The other evening we had some friends over for a round of Longmire season five and dinner. During dinner our friends suggested that we take a photo of all of us in our Longmire tee shirts so we could post it to Facebook. Yes, we are totally Longmire dorks!
Anyway, out came the D750 and tripod.
In the C:3 menu I set up a 10 seconds delay, 3 images, and a .5 second interval. I then switched the release mode dial to Self Timer, the mode dial to Auto, framed the shot, pushed the shutter all the way down, and then joined the group for the photos.
Ten, nine, eight,..., two, one, click.
Just one photo. What gives? I thought I could grab a more candid photo if I surprised everyone with the extra shots. But no joy. It took only one photo.
I then rinsed and repeated but this time in full manual thinking Auto maybe doesn't work with the self timer. Same results.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
Page 108 in the manual:
Using the Built-in Flash
Before taking a photograph with the flash in modes that require the flash to be raised manually, press the flash button to raise the flash and wait for the flash indicator to be displayed in the viewfinder (p. 182). Shooting will be interrupted if the flash is raised after the self-timer has started. Note that only one photograph will be taken when the flash fires, regardless of the number of exposures selected for Custom Setting c3 (Self-timer; p. 337).
I don`t have an idea but I like the show. Season 5 ended too soon.
was it set to Manual focus or auto? Off memory it may have been hunting focus and never acquired it and therefor didn't take the photo if you had the settings to acquire focus first before releasing shutter.