Does any one know the XQD 256GB availability? I have checked the usual suspects: adorama & BH. Going on an international trip in May and want to get a higher capacity card for my D500.
@DenverShooter Thanks. That is the cheapest I have seen them for someone that has them in-stock. Amazon has them for $435 + $25 shipping. I am going to try to wait for BH or Adormara to have them in-stock as they are the cheapest.
I am also debating on just getting two 128GB but at the same time I wanted the 256GB for when I may eventually buy the D850.
I had an unusual issue with B&H a couple years back. I ordered the 128 XQD when it came out and they had it on backorder forever. I knew someone at Sony media in those days who kept telling me that they had them in stock. I eventually got B&H on a call with Sony and they sorted out the issue. Something about a wrong PN# in the system. It all worked out in the end. I buy a lot of my "bits and pieces" from B&H. For the Big Stuff its Jody Grober @ Roberts Camera for the last 15 years.
Thanks for the info. I got an "in-stock" alert set. If they don't have them, I will just order another 128GB one...5,200 photos should be good enough for a week in Europe.
I spent 10 days in Germany back in 2012 and even with the torrential downpour (for the whole duration I might add) I racked up almost 10K images. I typically backed up off from the cards to my SSD every night.. You want to have backup.. If your camera gets stolen or dropped in the drink or or or...
@DenverShooter That is a lot of photos. I took a total of 13,000 photos that I have kept last year. But I could see me shooting over the 5,000 mark if I shot something every day. I do plan on taking a 1TB SSD with me. Was just hoping the memory cards could act as the second copy.
As far as my other files, I have everything stored on a Drobo 5D3 using dual drive redundancy. Even with that, I have two more external drives that I copy the changes from the Drobo every week, then store them across town.
I forgot to add: There are two types of people in this world. Those who have lost all of there data and those who will.
I have backups to my backups and one set of those is in a fireproof data safe.
Denver Shooter
Yeah this frightens me. I started a thread on another photography board asking what people do to feel like their images are safe from loss. I just filled up my first SD card, but can't bring myself to erase it for reuse - not enough backups yet.
@mhedges I would say get a redundant drive array to store them and work on the photos, then get external drives to copy the changes to every week for off site backup. That is all you really need. You can also use cloud storage as your off site backup (like dropbox). I found it cheaper to use physical drives and my feet rather than cloud storage.
@spraynpray Kind of related since I was going to use the XQD cards as my backup while traveling with an SSD Maybe that would be a good thread to start though, what is everyone's storage workflow.
@spraynpray Kind of related since I was going to use the XQD cards as my backup while traveling with an SSD Maybe that would be a good thread to start though, what is everyone's storage workflow.
We have had that thread several times :-)
Moments of Light - D610 D7K S5pro 70-200f4 18-200 150f2.8 12-24 18-70 35-70f2.8 : C&C very welcome! Being a photographer is a lot like being a Christian: Some people look at you funny but do not see the amazing beauty all around them - heartyfisher.
Moments of Light - D610 D7K S5pro 70-200f4 18-200 150f2.8 12-24 18-70 35-70f2.8 : C&C very welcome! Being a photographer is a lot like being a Christian: Some people look at you funny but do not see the amazing beauty all around them - heartyfisher.
Those prices though are insane! The 128GB was only $163 when I ordered it with my D500. I will probably go ahead and suck it up and pay the $229 for the 128GB.
More money and slower. XQD cards are actually not that expensive for what they are.
I am not sure that you want a 256GB card anyway. That is a lot of eggs in one basket. I use the 128GB and I seriously considered the 64GB for that reason.
Also, are you comparing apples to apples. Was your $169 card a G series or the old and slower M series?
@WestEndFoto Yep it is a G card. It was $163.50 ordered on March 7th 2017 so just about a year ago. The prices skyrocketed after #1, Lexar stopped making them and #2 the D850 came out.
I don't want to get the 64GB for when I pick up the D850 don't want to be changing cards a lot. 128GB would be a good middle I think. I do wish the camera (both D850 and D500) would either have two SD or two XQD. This SD / XQD is annoying.
Denver Shooter
I am also debating on just getting two 128GB but at the same time I wanted the 256GB for when I may eventually buy the D850.
Good Luck and let us know what you come up with.
Denver Shooter
Good Luck and let us know how it goes.
Denver Shooter
I have backups to my backups and one set of those is in a fireproof data safe.
Denver Shooter
As far as my other files, I have everything stored on a Drobo 5D3 using dual drive redundancy. Even with that, I have two more external drives that I copy the changes from the Drobo every week, then store them across town.
Here is what I use:
Drobo 5D3
Passport 4TB (x2)
Cap't we are drifting off topic!
And I just poked my SAN and I have 6.95 TB of images..
Denver Shooter
@DenverShooter That is a lot of images.
@spraynpray Kind of related since I was going to use the XQD cards as my backup while traveling with an SSD
Being a photographer is a lot like being a Christian: Some people look at you funny but do not see the amazing beauty all around them - heartyfisher.
there are a dozens more if you search the site :-) its an important issue ...
Being a photographer is a lot like being a Christian: Some people look at you funny but do not see the amazing beauty all around them - heartyfisher.
Those prices though are insane! The 128GB was only $163 when I ordered it with my D500. I will probably go ahead and suck it up and pay the $229 for the 128GB.
More money and slower. XQD cards are actually not that expensive for what they are.
I am not sure that you want a 256GB card anyway. That is a lot of eggs in one basket. I use the 128GB and I seriously considered the 64GB for that reason.
Also, are you comparing apples to apples. Was your $169 card a G series or the old and slower M series?
I don't want to get the 64GB for when I pick up the D850 don't want to be changing cards a lot. 128GB would be a good middle I think. I do wish the camera (both D850 and D500) would either have two SD or two XQD. This SD / XQD is annoying.