I've been in need of a second body for some time. I've been using a D3s as my main and a D2hs as my 2nd but I just don't get the quality I want from the old D2hs. I've been waiting for a D400 for years like most of you but am getting an itch to get it replaced soon. My choices are D3, D3s, D3x, or a D800. I can get a D3 for about what I would expect a D400 to be priced new. Being I was wanting to get a bit more reach from my 400 2.8 I might step it up to the D3x or the D800. Another D3s is really not needed, a used D3x is cheaper.
I have seen some 40 x 60 inch images from a D3x that were beyond good.
I'm also getting tired of waiting for the D400, but I want to stick with DX. I figure I can sell the D300s when the D400 finally arrives. Yeah, I'll take a hit, but stil get out cheaper than a D800.
All these great comments about the D800. But what about the slow number of frames per second and you shoot some wild life and a some birding? 4 FPS is slow when you look at what the D300 does.
D750 & D7100 | 24-70 F2.8 G AF-S ED, 70-200 F2.8 AF VR, TC-14E III, TC-1.7EII, 35 F2 AF D, 50mm F1.8G, 105mm G AF-S VR | Backup & Wife's Gear: D5500 & Sony HX50V | 18-140 AF-S ED VR DX, 55-300 AF-S G VR DX | |SB-800, Amaran Halo LED Ring light | MB-D16 grip| Gitzo GT3541 + RRS BH-55LR, Gitzo GM2942 + Sirui L-10 | RRS gear | Lowepro, ThinkTank, & Hoodman gear | BosStrap | Vello Freewave Plus wireless Remote, Leica Lens Cleaning Cloth |
“To photograph is to hold one’s breath, when all faculties converge to capture fleeting reality. It’s at that precise moment that mastering an image becomes a great physical and intellectual joy.” - Bresson
I got a used D3x not long ago - the picture quality is amazing. The controls of the D3x are virtually identical to the D3s which would make it completely intuitive to swap between bodies. D3x also uses the same battery as the D3s which would be very handy, especially if you travel.
The D800 is a great camera as long as you have a pc that is up to scratch - 36mp files may slow your workflow considerably otherwise.
But really both will take amazing shots, plenty of extremely happy D800 users out there - hard to go wrong either way...
D300s would be useable but I would be looking to replace it in 6 months. I want something that I will use for 5+ years.
The Nikon refurbished store has a sale on everything right now the D800 was $2159 but at the moment it shows out of stock, they do have the D300 for $950 no D300s though.
“Sometimes I arrive just when God's ready to have somone click the shutter.” ― Ansel Adams
I got a used D3x not long ago - the picture quality is amazing. The controls of the D3x are virtually identical to the D3s which would make it completely intuitive to swap between bodies. D3x also uses the same battery as the D3s which would be very handy, especially if you travel.
The D800 is a great camera as long as you have a pc that is up to scratch - 36mp files may slow your workflow considerably otherwise.
But really both will take amazing shots, plenty of extremely happy D800 users out there - hard to go wrong either way...
You sir make a strong case for a D3x, I had not considered the battery or the exact handling issues. I have several extra batteries and also an F6, D3s and D2hs all using compatible batteries and charger. I have a lot too consider.
D800's files are better than the D3x and is almost at the same build quality. The ability to crop with so much detail is amazing.
If you are looking at a D3, A D700 with grip is cheaper and essentially the same thing. I have the grip (D300 is the same) and have been watching the price drops to have one of these as a back up camera.
You sir make a strong case for a D3x, I had not considered the battery or the exact handling issues. I have several extra batteries and also an F6, D3s and D2hs all using compatible batteries and charger. I have a lot too consider.
My brother in law is a wedding photographer, he shoots a D3s for low light and a D3x for portraits etc. Hired a D800 as a possible replacement for the D3x and said that for him the ease of using 2 bodies that were identical and only needing one type of battery for events outweighed the extra megapixels (I was considering a D800 as well). He obviously does a LOT of shooting though and obviously your mileage may vary. He also mentioned the processing time as an issue, but ultimately wasn't the deal breaker.
For me I only have 1 body so the controls weren't an issue. However the cold temp ability and battery capacity of the D3 series was a definite plus. Was shooting in the Tetons in winter with my old body and batteries were only lasting about 30 mins in the cold!
Have you thought of hiring one or both for a day? Shooting them back to back may make it an easier decision...
Launch of P7800 gives a clear guess that there might be a lower model than current DX line up to both D5200 & 3200. Something similar to Canon EOS 100D but with a good EVF which could make it more compact than EOS 100D. Seeing the LV AF performance of the new Sony A3000 , I guess this new compact DSLR will be using same 20MP sensor & the D400 too will be having same 20MP sensor. I don't think Nikon will replace the current line up with EVF as beginners like to use OVF.. The question is how will they implement it ? Translucent technology ??? Any ways if successfully implemented , well have a very small DX camera. But i really wish Nikon just put this 20MP sensor on the P7800. Will wait & See
Wildest guess : if this 20Mp sensor can AF continuous on LV , when used in D400 , it should directly compact with the current Canon 700D or the rumored 7DII
but apart for fps the D800 cannot be faulted
if you are after quality you will not regret a D800, it is gob smacking amazing
|SB-800, Amaran Halo LED Ring light | MB-D16 grip| Gitzo GT3541 + RRS BH-55LR, Gitzo GM2942 + Sirui L-10 | RRS gear | Lowepro, ThinkTank, & Hoodman gear | BosStrap | Vello Freewave Plus wireless Remote, Leica Lens Cleaning Cloth |
The D800 is a great camera as long as you have a pc that is up to scratch - 36mp files may slow your workflow considerably otherwise.
But really both will take amazing shots, plenty of extremely happy D800 users out there - hard to go wrong either way...
― Ansel Adams
You sir make a strong case for a D3x, I had not considered the battery or the exact handling issues. I have several extra batteries and also an F6, D3s and D2hs all using compatible batteries and charger. I have a lot too consider.
If you are looking at a D3, A D700 with grip is cheaper and essentially the same thing. I have the grip (D300 is the same) and have been watching the price drops to have one of these as a back up camera.
For me I only have 1 body so the controls weren't an issue. However the cold temp ability and battery capacity of the D3 series was a definite plus. Was shooting in the Tetons in winter with my old body and batteries were only lasting about 30 mins in the cold!
Have you thought of hiring one or both for a day? Shooting them back to back may make it an easier decision...
1- I'm upping the quality on what I have.
2- The batteries @ charger are the same. Nothing extra to carry.
3- Controls 99.5% the same between bodies.
4- The usability time frame would exceed even a D400 coming out today.
Nothing is perfect except the camera the US government bought and stuck in that Satellite.
what can you get one for, your side of the pond
If you do and it is a choice between new and S/H
I would go for new
Canon EOS 100D but with a good EVF which could make it more compact than EOS 100D. Seeing the LV AF performance of the new Sony A3000 , I guess this new compact DSLR will be using same 20MP sensor & the D400 too will be having same 20MP sensor.