I am for any rule that helps prevent inconsiderate passengers from loading the compartments with, what sometimes appears, to be all of their possessions.
The compartments are there for everyone's use, but far too often people over pack and stuff too much stuff in to the compartments that the doors can hardly close.
Worse, you have those jerks who sit in the back of the plane but put their stuff in the front compartments. I guess it is all about them.
Far too many "I am important" people in the world.
Gear: Camera obscura with an optical device which transmits and refracts light.
While these proposed changes have me worried, my ongoing battle is getting my lighting into 2 50 lb cases. Sometimes it keeps me up at night. I'm going to try getting media rates on my next west coast trip. I've had mixed success with that before.
If I had to check or carry on all the gear I carry while traveling.....yikes. Maybe this is why I pull an Airstream trailer.....
Maybe the Pelican Case 1450 With Foam, 16" x 13" x 6-7/8" exterior will work? If I were to fly....
In their current linup, this seems to be the one, but they are giving up 5" on the length. I'll bet they come out with a new one that is optimized for the new specs, once the dust settles...
ah, thanks @Ironheart, missed that post. Wouldn't have managed to get my hands on a new pelican for my US vacation (Florida) on Monday anyhow. Not always a good thing to live in the middle on nowhere when one wants something fast :-)
D810 | D7100 | Sigma 50mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art |Nikon 70-200mm F2.8 G AF-S VRII ED | Nikon 105mm F2.8 AF-S IF-ED VR II Micro | Sigma 17-50 f/2.8 EX DC OS HSM | Sigma 150-500mm f/5-6.3 DG OS HSM | Coolpix P6000 IR converted | http://gjesdal.org
...and that's why we invented Travel-insurance. And yes, my insurance will cover lost/stolen camera gear. Less than 2 years old, 100% of replacement cost, and then it is a sliding scale.
Just imagine though you fly 24 hours for a once in lifetime visit to Africa on safari annnnnnnnd where is my luggage with all my gear?! Why is my 200-400mm front element smashed?! All the insurance in the world and the magical Nikon fairy won't get you your gear back in time for your shoot. :-w (
I can easily imagine that, as I have tried something similar. I landed safe in Lima, but one of my suitcases did not... Don't know where it went, but I have never seen it since.
In 3 hours I had a new camera (FM2/T) with two lenses (35 and 50mm), and I had a new wardrobe. Really it is not that big a deal. Was it a perfect start to my trip? "No". Was it detrimental to my trip? Also "No".
All my expenses were covered, and I even got an additional allowance from the airline to cover the small stuff.
Of course it sucks, but that is not just true if you loose your camera gear, that is true if you loose any suitcase...
Really? It's instantaneous like that? I always assumed that you might be put up for 1 night in a hotel and then they will keep searching for your luggage, and update you as to when it arrives which could be never. Meanwhile your trip has begun and you are waiting around for your gear if it is lost of damaged. I have a hard time believing that in a country like Africa you would have a new camera in your hands wthin 3 hours or even 3 days. I know travel insurance is clearly the smart choice to have, but for complete piece of mind I will always have my gear in as a carry-on thank you. Only my passport is more valuable to me.
The way most insurances work is that you shell out the money and then you get reimbursed. I was not in Africa (Lima is Peru), and the airline said they couldn't find my suitcase. I was there to take pictures, so I boughht a new camera immidiately. When I got back home and I still didn't have my luggage, I was reimbursed the cost... Had my luggage shown up I am sure I would have happy to see it, but irritated that the full cost of my replacement wouldn't have been covered.
Of course it depends on the insurance, but at least mine gets me 800USD after 8 hours, another 800USD after 16 hours, and full replacement cost after 48 hours. Like I said it is not a perfect situation, but it's not detrimental either....
Okay I see so you still have to basically front the money first and then you get reimbursed afterwards. This is clearly better than nothing although I would never be able to replace some of my gear while on the trip shooting for example Leica gear and expensive lenses such as a 200-400mm VR Nikkor. Most places I have traveled to have very little in terms of camera equipment. I am surprised you were able to locate a replacement camera for your loss while in Lima. Usually the best I can find while abroad are usually D40 or D80 cameras and occasionally banged up old film bodies from the 70s. Forget about lenses unless you are in a developed nation like Singapore. I have probably traveled to over 100 countries now since 1999 and I have always carried my gear on with me except three times when I was sent by "Go Abroad Korea" to shoot in Kunming China, "Groove Magazine" a travelogue of Vladivostok and recently a product shoot for the new electric BMW car launched in Asia in Beijing. I was fully insured, but I tried not to think of losing any gear I remember especially a D4s from a kind co-worker of mine...
Back on topic . . .I have just been to local store and they have the Lowepro Hardside 300 on display and that looks like it fits.
It is quoted on their web site as External Dimensions: 44.7 x 18 x 29.7 cm (17.60 x 7.09 x 11.69 in) - well within the 55cm x 20cm x 35cm (21.5" x 7.5" x 13.5") quoted by IATA.
I may be going on an international flight with Air Canada in May. I checked there website and they are showing a limit if 10kg or 22lbs per carry on.
You may carry on 1 Maximum size 23 cm x 40 cm x 55 cm (9 in x 15.5 in x 21.5 in) Wheels and handles included. 16 cm x 33 cm x 43 cm Maximum weight 10 kg (22 lb) 10 kg (22 lb)
and 1 personal item (6 in x 13 in x 17 in) this equals a standard briefcase size bag Maximum weight 10 kg (22 lb) 10 kg (22 lb)
The weight is fine for a briefcase but my normal backpack would easily exceed that weight.
Has anyone had them weigh their carry-on camera backpacks and found them over weight? Can they be taken onboard with penalty or do they need to be gate checked? What costs if over weight with carry-on?
I have figured out if I use wraps and stuff a briefcase with lenses from the backpack I can carry everything under the weight limit and size limits imposed @ 21 lbs each.
I may be going on an international flight with Air Canada in May. I checked there website and they are showing a limit if 10kg or 22lbs per carry on.
You may carry on 1 Maximum size 23 cm x 40 cm x 55 cm (9 in x 15.5 in x 21.5 in) Wheels and handles included. 16 cm x 33 cm x 43 cm Maximum weight 10 kg (22 lb) 10 kg (22 lb)
and 1 personal item (6 in x 13 in x 17 in) this equals a standard briefcase size bag Maximum weight 10 kg (22 lb) 10 kg (22 lb)
The weight is fine for a briefcase but my normal backpack would easily exceed that weight.
Has anyone had them weigh their carry-on camera backpacks and found them over weight? Can they be taken onboard with penalty or do they need to be gate checked? What costs if over weight with carry-on?
I have figured out if I use wraps and stuff a briefcase with lenses from the backpack I can carry everything under the weight limit and size limits imposed @ 21 lbs each.
10kg limit sucks...
As a Canadian that flies on Air Canada monthly, I can tell you a few things.
They are framing the weight as a safety issue, so if they push it, it will need to get checked.
The first trick, is make sure it is small enough to not motivate anybody to put it in the tray that measures volume. You will likely be OK. I have never had to resort to my strategies below, even though I am ready to use them.
If questioned, explain that there is a fortune in camera gear including lithium ion batteries (which are not permitted in the cargo hold) in your carry-on and you will probably be OK.
I go one step further. I have a Billingham photo vest. All my gear, except the camera, is in the photo vest. If I take the vest out, put it on and sling my D800 with battery grip over my shoulder (as a "personal item") then voila, my 20 kg carry-on is easily under weight. In a jam, my D800 will fit in one of the pockets if they get sticky about that somehow. There was one time that the ticket agent weighed my carry-on. She told me that I would probably have a problem at the gate, but I don't think she was going to enforce it at that point. I explained my "vest strategy". Nobody checked it after that, so even without the vest, I would have been fine.
Have a plan B and C and you will not have to check your gear, even if you have to check your bag. And as long as the bag does not look big, you are probably still fine.
Thanks for the info, I quite sure I can get want to take under those limits. It would have been nice to keep it all in the Two Thinktank cases but I can take the 2nd one in a checked suitcase and fill it with underwear then use it when needed.
I am going through similar process - and would add a few notes based on my observations.
1) things in your pockets don't count towards your carry-on apart from one South Pacific airline that weighs passengers - so the photovest is a good idea.
2) some airlines (e.g. Swiss) will require you to check-in legal carry-on on smaller aircraft as the lockers just are not big enough - so you are not necessarily safe by following the rules.
3) 10Kg weight limit for "safety" is bull - some airlines (e.g. British Airways) have a 23Kg limit and others (e.g. EasyJet) have no limit - and as both airlines fly standard planes they would not be allowed to do this if there was a safety issue.
4) bags that can be stuffed under the seat in front are less likely to attract attention as it is space in the overhead bins that is more limited - but get some knee defenders in case the guy in front is selfish.
I am currently considering the Think Tank Airport Accelerator.
The compartments are there for everyone's use, but far too often people over pack and stuff too much stuff in to the compartments that the doors can hardly close.
Worse, you have those jerks who sit in the back of the plane but put their stuff in the front compartments. I guess it is all about them.
Far too many "I am important" people in the world.
This DIY solution isn't cutting it anymore :-)
Wouldn't have managed to get my hands on a new pelican for my US vacation (Florida) on Monday anyhow. Not always a good thing to live in the middle on nowhere when one wants something fast :-)
In 3 hours I had a new camera (FM2/T) with two lenses (35 and 50mm), and I had a new wardrobe. Really it is not that big a deal. Was it a perfect start to my trip? "No". Was it detrimental to my trip? Also "No".
All my expenses were covered, and I even got an additional allowance from the airline to cover the small stuff.
Of course it sucks, but that is not just true if you loose your camera gear, that is true if you loose any suitcase...
Of course it depends on the insurance, but at least mine gets me 800USD after 8 hours, another 800USD after 16 hours, and full replacement cost after 48 hours. Like I said it is not a perfect situation, but it's not detrimental either....
It is quoted on their web site as External Dimensions: 44.7 x 18 x 29.7 cm (17.60 x 7.09 x 11.69 in) - well within the 55cm x 20cm x 35cm (21.5" x 7.5" x 13.5") quoted by IATA.
You may carry on 1
Maximum size
23 cm x 40 cm x 55 cm
(9 in x 15.5 in x 21.5 in)
Wheels and handles included. 16 cm x 33 cm x 43 cm
Maximum weight
10 kg (22 lb) 10 kg (22 lb)
and 1 personal item
(6 in x 13 in x 17 in) this equals a standard briefcase size bag
Maximum weight
10 kg (22 lb) 10 kg (22 lb)
The weight is fine for a briefcase but my normal backpack would easily exceed that weight.
Has anyone had them weigh their carry-on camera backpacks and found them over weight? Can they be taken onboard with penalty or do they need to be gate checked? What costs if over weight with carry-on?
I have figured out if I use wraps and stuff a briefcase with lenses from the backpack I can carry everything under the weight limit and size limits imposed @ 21 lbs each.
10kg limit sucks...
Nikon N90s, F100, F, lots of Leica M digital and film stuff.
They are framing the weight as a safety issue, so if they push it, it will need to get checked.
The first trick, is make sure it is small enough to not motivate anybody to put it in the tray that measures volume. You will likely be OK. I have never had to resort to my strategies below, even though I am ready to use them.
If questioned, explain that there is a fortune in camera gear including lithium ion batteries (which are not permitted in the cargo hold) in your carry-on and you will probably be OK.
I go one step further. I have a Billingham photo vest. All my gear, except the camera, is in the photo vest. If I take the vest out, put it on and sling my D800 with battery grip over my shoulder (as a "personal item") then voila, my 20 kg carry-on is easily under weight. In a jam, my D800 will fit in one of the pockets if they get sticky about that somehow. There was one time that the ticket agent weighed my carry-on. She told me that I would probably have a problem at the gate, but I don't think she was going to enforce it at that point. I explained my "vest strategy". Nobody checked it after that, so even without the vest, I would have been fine.
Have a plan B and C and you will not have to check your gear, even if you have to check your bag. And as long as the bag does not look big, you are probably still fine.
1) things in your pockets don't count towards your carry-on apart from one South Pacific airline that weighs passengers - so the photovest is a good idea.
2) some airlines (e.g. Swiss) will require you to check-in legal carry-on on smaller aircraft as the lockers just are not big enough - so you are not necessarily safe by following the rules.
3) 10Kg weight limit for "safety" is bull - some airlines (e.g. British Airways) have a 23Kg limit and others (e.g. EasyJet) have no limit - and as both airlines fly standard planes they would not be allowed to do this if there was a safety issue.
4) bags that can be stuffed under the seat in front are less likely to attract attention as it is space in the overhead bins that is more limited - but get some knee defenders in case the guy in front is selfish.
I am currently considering the Think Tank Airport Accelerator.