Just got my AF-S 300mm F4D IF-ED back from a repair (mentioned in Photo a day thread), in just over a week. The squeak in the focus motor, that has been intermittent over the last year, must have been more serious than I thought, they replaced the AF-S motor. The lens is only 3 1/2 years old, so I hope this doesn't come up again in another 3-4 years! BTW, repair price? $0!!! So yet, another good report about Nikon Richmond (BC).
That's because you have a 5 year warranty on the lens. Good experience though, especially with the turnaround time.
Yes, it does fall into the 5 years, but the lens had been dropped (damaged and repaired in 2011) which voids the warranty, as far as am aware. Even the the repair note mentioned "damage due to fall/impact", thus as far as I know it should not be a warranty repair. I still find that odd, since I haven't dropped or mishandled the lens since it was repaired in the fall of 2011. To be honest I think they fixed it for free because I mentioned that it wasn't having any issues (even after being dropped) before they fixed the lens. Hard to say, maybe after a paid repair they just continue the original warranty?
As for the turn around time, yes very good! When I had the lens in for repair in 2011 it was gone for four months!
Post edited by PB_PM on
If I take a good photo it's not my camera's fault.
The fall didn't void the warranty, it just wasn't covered. You paid for a repair. When Nikon repairs a lens or camera, it is as good as new and the warranty remains in effect. If you had disassembled the lens, that would void the warranty.
So the rep emailed saying that the camera needs only a sensor cleaning and even though officially cleaning is not covered under 6 months warranty (from a similar cleaning few weeks before), they are offering a free sensor cleaning for a better customer relationship. (For those who might not know the background, the camera was sent for cleaning second time in a month and it was wrongly diagnosed for $230, b2 repair, after my explanation it was changed to cleaning and then again after explaining that the initial cleaning was not "clean enough").
Camera has reached this morning, it's not 100% clean as there is a small black spot, visible on viewfinder, only when i really look for it. I'm yet to check if it turns up on the photo.
If it's visible on the viewfinder it doesn't mean that the sensor is dirty. Note that it was a sensor cleaning, not a camera body cleaning, there's a fine line there.
In case anyone is interested, here's my full timeline to close the loop. 1/14: Shipped UPS Ground from Arizona to the L.A service center. 1/16: UPS shows arrival at Nikon at 9:30am 1/16 at 10am: i can't understand why it isn't on the way back yet! 1/22: I posted here for some succor about not having heard from Nikon yet. 1/23: Received email from Nikon. Status is Estimate with a warranty cost of $0 1/24: Status changed to Estimate Approved 1/25: Status changed to In Shop 1/26: No changes 1/27: A Sunday and even I didn't expect that they'd be working on it. 1/28: Status changed to Bill (but still at $0 as it was warranty work 1/29: Status still says Bill but I got an email from UPS telling me delivery will be tomorrow. I have them hold for pickup. 1/30: Status still says Bill. I don't know who Bill is but he needs to talk to the shipping department as I picked up my camera at UPS. 1/31: Status updated to Ship
The repair paperwork says that they adjusted the autofocus mechanism and checked and cleaned the camera. Also that they did a firmware update. I didn't even know there was one available nor what it might have done.
The problem with my autofocus seems to have been fixed. They changed a few of my stored settings but not all. I am pleased with the overall experience although the website could use a little improvement.
The problem with my autofocus seems to have been fixed. They changed a few of my stored settings but not all. I am pleased with the overall experience although the website could use a little improvement.
Sounds like your experience was pretty much like mine, and we both think the website needs a makeover.
Jack Roberts "Discovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what nobody else has thought"--Albert Szent-Gyorgy
I sent my AF-S 105 f/2.8 Micro-Nikkor to Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles on Friday. The weather seal had come loose., and I couldn't seem to cram it back in. It is a little over a year old, so I put in a copy of the 5 year cert and my receipt. I also asked them to do an inspection and focus check. Today (Thursday) I got notification that the repairs would be done no charge.
Jack Roberts "Discovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what nobody else has thought"--Albert Szent-Gyorgy
Nikon Uk I am an NPS member and had a problem with a D3X, I could not get a courier to collect due to the value of item . Spoke to Nikon Uk and informed them of my problem. They said, don't worry we will collect it. They collected the camera repaired it, recalibrated it, cleaned the sensor and gave it a clean bill of health. All this was done in 3 working days and retuned back to me. with no charge
My guess...NPS means a lot of Nikon Service. The membership requirements are so stringent a professional who does nothing but pro bono work cannot be a member. Only those who actually make money from their photos and have clients who publish works within a specified time period.
But, it is very good to hear from you about an excellent customer care example. Often the good stuff Nikon does simply is not recognized.
Msmoto, From what your saying the NPS seem to vary depending what country you live in . In the Uk I don't think they are so stringent. Although i have been a member for several years and have a good repot with Nikon Uk I have never been asked to prove any articles or supply clients names. Maybe I am too old and just get the sympathy vote,
The 105 f/2.8 is back. 6 working days at Nikon, 1 day transit each way. It works great now and no charge. The lens was out of the 1st year warranty, but was fixed under Nikon's extended warranty.
Maybe if I were NPS it would have been done faster, but I'm not dissatisfied.
Jack Roberts "Discovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what nobody else has thought"--Albert Szent-Gyorgy
i sent in my d800 to repair the top lcd glass, and it cost 150$. they replaced it and put in a new focusing screen, replaced 4 rubber parts and cleaned the sensor.
In the spirit of Symphotic, I figured I'd share a timeline of my experience with the Nikon service center in Los Angeles. I have a D3100 that had a few stubborn spots I could not blow off (I still don't have the stomach to do a wet cleaning, and the fact that I SHOULD learn how to do it is a discussion for another day). I realized the end of this camera's 1-year warranty was approaching fast, so I decided to send it in.
Jan 21: Drop it off at my local UPS facility and use ground service (which is overnight since I live close to L.A.) Jan 22: Per tracking, package arrives at Nikon early in the day. Jan 27: Receive e-mail from Nikon confirming receipt, with a quote of $0 due to warrany (I was holding my breath on that one since the 1 year technically expired on the 22nd, the day UPS says Nikon received it.) Jan 28: Nikon website indicates package shipped, with a tracking number shown. Jan 29: Camera received at home in great condition. Was kinda hoping they'd replaced it with a D610 (OK, just kidding there.)
8 days from my hands to back in my hands, or 6 days if you want to count working days. Same as Symphotic.
My experience of Nikon UK repair service is very positive. I caught the neck strap of my D800 on the corner of a desk while snatching it up to hurry out of the building. Hit the focus ring of my new 24-70 on the edge of the desk and camera fell to the carpet. The lens was too stiff to adjust and body slightly out of focus after though fully funtional and unmarked. After wasting 6 weeks with a local pro shop who offered a free estimate but didn't even get round to looking at it, I found Nikon would insure the return if simply dropped off at a local post office. Everyone was helpful, job done in about 2 weeks at much less cost than I feared. Everything is back to A1 condition. No hestiation in using them again or recommending the service to others.
I agree with you sideways, and like I said before here, based on my experience, Nikon UK Service Centre have been great. Up to now. If you sense a 'but' coming, here it is: I sent my 17-55 in for adjustment and lube two weeks ago and only today has it been marked up as under repair, and the estimated cost was a whopping £178 with the only parts being the rubber grip rings at about a fiver. I think that is a lot - two hours to strip, lube and adjust a lens. One hour seems about right for a zoom, I've watched a prime done in 15 minutes.
Still, if it comes back in the condition that things from them normally do, I'll be happy enough. [-O<
I'm sending a SB-700 for repair tomorrow. It worked one day (a couple hundred flashes). Then a week later (today) is wouldn't work. When I power on I get a thermal overload indicator.
Bummer, as I was completing a job I started last week, and I had to use different lighting, so the photos don't look the same.
Jack Roberts "Discovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what nobody else has thought"--Albert Szent-Gyorgy
I sent my AF-S 105 f/2.8 Micro-Nikkor to Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles on Friday. The weather seal had come loose., and I couldn't seem to cram it back in. It is a little over a year old, so I put in a copy of the 5 year cert and my receipt. I also asked them to do an inspection and focus check. Today (Thursday) I got notification that the repairs would be done no charge.
Interesting to hear that that weather sealing got loose on yours- I've had it since 2011, according to the photos I've taken and I've yet to have anything happen to it yet. Then again it is also my least used lens, in part due to its weight, and also partly because of my laziness...
The 105 2.8 Micro: 2006-2008: Japan. 2010-today: made in China.
Well he could have bought it second hand.
I have the one made in China, but that doesn't really count because I really baby mine. All the photos I've taken with it are literally either in my front yard or my backyard or somewhere in between.
I can't say I'm happy with the fact that the strobe burned out after a couple of hours work. I was using it for fill, but main light is a 910 that has been running flawlessly.
Jack Roberts "Discovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what nobody else has thought"--Albert Szent-Gyorgy
@NSXTypeR: You really need to get your 105 out to more places and shoot with it. It is truly amazing piece of glass that offers lots of flexibility.
Side Note: All my lenses are made in Japan, including my Sigma 35 1.4. Only 50 1.4G is made in China.
Oh yeah, for sure it's a great lens, but I mainly bought it purely for macro work, which I can do a lot of in my backyard or front yard. As a portrait lens I struggle a bit with it because I'm on DX, not on FX so it's fairly long. Plus my 18-135 also has the 105mm focal length.
And also, school started for me so I'm not as free as I used to.
But I do plan on visiting some gardens in the spring to allow me to do more macros.
That's because you have a 5 year warranty on the lens. Good experience though, especially with the turnaround time.
As for the turn around time, yes very good! When I had the lens in for repair in 2011 it was gone for four months!
Camera has reached this morning, it's not 100% clean as there is a small black spot, visible on viewfinder, only when i really look for it. I'm yet to check if it turns up on the photo.
Mmmm, better customer relationship... interesting.
1/14: Shipped UPS Ground from Arizona to the L.A service center.
1/16: UPS shows arrival at Nikon at 9:30am
1/16 at 10am: i can't understand why it isn't on the way back yet!
1/22: I posted here for some succor about not having heard from Nikon yet.
1/23: Received email from Nikon. Status is Estimate with a warranty cost of $0
1/24: Status changed to Estimate Approved
1/25: Status changed to In Shop
1/26: No changes
1/27: A Sunday and even I didn't expect that they'd be working on it.
1/28: Status changed to Bill (but still at $0 as it was warranty work
1/29: Status still says Bill but I got an email from UPS telling me delivery will be tomorrow. I have them hold for pickup.
1/30: Status still says Bill. I don't know who Bill is but he needs to talk to the shipping department as I picked up my camera at UPS.
1/31: Status updated to Ship
The repair paperwork says that they adjusted the autofocus mechanism and checked and cleaned the camera. Also that they did a firmware update. I didn't even know there was one available nor what it might have done.
Here's what it actually said. I wish they provided more detail.
CKD SYSTEM ERROR (would have liked more data about this)
The problem with my autofocus seems to have been fixed. They changed a few of my stored settings but not all. I am pleased with the overall experience although the website could use a little improvement.
"Discovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what nobody else has thought"--Albert Szent-Gyorgy
"Discovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what nobody else has thought"--Albert Szent-Gyorgy
Now Thats What I call 5 Star Service
My guess...NPS means a lot of Nikon Service. The membership requirements are so stringent a professional who does nothing but pro bono work cannot be a member. Only those who actually make money from their photos and have clients who publish works within a specified time period.
But, it is very good to hear from you about an excellent customer care example. Often the good stuff Nikon does simply is not recognized.
For sure....but I have the age thing as well...
Maybe if I were NPS it would have been done faster, but I'm not dissatisfied.
"Discovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what nobody else has thought"--Albert Szent-Gyorgy
Jan 21: Drop it off at my local UPS facility and use ground service (which is overnight since I live close to L.A.)
Jan 22: Per tracking, package arrives at Nikon early in the day.
Jan 27: Receive e-mail from Nikon confirming receipt, with a quote of $0 due to warrany (I was holding my breath on that one since the 1 year technically expired on the 22nd, the day UPS says Nikon received it.)
Jan 28: Nikon website indicates package shipped, with a tracking number shown.
Jan 29: Camera received at home in great condition. Was kinda hoping they'd replaced it with a D610 (OK, just kidding there.)
8 days from my hands to back in my hands, or 6 days if you want to count working days. Same as Symphotic.
After wasting 6 weeks with a local pro shop who offered a free estimate but didn't even get round to looking at it, I found Nikon would insure the return if simply dropped off at a local post office. Everyone was helpful, job done in about 2 weeks at much less cost than I feared. Everything is back to A1 condition. No hestiation in using them again or recommending the service to others.
Still, if it comes back in the condition that things from them normally do, I'll be happy enough. [-O<
Bummer, as I was completing a job I started last week, and I had to use different lighting, so the photos don't look the same.
"Discovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what nobody else has thought"--Albert Szent-Gyorgy
If you don't mind me asking, where was it made?
2006-2008: Japan.
2010-today: made in China.
I have the one made in China, but that doesn't really count because I really baby mine. All the photos I've taken with it are literally either in my front yard or my backyard or somewhere in between.
Side Note: All my lenses are made in Japan, including my Sigma 35 1.4. Only 50 1.4G is made in China.
"Discovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what nobody else has thought"--Albert Szent-Gyorgy
And also, school started for me so I'm not as free as I used to.
But I do plan on visiting some gardens in the spring to allow me to do more macros.