My D3100 that I've had for 18 months is my first DSLR, since then I've become addicted to photography and currently am the photographer for a cat shelter, so my camera is used a lot in not so easy shooting situations. The D3100 struggles. I feel now my skills and understanding have improved dramatically I've out grown the entry level D3100 and am looking to upgrade.
My budget is tight. My question is should I buy a d7000,which looks like everything I would ever need, or wait until it's, supposedly imminent, upgrade? If I wait for the upgrade I will be waiting for quiet a while as the price differences are going to be huge.
My current thoughts are buy the D7000 now as it's a lot of camera for the money but I hate to buy yesterday's technology
Any thoughts on this appreciated.
Google for "reflector mounting bracket"
For like $60 you can get a reflector and a stand to bounce more light directly on your subject.
I shoot, therefore I am.
The D7000 is ready for use, the quiet mode does what it is called and I still love this cam for feeling solid, reliable and performing well.
And for the reflector: I don't know if that's worldwide, but a large piece of white insulating foam (in Germany called "styropor") can be used. If you tape some glossy aluminium foil on one side and leave the other white, this reflector is cheaper than anything. I guess, you can leave it in your "cat studio"?
Would an A3ish piece of card suffice, foil one side, white paper the other. It would be best to try something out first and see if I can make it work in the conditions I shoot in, rather than spending money on more kit I may not use.
And.... HAHA what a joke that is.
Equipment for lighting has basically the purpose to bring own light in when natural light isn't enough, but with a D7000 and it's lowlight abilities you should benefit from such a DIY reflector - even with the D3100.
Next question. Assume I buy the D7000 next month and I have £50 left over to work with (sorry not giving you much to work on!) What second flash could I buy (second hand fine)?