I always try to say to myself "If the person was in front of me, would I say that?"
Too often keyboard warriors, without the benefit of personal face to face interaction, can say inappropriate things. A moderation can (hopefully) nip it in the bud.
I admit life has sidetracked my photography much less joining in forum conversations, this includes other forums one of which I am a moderator on. Site traffic has been down there as well. I think forums are kinda like going to a gas station. At some point you might be the only one there but other times it seems everyone went at the same time. I would say lack of new products does factor in some but as a rumors site there is always something to talk about, of course sometimes beaten to death more than the dinasour. I realize for me the only thing I need to do is go out a shoot pictures and struggle to get better with post production. I personally feel I have just as good equipment as the "pros" but someone that knows how to use an iPhone could get better results. Besides taking classes, joining a local club, or just trial and error I am doomed to be stuck where I am at. Knowing this and then not having the time to do it is disappointing. I might have posted one or two pictures to the PAD the entire year. I have other photo sites I visit but come here for some of the more down to earth evaluations of gear or technology. I also like that people can appreciate others work and give inspiration/motivation to keep it up. My main reason for looking browsing today was looking for what apps have helped your photography and looking for a good lighting trigger (seeing only one or two reviews on B&H doesn't give me a really good feeling on a product).
About moderating a forum, it can be rough. Some people are way more sensitive than others. Some statements are not taken the way they were meant or the poster did not transmit the message they meant to (I am guilty of this). I have heard that 90% of communication is not what is spoken but tone, facial expression and other human factors determine the actual message conveyed. I personally hate seeing personal attacks but enjoy humorous pokes that give a family feel. Unfortunately these are not easily distinguishable online. Just my 3 cents.
Anyone who thinks the moderation here is overly strict wasn't around on the "old" forms! I think the folks who are volunteering are doing a good job, considering that it is something they do in their free time without any compensation!
If I take a good photo it's not my camera's fault.
"Some people are way more sensitive than others. Some statements are not taken the way they were meant or the poster did not transmit the message they meant to (I am guilty of this). I have heard that 90% of communication is not what is spoken but tone, facial expression and other human factors determine the actual message conveyed."
Absolutely, and I would add that the attitude of the reader can change the writers intended meaning too. All things considered, it is amazing we manage to communicate in writing at all!
I don't think the fewer posts has anything to do with moderators here. Not much new going on. Seems like people have gotten busy or at least I have. And this time of the year in the United States is the slowest for me because of the weather and lack of subject matter I usually shoot. Trees are barely, plants are gone. Even though it isn't really cold it is still too cold to enjoy being out taking pictures.
I honestly don't think the Mods here have anything to do with the lack of traffic - seems that the conversation has focused on that - but I think different. As much as I'm not exactly on the cusp of what photography is turning into I do get the feeling that what we're seeing is somewhat of a transition. Look at the "most popular cameras used on Flickr for 2015" and you'll see both Nikon and Canon numbers falling. Apple iPhone numbers are constasntly rising. Samsung and Sony mirrorless numbers are good and steady. I suspect they'll probably rise in the next 2-3 years.
I think that the photographers who are really busy with their hobbies/jobs are probably too occupied to spend too much time here. I also think the younger generations are shooting more with their phones and not even buying this heavy bulky gear and therefore aren't even concerned with the stuff that sparks long discussions here.
Funny thing is that I remember back when NikoDoby, AdamZ, Johnny Apple, would have to delete entire half-pages of text after a discussion had exploded into a ugly gas cloud. It was always fun to read those before they got deleted ..he he...
What I truly regret with this board is that there used to be many, many pages of photos on the PAD Thread every month. That has dwindled down quite significantly. My profession aside, I'm more a visual guy, not so much technical (with photography anyway) so I enjoyed coming daily to see what people are contributing - not so much caring to get into the "best this,that, the other" conversations. Time will only tell if things ramp back up but I don't know ...
I still check regularly but that's because I'm watching the rumors for the new D5 and whatever else Nikon might come up with. That said, I am fed up with all the Nikon haters that post one problem after another but for some crazy reason continue to buy the equipment. Not saying Peter or mods should delete their comments. Unfortunately I just have to wade through them and it seems the level is rising these days. My last sentence will bring the villagers with torches and pitchforks so I'm climbing the tower steps as I type. "It's alive!"
Certainly I can take no blame for anything.....LOL )
I think there are many things we all have interest in, and multiple interests tend to have us drift to other forums, sometimes we just like to have a break. Or brake.... Some of mine is KM4LPO, working on moving up the license chain, and the National Historical Railroad folks....attempting to catch some images of railroad venues in 2016. And, of course EAA and the Oshkosh Fly In.
The idea of NRF as I understand it is to have fun, maybe learn something about our photography, catch the best in reliable news about potential upcoming Nikon stuff on the main blog, and enjoy some great images on PAD.
As I view the forum, I think we have an almost spam free site, something the administration can be proud of. And, we try to keep a positive outlook for the most part.
In any case, I wish everyone a very Happy New Year and thank all for your contributions during the 2015 edition of the Forum.
As I write this we have well over 100 members join so far this month, and I have only banned one spammer. That's progress alright! Happy New Year Folks.
I agree with the above comments, there really isn't much going on, especially with new products already announced. The D5 doesn't count, that's an obvious release, but it's so expensive no one except the real pros or really rich enthusiasts can get one, so there's really no point in talking about it.
As for what Rx4Photo and tcole1983 said about people being busy and all, that's totally true- I'm not a photographer by trade, I'm a professional student. I'm more likely to be without my DSLR than with my DSLR anyway, so I shoot with my phone or maybe the Sony RX100, which I share with my dad (generously, as he's more comfortable with his old Sony point and shoot than the RX100).
On the flip side, I think there might be more members joining just because it is post Christmas and there's a lot of new members with complicated DSLRs they're not familiar with. There's a + and - to that too, as older members may not feel like answering new member questions. Well, if you don't like those questions, don't open up those threads, as you were new at some point too.
Well, Nikon hasn't really done much this year. They changed the filter on the D810 for the "A", they released the D7100B and the 5K something or another. I still check the blog everyday hopeful Nikon will release a D400, although it's more out of habit than anything. I don't chime in much since the switch to Canon, almost as painful as watching Caitlyn Jenner's switch
We could talk about global warming as much of the month of December was 50-60 degrees instead of 30-40 degrees. Probably not much good for my Osprey as they will be one of the first to go extinct due to the acidification in Ocean's that will kill of the food chain for them.
hmm, maybe it's better if I go back to not posting, I sound like a real downer.. Happy New Year everyone!
Well, Nikon hasn't really done much this year. They changed the filter on the D810 for the "A", they released the D7100B and the 5K something or another. I still check the blog everyday hopeful Nikon will release a D400, although it's more out of habit than anything. I don't chime in much since the switch to Canon, almost as painful as watching Caitlyn Jenner's switch
We could talk about global warming as much of the month of December was 50-60 degrees instead of 30-40 degrees. Probably not much good for my Osprey as they will be one of the first to go extinct due to the acidification in Ocean's that will kill of the food chain for them.
hmm, maybe it's better if I go back to not posting, I sound like a real downer.. Happy New Year everyone!
Your ospreys will be fine, they will just move to Canada with the fish. Is your passport up to date?
CQ CQ CQ G6EIF calling .... I only bother with NR now as joining other sites and demonstrating you have knowledge/opinions brings the clique out to attack you..I don't post pictures as on one site photo recognition tech was used to track down my website and attack my facebook pages.....
OMG.....I think this is becoming an amateur radio thread....LOL. We have several folks who are not this, maybe it goes along with photography. As for me, I am about as much a tyro as possible, but will take the General exam in a couple weeks.
I suspect at the Oshkosh Fly In this summer there will be lots of activity on the air, and hopefully I can learn how to capture aircraft as well.
What is nice about NRF is we have no trolls, or at least they do not hang around long.
And, for KT4JZ, G6EIF, and "MQQY2"; KM4LPO, I am clear
Your ospreys will be fine, they will just move to Canada with the fish. Is your passport up to date?
Don't worry, the UN has limited us to a 2° Celsius rise for the entire 21st century ) On a more serious note, this is the calm before the storm. Jan and Feb will be heating up on the rumor front. (See what I did there?)
I always try to say to myself "If the person was in front of me, would I say that?"
Too often keyboard warriors, without the benefit of personal face to face interaction, can say inappropriate things. A moderation can (hopefully) nip it in the bud.
Now how do I get this toaster back together?
About moderating a forum, it can be rough. Some people are way more sensitive than others. Some statements are not taken the way they were meant or the poster did not transmit the message they meant to (I am guilty of this). I have heard that 90% of communication is not what is spoken but tone, facial expression and other human factors determine the actual message conveyed. I personally hate seeing personal attacks but enjoy humorous pokes that give a family feel. Unfortunately these are not easily distinguishable online. Just my 3 cents.
Absolutely, and I would add that the attitude of the reader can change the writers intended meaning too. All things considered, it is amazing we manage to communicate in writing at all!
I think that the photographers who are really busy with their hobbies/jobs are probably too occupied to spend too much time here. I also think the younger generations are shooting more with their phones and not even buying this heavy bulky gear and therefore aren't even concerned with the stuff that sparks long discussions here.
Funny thing is that I remember back when NikoDoby, AdamZ, Johnny Apple, would have to delete entire half-pages of text after a discussion had exploded into a ugly gas cloud. It was always fun to read those before they got deleted ..he he...
What I truly regret with this board is that there used to be many, many pages of photos on the PAD Thread every month. That has dwindled down quite significantly. My profession aside, I'm more a visual guy, not so much technical (with photography anyway) so I enjoyed coming daily to see what people are contributing - not so much caring to get into the "best this,that, the other" conversations. Time will only tell if things ramp back up but I don't know ...
I think there are many things we all have interest in, and multiple interests tend to have us drift to other forums, sometimes we just like to have a break. Or brake.... Some of mine is KM4LPO, working on moving up the license chain, and the National Historical Railroad folks....attempting to catch some images of railroad venues in 2016. And, of course EAA and the Oshkosh Fly In.
The idea of NRF as I understand it is to have fun, maybe learn something about our photography, catch the best in reliable news about potential upcoming Nikon stuff on the main blog, and enjoy some great images on PAD.
As I view the forum, I think we have an almost spam free site, something the administration can be proud of. And, we try to keep a positive outlook for the most part.
In any case, I wish everyone a very Happy New Year and thank all for your contributions during the 2015 edition of the Forum.
As for what Rx4Photo and tcole1983 said about people being busy and all, that's totally true- I'm not a photographer by trade, I'm a professional student.
On the flip side, I think there might be more members joining just because it is post Christmas and there's a lot of new members with complicated DSLRs they're not familiar with. There's a + and - to that too, as older members may not feel like answering new member questions. Well, if you don't like those questions, don't open up those threads, as you were new at some point too.
We could talk about global warming as much of the month of December was 50-60 degrees instead of 30-40 degrees. Probably not much good for my Osprey as they will be one of the first to go extinct due to the acidification in Ocean's that will kill of the food chain for them.
hmm, maybe it's better if I go back to not posting, I sound like a real downer.. Happy New Year everyone!
I suspect at the Oshkosh Fly In this summer there will be lots of activity on the air, and hopefully I can learn how to capture aircraft as well.
What is nice about NRF is we have no trolls, or at least they do not hang around long.
And, for KT4JZ, G6EIF, and "MQQY2"; KM4LPO, I am clear
On a more serious note, this is the calm before the storm. Jan and Feb will be heating up on the rumor front. (See what I did there?)