in the price) puts it around $2,750 - that seems way too high for it unless it is put at a pro level. Even at $2k it would have to perform better than the 70-200vr with a 2x TC - which that is pushing it.
finally AF-S and hopefully Nano coatings... I was waiting for this lens for soooooooooooooo long. hopefully the price gonna be more like $2000 than $3000
Maybe I'm off base but even $2,000-$2,500 for a variable aperture zoom seems on the high side to me. $3000 is bizarre... esp. with the Sigma 120-300 2.8 seemingly getting refreshed every 12-24 mo., and everything but the latest version being under $3K.
I must say I am not looking to get this but after seeing it posted on the blog was I know some people are happy campers now. The price might be a different story but until its listed on Nikons site its a guess, but the reviews might make the price a non factor if its good enough.
For those of you who own the current version of the 80-400mm, how does the image quality of this lens stack up against the 70-200mm f/2.8 VRII coupled with the TC-20EIII teleconverter? At first glance, I thought I might be interested in the new 80-400mm (thinking of it as a sort of Swiss army knife of telephoto lenses), but then I realized that between my FX and DX bodies plus the 70-200mm + the TC-20EIII, both of which I already own, I already have the same reach in focal length with virtually the same maximum aperture. And if the long-wished for D400 is ever released (maybe this summer), I probably could upgrade my D7000 for less than the cost of the new 80-400mm. If some of you expect to buy this lens when it's released, I'd be interested to know your rationale.
I had the old N80-400 and I loved it apart from the lack of AF-S. It was lighter than N70-200/2.8 and also a little bit shorter than N70-200/2.8+TC20. As for the IQ. I would say it was a tack sharp wide open up to 400mm, was it similar to N70+200+TC20... only after the N70-200/2.8 was stopped down to around 6.3 (had the v2 of TC20 and v1 of N70-200/2.8). not to mention that You will be able to put a TC14 on the new 80-400 and get 112-560/f8 lens (168-840/f8 on DX), that's gonna be pretty much a killer lens for it's price.
If some of you expect to buy this lens when it's released, I'd be interested to know your rationale.
I´ll know if I´ll buy after seeing the reviews.. I will be especially interested in the lens sharpness @ 400mm, AF speed compared to the Nikon 70-200 G offerings and the Sony 70-400 G SSM II. And I´ll be comparing it against the Sigma 120-300 (which is an excellent performer) as well. And I´ll be interested in whether this zoom is a sensible construction (which does not get physically longer when zooming) or not. If there is anything I´ll be disappointed in, I´ll pass.
@msmoto - for me the only 2 drawbacks were the lack of AF ovveride and poor colar. apart from that exceptional lens. @godless - please don't compare it with s120-300 as their are in a 2 different weight categories.
As long as the weight is under 3 kilograms, it's mostly irrelevant for me. Although I would not mind if it was a bit lighter.
What matters to me is the image quality and AF speed. The Sigma is a bit on the slow side in the AF department, but the resolution is excellent. I would like to see an optically similar performance from the new 80-400 with a faster AF motor.
@AdamZ: I think it's fair game to compare any two lenses with similar focal lengths at similar price points. Sigma obviously heavier, but I guess that can be written up completely to f/2.8?
it looks cool... but because i do not shoot birds or sports... i'm finding it hard to find value in it... i'm sure there are plenty of people who can justify the price
seriously Nikon? are You sooo stupid that You think ppl will buy this lens for $2700??? w/o tripod collar (another $299.00 or maybe more). This lens could be a best seller if You'll keep around $2k. why do You always have to make the same mistake Nikon and overprice Your products so much at the beginning and only later confront the price with reality.
seriously Nikon? are You sooo stupid that You think ppl will buy this lens for $2700??? w/o tripod collar (anotger $299.00 or maybe more). This lens could be a best seller if You'll keep around $2k. why do You always have to make the same mistake Nikon and overprice Your products so much at the beginning and only later confront the price with reality.
Sucker those with the cash and immediate 'need' with a high price first.
According to DPR it comes with a Tripod Foot. I was a little shocked by the price also. Either way it is way out of my budget... So glad I just ordered my old school 300 F4 for 340 from KEH
Being a photographer is a lot like being a Christian: Some people look at you funny but do not see the amazing beauty all around them - heartyfisher.
Sorry, we don't allow buy and sell on NRF....
Being a photographer is a lot like being a Christian: Some people look at you funny but do not see the amazing beauty all around them - heartyfisher.
Yes, my copy works well....I have never understood the issues folks raise about this lens.
@godless - please don't compare it with s120-300 as their are in a 2 different weight categories.
What matters to me is the image quality and AF speed. The Sigma is a bit on the slow side in the AF department, but the resolution is excellent. I would like to see an optically similar performance from the new 80-400 with a faster AF motor.
D3 • D750 • 14-24mm f2.8 • 35mm f1.4A • PC-E 45mm f2.8 • 50mm f1.8G • AF-D 85mm f1.4 • ZF.2 100mm f2 • 200mm f2 VR2
Lower price and sell to the rest of us later.
... And no time to use them.