I’m wondering what the opinions are on this software, as a (free) tool for processing NEF files and doing basic adjustments? I’ve started using it and am generally pleased with what it can do but I don’t really know how it compares with what else is out there.
For only basic adjustments Nikon software is good, but you will soon want to do more.
DxO and Affinity are my favorite alternatives so far. I've never had Adobe PS and do my photoshopping with Corel. This works fine as a RAW processor as well, but this is more the case where you are dealing with few photos and complex edits, such as landscapes or studio.
If you photograph an event with 100's of photos you do need something like Lightroom or DxO (BTW, Corel also does something similar but I don't know it).
If you are new to photo management software please understand that there is a learning curve to using them effectively. It took me a little while to get up to speed with Lightroom but it was great once I figured it out.